Quick Getaway

So, here we have a card which gives you basicly "free action" for 2 resource if you can succeed on evade check reliably. Especially if you are playing with Kymani, then you can just ignore your monster and start doing your things, easily evaded the monster and then kill it with ability (And maybe some boost).

Nekron314 · 1
Abandoned and Alone

There are three main changes to Abandoned and Alone -> (Advanced):

  1. 3 horror instead of 2.
  2. Doesn't remove weaknesses from the game.
  3. If nothing is removed, shuffle it into your deck instead of taking horror.

The first is rather obvious in impact, and will usually be the most relevant. The second mostly means you can't cheese away other weaknesses and is bad, but primarily relevant if you're cycling through your deck again.

The third is actually somewhat mixed. With the original Abandoned and Alone, if you had an empty deck you would keep drawing it over and over until you die. Including the horror from drawing from an empty deck, that's 3 horror every turn. Given that it also removes cards from your deck from the game, it could result in an accelerated death spiral. Unlikely, but possible. With this version, if you never have anything to remove, it always shuffles back into your deck with no effect. You'll therefore never draw from an empty deck again, which also means not seeing your other weaknesses again. It will still eat up a draw, though.

Of course, if you have either Wendy's Amulet|(Advanced) in play, all your events will get shuffled back regardless, so you could simply cycle through some number of events over and over, never again drawing any weakness already. And if you hit the original early, you could get away with exiling nothing but weaknesses. This one you can't avoid that way.

Overall, significantly worse, harder to cheese, but you can possibly delay taking the horror indefinitely if you need to (by having nothing your discard pile). The question is: Is that worth being able to play non-top events via the advanced Wendy's Amulet?

EnderA · 1
In my opinion, advanced Wendy's Amulet is really really powerful. — elkeinkrad · 499
Grappling Hook

I am a bit underwhelmed with this card. I have been playing a Kymani Jones deck for the last few sessions and have only once gotten value out of the Grappling Hook as an asset. Action compression does exist, but I feel the 3 resource cost is a bit steep for something that I will likely not use. The investigation with agility is helpful, but lets be honest, we probably have our picks or thieves tools out anyway... I have used the icons on the card though. They line up wonderfully for the evade elimination schtick...

Maybe if it was fast I would be more upbeat on it.

dlikos · 160
Be aware though, that the book symbol will not add to the skill test for the evade elimination schtick. It is still an agility test, so only foot and wild icons match. This is different to passive boosts like on Lola Santiago, where both symbols will add to your skill value. — Susumu · 371
I'm really surprised, I move evade investigate with it all the time, being able to move or investigate without provoking op attacks, pulling enemies around, grabbing them off other people and evading them. I use it almost every turn as kymani if I've got it down — NarkasisBroon · 10
As a solo tool, the engage action is almost always dead, except in the case of aloof enemies, so it basically just caps out at move/evade/investigate, which isn't always practical. But in 2 player or higher, it's ludicrously efficient. — SSW · 213
@SSW ludicrously efficient is a pretty massive exaggeration. I found similar issues as dlikos using Kymani and I always play 4-player. The big issue with me though with Grappling Hook was that it was redundant as I was also running Riot Whistle and Thieves' Kit, which made that aspect of Grappling Hook less necessary. Most the times I didn't see any value in playing it, and even when I did I only got like 1 or 2 uses out of it in the rest of the scenario which is not really worth it considering its cost and the other cards you could put in your handslot instead. — Sylvee · 103
@Susumu... are you sure about the book icon not being included? — dlikos · 160
I now agree with @Susumu... that only makes the card more underwhelming. Sadface. — dlikos · 160
Idol of Xanatos

Ability : well representation of class. spending hand to do something. You will need quite some tutor power to run this card. which is generally stuffs.

Name : Idolising Thanatos, the god of death. seem quite cultism and to me. but yeah, good variety.

Interpretation : wearing a necklace should not physically tank you anything. Just your blind faith toward Xanatos give you confident to lucky dodge some hit and strong mind enough for some horror. Obsidian Bracelet should be the interpreted same way, just my opinion.

