This card was clearly made with Kate Winthrop in mind:
- Science trait, so Kate can move a clue to it.
- Allows Kate to hold an extra Tool asset which she can also move a clue to.
- Deals damage, which plays into Kate filling a flex role.
Other seekers won't usually care about dealing damage and may not have the card slots to control how much they succeed by. Kate will usually be running other Science cards that also require succeeding by a certain amount, such as Chemistry Set and Empirical Hypothesis. This adds value to cards like Analysis and Steady-Handed that she would likely already be running.
Cards that provide free investigations like Eon Chart or Testing Sprint will up the odds of triggering it. What's more, the damage dealt can even hit Elite enemies, which is notable since it doesn't require making an attack against a boss enemy that may have Retaliate, high fight value, or some nasty effect.