His static ability affects each investigator in his location (not just the bearer).
Roland’s ability can be used as normal after you defeat this enemy.
"As If": Some card effects allow an investigator to resolve an ability or perform an action as if a certain aspect of the game state were altered, using the text “as if…” to indicate the difference. The indicated ability or action is resolved with the altered game state in mind, but the actual game state remains unchanged.
- This includes all steps of the indicated ability/action, including the paying of its costs, attacks of opportunity (where applicable), and resolving each aspect of its effect.
- Other card abilities or game effects do not resolve with the altered game state in mind; only the indicated ability/action. - FAQ, v.1.7, March 2020
Ennemi. Faiblesse de base
Humanoïde. Détective.
Proie – Détenteur uniquement.
Tant que le Détective Obstiné est dans votre lieu, votre carte Investigateur perd le texte imprimé dans sa boîte de texte (à l'exception des Traits).

Cartes en relation
- Stubborn Detective (Revised Core Set #103)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This isn't so much a review as a short thought about the battle between the literal and metaphorical in the player cards of AH:LCG. So, what do I mean?
Ok, you draw and play a Research Librarian... depending on the setting it's quite believable that you may have stumbled upon him at Miskatonic University and he just so happened to have "that book that you asked for". It's also believable (though less likely) that the same kindly librarian happens to be on the Essex County Express at the same time as you... and he has yet another antique tome with your name on it (what a guy). Equally, we can explain away the bevy of other allies who make appearances in unlikely places as abstraction, rather than a solid physical presence, e.g. we tell ourselves that Madame Labranche hasn't literally just appeared from around the corner in the Eztli ruins of southern Mexico ("Oh, hi there!"), we're merely remembering her advice and her generosity and how it led us to prepare our resources and assets in advance.
... all of which is a long way to say that the thematic possibilities of the Stubborn Detective have made me giggle on numerous occasions. On the one hand he turned up in the Clover Club. Makes sense. On the other hand he literally pursued me to the edge of the universe. Someone give that man a promotion. Really first class police work. Still... he's going to look pretty silly when he tries to get me back to the station for processing. And, no, I really didn't have anything to do with those murders.
I like this card (as much as anyone can "like" a weakness card). It's got a really interesting theme, but at 3 Fight and 2 Health it is more of an annoyance than a serious danger.
Some investigators rely more on their text box traits than others. Here are a few unusual interactions:
- Calvin Wright gets completely shut back down to 0 in every skill.
- Lola Hayes is freed from her role restrictions.
- Preston Fairmont no longer needs to add his resources earned by cards to his Family Inheritance.
- Norman Withers has to turn the top card of his deck back over.
- Diana Stanley loses any bonus she may have had from her cards. (Do the cards stay under her? I would assume so.)
That's just as of The Circle Undone - I am sure there will be more unusual cases going forward as more investigators get added.
Does this card blank out the portion of the text box well? I would think the answer would be yes. If that's the case, what happens when you draw that token? My assumption would be that it would be a 0 in most cases (barring the presence of the The Necronomicon). I don't know if there's an official ruling on it, though.
Anyways, this card pretty cool - that detective must be pretty stubborn to follow the investigators so diligently!
The following is a Question, not a review.
In our 2 player carcosa campaign, this card is part of Lola Hayes deck. If this guy is at Lola Hayess location, does this remove her restriction to only play cards from her current role? After reading related rules it seems yes, but i'd like some other opinions about that.