The weight of them was reassuring

best card so far BOOBA AWOOGA

Pawley · 30
Why do you need tutor power? It is not a card, you need early in a game. And even, if you would, it is an item (searchable with backpack), and it can be brought back from the graveyard, if you run "Short Supply" (Scavenging, Resourceful, Scrounge, ...) You probably mean general card draw to feed it? Which is also a seeker thing, but tutor means, that you are searching for a specific card. — Susumu · 371
oh sorry and thanks for correcting. I might not be familiar with card game vocab enough. that is exactly what I meant. just anyway to get any card on hand. — Pawley · 30
actual practical play : This card makes "fail into damage" more manageable. you can hold commit card and hope for luck more. eg. If you are on some typical test — Pawley · 30
Soul Sanctification

Healing in Arkham has historically not really had a good track record, and as a whole I try to avoid putting much of it in my deck as I can. This was a card that I thought maybe might actually finally give healing more value, if not as a universal thing then at least for investigators like Carolyn and Vincent. Unfortunately, while I do think the card can be an effective option, it's mostly due to one specific interaction and not because it's an overall valuable card.

First off, this card costs 6 XP. It is a permanent so it's something that will always be in play, but as a reminder Stick to the Plan as well as taboo'd Higher Education and Streetwise also cost 6 XP. You can also get any 2 card combination of Charisma, Relic Hunter, Another Day, Another Dollar, or Studious for that much XP. Soul Sanctification is a sizable investment of XP, so the rewards of the card are going to have to be on the same level as the cards I've listed as well as other options to be "worth it."

The big problem though is that generally speaking, you should be using your healing on investigators and allies that ACTUALLY NEED the healing, rather than investigators that are already close to full. Healing cards that are already perfectly healthy does nothing by itself, and IMO getting a handful of personal Unexpected Courages is really not a significant enough payoff to spend an action healing people over the alternative of healing damaged cards.

The card IMO really is only great if you have a useful effect that can overheal without having to really invest significantly in making it happen. One example of this is Surgical Kit. If you already have full Sanity and don't need to heal damage on the person you're healing, you can use a supply to draw a card and get a Soul Sanctification offering. It's not exactly the most insane payoff ever, but it's a nice option to have.

The other big card, and the one card that I think makes Soul Sanctification worth considering, is Fickle Fortune when you're playing with 3 or especially 4 players. If you find the card in your mulligan in 4 player, it gives you 24 offerings on Soul Sanctification minus one for each trauma (and it insures that every investigator starts with full health unless they're REALLY banged up) which with moderation will easily last you an entire scenario. Not only that, but you also get to trigger Vincent Lee and Carolyn Fern's investigator abilities on every teammate right off the bat. This can be extremely effective, especially if you pair it with Girish Kadakia and can help insure you're +4 on basically every test you care about. The big downsides are firstly that it costs 12 XP. I think it's still worth it in Vincent and Carolyn, but I think it might be too expensive for everyone else unless you're a Survivor with nothing else to spend XP on. The second one is the doom, but IMO this isn't that big a deal firstly because it lets one player have very effective actions all game, so the tempo loss early will be made up for as the game goes on. And secondly, if you draw the second Fickle Fortune you can use it to remove the doom and use your healing to keep your teammates safe which retroactively undoes the doom you added earlier.

One last effect that I didn't mention is that Soul Sanctification makes it so overhealing still counts as healing, which is important for Vincent and Carolyn as it means you can still get your triggers on fully healthy cards. While this by itself might not be worth 6XP, it's a nice QOL boost that can help a bit. However, it doesn't trigger on allies which can be annoying if you got a Girish in play as you can't use him at full health/sanity to get charges.

Overall, I think this card is good in Carolyn and Vincent at higher player counts in combination with Fickle Fortune, and really not anywhere else. As mentioned before this card costs too much XP and is too inefficient to normally trigger for it to be useful outside of its combo with Fickle Fortune. But that combo is powerful enough and has good enough synergies with the healing investigators that I think it's worth considering at higher player counts.

Sylvee · 103
But also notice that the combo with fickle fortune after mulligan means that you loose one round which is significant. In a four player game this means 12 actions and you can't use the offering on other players tests. — Tharzax · 1
On the other hand, you can probably recur fickle fortune and pick the other option (or just end up drawing your other copy) if you're short on time, so it only means Fickle Fortune is giving you at most one extra round rather than two. — Thatwasademo · 58
Even if you recur fickle fortune you loose the round you could get by the first decision. So this combo is the choice between 3 Aktion or 6x +2 on a test per player. I see the sanctification rather in a deck with medical texts and many (Trish) or free (daisy) actions. — Tharzax · 1