Deep Knowledge

I needed to add a review to this card, Do you want to know if this pcard is good? this card is a 0xp non fast Cryptic Research, Save that Xp and buy more powerfull cards like Prophesiae Profana, the best part? 2 copies of this thing will save practically 8xp, the crazy part? can be used by every investigator that has acces to 0 lvl cards, maybe it is an auto-include for Roland Banks because this Directive can make it fast

Mopkiddo · 2
What about the curses? Those can really sting if they cause a fellow investigator to fail a Pilfer or Storm of Spirits test — Nenananas · 258
The chances for that are really slim. A few curses here and there are ok. — Jota · 7
I think this card and Faustian Bargain should both be taboo'd to 1xp. Maybe Promise of Power too. I don't think two curse tokens are anywhere near as big a drawback as the designers thought they would be. — Pseudo Nymh · 61
I'm really sorry to say, but I totally disagree the reason of the review. Cryptic Research is really strong card, and its strength comes from fast. Nowadays, seeker's draw tempo is really fast, due to several draw sources, such as PMP+perception, Empirical Hypothesis, Cryptic Research, Big hand with Serum and so on. To maximize the power of fast drawing tempo, no-action-paid card is more valuable than action-paid card. I think the target to compare is Preposterous Sketches; this card save 2 resources with ignoring clue condition. — elkeinkrad · 497
Cunning Distraction

I severely underestimated what values are inside massive 5 play cost of this "red Dynamite Blast" card until I get to try it in Preston Fairmont I just got in the repackaged The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion. (Which he is guaranteed to be able to play by combining Family Inheritance with Upkeep resource.)

I often play 3~4 players, and its ability roughly equals to "you all now able to do whatever you want". Dynamite Blast would do more harm at the ending state of scenario, and it need 4D chess planning to route enemies or Evade to stagger Hunter movement to group them up, and make sure no players or at least the Seeker are there when you are finally throwing the bomb. Something might not even die if it has 4 health, and someone that need refreshing soaks / Spell / Ally remains unable to do so. You have to craft the situation for Dynamite Blast. On the other hand Cunning Distraction's situation comes much more naturally. Enemies piling up and everyone are engaged with different things that they have no answer to. They wish they could trade enemies on their threat area freely or just move away.

After playing Cunning Distraction, everyone who is already setup can Fight with no friendly fire, no Retaliate. Anyone with middling stats that wants to contribute some punches also no longer have to worry about failing. Anyone who hadn't setup yet or need refresh can play any Asset. You can just walk away from the battle site or continue investigation. If really desperate you can all just repeatedly draw to find more solutions. Many Elite has challenging passive that disappear when not ready.

You can redistribute every non-Prey engagements once they came back from exhaust without awkward AoO to take to Engage one more when you already have one. Evader gets low agility enemy, Fighter gets low fight enemy, Seeker gets none. If there are too many enemies, while they are all exhausted you can team up to drop their HP down to 1 or 2 as opposed to defeating them. When they came back, distribute those with 2 HP left to those who have 2 damage options. Have those that can perform accurate 1 damage fight with commits have enemies with 1 HP left, and so on. The card is unexpectedly more offensive than "This should buy us some time" suggests. And I don't think the effect is just a short respite, the fixed engagement can work wonder for next few rounds to come and prevents snowballing.

Elite enemies often build up minions and problems on board because you are occupied and can no longer deal with them in a timely manner. No Elite restriction on this card is very relevant to how it Evade all enemies. (Elite with ability that only works when ready also likes to have Alert, so auto-success + Elite OK is a pretty good combination.) Often you are taxed more and more to do some required maintenance work, at the same time as slowing working on the boss to finish the scenario with remaining actions. By playing Cunning Distraction you can create a decisive Investigation Phase that could end it all when everyone can just focus down the exhausted Elite with all their actions regardless of their little health / sanity they have left at the end of scenario. (Which would be a problem if friendly fire / Retaliate is active.)

