- Q: If I use One-Two Punch on an enemy with the elusive keyword, and that enemy leaves my location after the first attack, does the rest of the attack resolve? A: Yes. If an investigator uses an ability that allows them to perform sequential attacks against a ready enemy with the elusive keyword, they resolve each of those attacks against that enemy in succession, even if that enemy changes location while the ability resolves. (FAQ 2.3, October 2024)
Esprit. Tactique.
Coût: 2.
Combattre. Vous gagnez +1 pour cette attaque. En cas de réussite, vous avez le droit de combattre à nouveau cet ennemi. Vous gagnez +2 et infligez +1 dégât pour cette nouvelle attaque.

Cartes en relation
- One-Two Punch (5) (Nathaniel Cho #32)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
“Explain it to me again.” Akachi was preparing another Shrivelling blast against an archer, trying to duck and weave while still pushing Randall's wheelchair through the underbrush.
“Because it looks like your brother is only using the knife on defense. That seems ineffective. And the bandolier...it seems complicated.”
“I thought you were all about spirits.”
The shaman sighed, as nearby the boxer defeated a warrior with a patented combination, readying for another.
There are a few interesting things going for this card.
I'll start with the obvious - First, this is a card that effectively condenses 3 damage worth of attacks into a single action. If you're fighting an enemy with low fight but 3 toughness, this is going to help you clear it out in a single action. Obviously, this works best on Nathaniel Cho, who can turn it into a solid 4 damage without any external support. However, 3 damage is still good enough to handle a wide variety of normally irritating creatures.
Second, the effect is an isolated card that gives you a +1 for the first attack, and a +2 for the second. This isn't as large of a boost as something like Spectral Razor or Act of Desperation can give, but most Guardians have respectable to begin with - the +1 is enough for most easier fights, and the +2 can help make up the difference. In general, this will be as reliable as any 0 XP weapon.
Third, this is a Spirit card. The primary benefit means that it's something that you can find via Boxing Gloves, but it also means you'll be able to grab it with Calvin Wright, should you find you want more damage more than you need pure stats.
Finally, it is a Tactic card. The biggest benefit of that means it is available via Stick to the Plan, providing most Guardians with a low-price option if their weapons are not available.
It does have a couple of notable downsides. First, the attacks are broken into two separate fights. This means that you will need two draws from the bag to make that three damage land. You will only boost one part of things with commits or any other effects that boost the next skill check, and this means an additional chance to hit or some other negative token effect. Missing the first check is just as bad as missing any other combat event, though you can still get enough damage if you miss the second. If you were playing it specifically to deal with a 3-HP target, it does mean you can at least make a follow-up attack with a weapon.
Second, it's also a 2-Cost Event. Many Guardians have fairly limited income, and many guardians may prefer to spend their resources on a repeated-use weapon, rather than a one-shot event. Its price might be higher than some like.
Is this going to fit into most Guardian decks? While it's not a bad option on the whole, I suspect it's a little niche to be a top option for most. However, if you're using Boxing Gloves, if your hand slots are otherwise precious, or if you simply have the resources to warrant a bit more to deal 3 damage now and then, it's not a bad pick.
I note that this card does not use the word "Fast" nor use the Fast/Reaction symbols regarding the 2nd fight action. This suggests that this event generates a full 2nd Fight action. Therefore, a couple questions:
- Would playing this count as 2 Fight actions for the purposes of activating Haste?
- Does playing this count and fighting a 2nd time count as 2 actions towards Pay Day?
Asking for a friend.
Great card! Have a question on it though (wasn't sure where exactly I should ask)...
On the second fight (on both the base and upgraded cards), can you add another card with the bold FIGHT option, like "Monster Slayer"?
Just some food for thought:
It's a Dynamite Blast that's costs 3 less. The downside is you have to draw 2 chaos tokens, and can't attack from a location away. Plus side is that you don't take/deal 3 damage to your friends.
To be safe I'd play it in someone with 5 base fight, which is few and far between. Mark and Tony come to mind.
I guess weigh the odds and go from there.
P.s.- Tony gets a free action to engage or fight. If you're already engaged and choose to fight as your extra action, you could do between 4 damage (punch), or 5-9/10 with a weapon- Average w/weapon is 7.5 s Think 7 damage is worth 2 resources? Yes, my friend.
Ok, ok. Sorry. One last cheese.
Tony. Beretta M1918. 5 base, +4 Beretta, +1 vicious blow = 10 Total Fist.
Double, or Nothing... Let's say your average monster has 3/4 Fight. Double is 6/8. I'd feel decent about a 10 vs. 8.
Chaos bag generally has 15 tokens, 5 of which make this attack fail.
So...66% chance of success. Let's just say 70 for giggle. 3 in 4 chance to succeed, almost.
Final damage is 8 as your free action fight. Plus your One-Two punch = 3 damage, for a Final total of 11 damage if the stars align.
11 damage for 2 resources and 1 action. Yes please. Oh, you have 2 actions left btw.
Ps, Ps. Double or nothing One-Two punch at base 5/7 = 6 damage. So it's kinda like a shotgun?
Bang! Bang!
Edit: We all agree that Double or Nothing works with One-Two Punch as being applied to both attacks, as they are both in a single action, yes?
Someone check my math, but yeah.