- Q: I've got a question about Enchant Weapon. It lets you add the willpower of its owner to the combat value during a fight action on the weapon its attached to and also get +1 damage). I'm wondering if this skill boost also works for weapons that replace the combat value (like Ornate Bow for example). A: No; Enchant Weapon will only add Willpower to Combat for attacks that use Combat value normally. If attached to Ornate Bow, which replaces Combat with Agility when taking a Fight action, Enchanted Weapon does not add Willpower to that skill value. (However, the attack will still deal +1 damage.) (Rules Forum Answer, June 2024)
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Coût: 3. XP: 3.
Attachez cette carte à un soutien Arme contrôlé par un investigateur dans votre lieu. Limite de 1 par soutien.
Le soutien attaché gagne le trait Relique et occupe un emplacement d'arcane en plus de ses autres emplacements.
Quand vous effectuez une action Combattre en utilisant le soutien attaché, inclinez cette carte : ajoutez la du propriétaire de cette carte à votre pour cette attaque. Cette attaque inflige +1 dégât.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
I'm loving this upgrade on Survival Knife (2), which allows you to fight and deal damage as a during the Enemy Phase BEFORE the enemy can damage you. That attack with this upgrade becomes ( + +2) and deals 3 damage (or more with Vicious Blow or Vicious Blow (2)).
Use your last action to move into a location with an enemy (or one location away from an enemy with Hunter) and deal at least 3 damage to that enemy when it attacks, which may kill it before it gets to damage you.
Hey, it looks like Mary's weapon was in fact a 2-piece kit !
I mean since the beginning it was weird for Blessed Blade NOT to have the Relic trait and now it's done. Plus it gives Mary the possibility to have a potential once per turn 3 damages attack almost always successful.
I assume this card will also be helpful for decks with a 2-handed primary weapon which can have simultaneously this primary weapon and a secondary one to deal with Poltergeist, Wraith, ... Now Mark Harrigan can burn all the Wraith he encounters with his Relic Flamethrower with no fear of seeing them raising again due to their haunted effect. Plus once per turn he can perform an attack with a skill of ... 13 !
You can also play it on a Sawed-Off Shotgun used by a rogue (ideally Tony Morgan). The added willpower is only 2 but you can increase that dependant on who played Enchant weapon on the Shotgun (4 - 5 I assume) and you still have the +1 damage.
And last thing I have for now: as you add 2 skills you could as well increase both, right ? For example making your new Relic Reliable or committing Steadfast (if you need Tony to succeed by 6).
One of my favourite new cards, especially useful on high difficulty where test difficulty can get wild.
TL:DR. The straight up 1/turn accuracy boost can be phenomenal and the damage boost is far from shabby.
So, delving into it a bit, 3 cost for a card that is supposed to deal damage, but is'nt actually a usable weapon in of itself, that's steep! There is a lot of opportunity cost here, the two willpower pips make it bearable as a dud because at least it can shield you from treacheries. Also there is the fact that a second copy is, probably, a dud, if you get into the spot where you're equiped with one ecnhanted weapon in each hand youre officially in "win-more" mode.
So, now that I've established that Enchant Weapon is rather bad in vacuum, lets see what good it does. What you get depends on what you've enchanted.
With an inaccurate weapon, .32 Colt or Knuckleduster for example, this thing bridges the gap quite a bit, land the hits, keep moving forward.
With an infinite use weapon like Machete you'll really be able to just keep going and going and going. Commit the Enchant Weapon on your first attack to land one hit, commic a skill card for the second, efficiency!
With a weapon with undependable damage or limited charges, you can nail exactly the damage you need on a case by case basis, killing a 3-health enemy with one .45 Automatic shot, or saving your Enchanted Blade charges against 2 health foes and retaining access to 2 damage hits once the charges run out, or guaranteeing the kill with a Blessed Blade when you're not willing to risk fishing for a . Pump a Lightning Gun to 4 damage and blitz some monsters!
Usually when you're adding to stuff, you'll only want those cards for the characters with literally maximum , but the multifaceted benefits of Enchant Weapon mean that characters with middling can give this card a fair try, a roundly +3 to fight for Roland Banks or Mark Harrigan, a Becky centric Tommy deck will really love it.
Obviously, a higher makes it a little bit better, Sister Mary becomes a reliable hitter with this in play, with card's like Physical Training to back her deck up you can get a rather dependable Mary combat build once set up.
Finally if you're building a straight up support character, an Enchant Weapon can be played for firendly characters too, Carolyn Fern can pack this and use it to pull out a roundly 3 damage hit with a pistol, or play it on behalf of someone else.
All in all, I think Enchant Weapon is going to be a relatively common upgrade among character's henceforth, and once in a blue moon you might encounter a Paralell Agnes Baker doing something weird.
I had no idea how 'enchant weapon' works with Enchanted Bow or other willpower-weapons, so I asked FFG. This is the response I got:
“Enchant Weapon” adds its owner’s willpower value to the attached asset’s combat value for the attack. Because “Enchanted Bow” does not use combat when taking a Fight action, it would not get a bonus to the skill value being used (willpower or agility). It’s worth mentioning that “Enchant Weapon” would at least grant “Enchanted Bow” +1 damage to the attack.
This is not at all what I expected. It seemed like these two would have a really cool synergy, but instead, it turns out it's just a very expensive way to do 1 extra damage.
Does someone know if it is possible to combine this card with "Guts" during a test ? (committing Guts right after exhausting)
Same goes for "Fearless" or even "Say Your Prayers", would be an interesting combo.
How about compiling it with Enchanted Blade?
Does it then take 2 Arcane Slots?
Because that would also be an amazing combo for any guardian that would like to choose exactly how many damages to give...
Would Nathaniel Cho get to add another +1 to this card since it is "damage from an event card"?
So, Nathaniel Cho armed with holy Mk 1 Grenades could do 4 damage... or Nathaniel Cho armed with holy Mk 1 Grenades, with Marksmanship, with Vicious Blow... could do 7 damage to all enemies in the same or connected location?
Seems like a must include.