It doesn't change that the play cost is expensive. But I was not in the same mindset about this card compared to when including 1x Dynamite Blast in a Guardian deck which felt much more "swiss knife" and easy to add to the deck. I'll definitely try randomly including 1x of this in some Survivor deck from now on when playing 3~4 players, especially that character can make use of icon.

5argon · 10730
I used to include this frequently in my Survivor decks for the +2 willpower on skill tests but I am not sure if I ever played it as an event. My Survivor decks have always been so lean on resources that they would never accumulate 5 resources. But off class like Preston would be an easy include. Nice combo. — The Lynx · 980
Charlie Kane

I found a little interesting combo. First, for deck creation option choose a survivor. Then, get Leather Coat, 2 Scavenging(2), Joey "The Rat" Vigil(3). Now the old man can get 4 resources per turn, if he's enough good at investigating.

ljo8358 · 3
After you successfully investigate by 2 or more, exhaust Scavenging: — MrGoldbee · 1470
That's why the author said 2 scavenging. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
Ancient Evils

I totally agree this is by far the most unfun card in the whole game. Specially in multiplayer. I'd rather consider something like "Place 1 doom on the current agenda. If this is the first Ancient Evils card revealed this turn, this effect can cause the current agenda to advance." Or even something considering if there are doom tokens or not. This way it would still leave you with the unease that the agenda can accelerate (or inmediately advance if it's only one doom away), but wouldn't allow those unfun nasty combos to take place inmediately (you would have the current turn left).

Jotaknight · 1
That doesn't fix the actual problematic part of Ancient Evils, which is when it combos with otherwise-removable doom such as doom on an Acolyte to advance the agenda without giving you a chance to respond. For example the classic Acolyte into Mysterious Chanting into Ancient Evils advancing you 4 doom early. Drawing two Ancient Evils in a row is not the problem with the card, so I don't really understand your fix. In any case, if Ancient Evils bothers you, I would recommend using Resurgent Evils instead. — Soul_Turtle · 468
I think ancient evils is a good way to balance the game for larger parties a bit (since larger parties tend to make the game significantly easier compared to playing on low player counts). A way to prepare for AE is always to pack cancellation. In 4p it's very likely that someone can run two copies of Ward of Protection (2). This card can cancel AE for any player at any location, provided you have it in hand. Players not teching for the scenario and player count is usually the biggest issue here, not the card itself. — PowLee · 15
I like the Resurgent Evils idea, the problem is that the company is not reediting the Returns in my language and there's nowhere I can get them. I didn't pretend to fix the combo with other doom placing cards, but to balance the power of the card in multiplayer. Most of the threats presented by an encounter card are dealed with a few actions, but placing doom means all players lost an entire turn. Moreover, forcing to have a mystic with those two cards doesn't feel like a solution. Or at least, it takes away the fun for me of really creating a deck and choosing the cards you want. It's not teching for a scenario, but for a card. — Jotaknight · 1

I know I have seen a decklist for this combo but it wasn't mentioned in any of the reviews. Nor did it focus on recycling cards just for skill tests.

Jenny Barnes > Lockpicks > Scavenging > Lucky Cigarette Case (3) > Liquid Courage (1) > Jenny's Twin .45s

Lockpicks is extremely likely to succeed by 2 triggering both LCC and Scavenging. Scavenging continually brings back cards with or . There are other fun ways to build scavenging Jenny but this is a nice straight forward way to boost a lot of skill tests. Especially tests.

The Lynx · 980
Works even better with her replacement signature, which has 2 wild icons. — Soul_Turtle · 468
Yes, it does but I find the replacement weakness a lot more annoying. Especially if I don't set Jenny up for combat which I rarely do now. — The Lynx · 980
Surprised to hear that. I've always hated Searching for Izzie personally, it's just a dreadful weakness. And Green Man's is so great, it's honestly one of the big draws to even play Jenny in my eyes. — Soul_Turtle · 468