Keen Eye Leo, Boss Killer (Big Money, Big Actions)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Leo Anderson, Multiplayer for Dunwich 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson (La Ira del Lince) 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson (La Ira del Lince) 0 0 0 2.0
Keen Eye Leo, Boss Killer (Big Money, Big Actions) 0 0 0 1.0
Keen Eye Leo, Boss Killer (Big Money, Big Actions) 0 0 0 2.0
Leo Duo Finn - The Forgotten Age 42 35 2 1.0
Leo Anderson: True Grit 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson: Tryin' to Cover the Bases - CU 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Andersen's Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Andersen's Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day 0 0 0 2.0
Leo Anderson 0 0 0 1.0
Wild Anderson: Story with Finn and Mateo 7 7 4 1.0
Leo Anderson - TDL 0.6 "Final" form 1 1 0 1.0
Wild Anderson: Part 2 Story with Finn and Mateo 0 0 0 2.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 2.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 3.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 4.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 5.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 6.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 7.0
Leo for forgotten age 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson (Carcosa) 0 0 0 8.0
My Second Game 0 0 0 1.0
My Second Game 0 0 0 2.0
The 3 Leo’s. 0 0 0 1.0
Kill Boss by one shot 1 1 0 1.0
Keen Eye Leo, Boss Killer 0 0 0 1.0
Leo - Carcosa V2 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson, The Forgotten Age 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson, The Forgotten Age 1 1 0 2.0
Keen Eye Leo, Boss Killer (Big Money, Big Actions) 0 0 0 1.0
The Adventures of Leo Anderson 1 0 0 1.0
Mola mazo 0 0 0 1.0
Leo Anderson Snake Love 0 0 0 1.0
Keen Eye Leo, Christian & Marteln 0 0 0 1.0

TheBlackHorror · 17334

This deck capitalizes on Leo's unique access to (a) Keen Eye, and (b) Rogue's high resource generation and access to cards that give them additional actions. While this deck works pretty well at level 0, once it gets the first 7xp in upgrades, it becomes a force to be reckoned with. Leo will be able to do power turns with 5, 6, 7, even 8 actions at +3 or +4, a real boss-killer. You don't need 30 experience for this deck to run at full power--it runs on full blast with only 7 experience (Keen Eye, 2x Hot Streak)!

Let's talk about Keen Eye for a moment.


Keen Eye is not the best of stat buffers, especially compared to other permanents, due to the high resource cost. Keen Eye's value is that it lasts until the end of the phase. To maximize your bonuses, you obviously want to attempt the same type of test (Intellect/Combat) for all 3 actions. Keen Eye's value is drastically improved if Leo has more actions. With Leo (Anderson) & Leo De Luca, Keen Eye now allows you to fight or investigate on all 4 actions at an equivalent cost of 1/2 a resource per +1. Spending 4 resources will give Leo a +2 bonus to Fight or Investigate on four subsequent tests, which would cost another investigator 8 resources using something like Physical Training. Now, imagine the value if Leo had 5 actions, or 6--or even 8! But for Keen Eye to be effective, you need a way to generate lots of resources.


Let's face it, Guardians are EXPENSIVE, and that usually leaves them broke. But not Keen Eye Leo. Sleight of Hand should help you reduce the costs of using those .45's and even Flashlights, while Lone Wolf will help generate an extra resource a turn. Leo's own unique ability reduces the cost of those expensive allies, and 2x Emergency Cache will help fund the rest. Watch This! is also an excellent resource generator, especially when paired with Double or Nothing. If you never play a Physical Training, the level 0 version of this deck will usually end the first scenario with a pile of resources (typically 12-15), a testament to its resource generating capability.

EDIT: With the new City of Archives pack, Keen Eye Leo has been given a new, powerful financing tool: Pay Day. With Leo DeLuca down, this will yield 4 resources if used on your last action, much like an improved Emergency Cache. However, use it on a turn in which Leo has taken 5, 6, or even 7 actions, and you've brought in a veritable windfall! Pay Day may be too situational a card for some people, but in the words of Keen Eye Leo himself, "Go Big or Go Home!"


Leo De Luca gives Leo Anderson 4 actions a round, which can make a significant difference in gameplay. Throw in a Quick Thinking or two, add a Double or Nothing, and BAM! Leo now has up to 8 actions in a single round!

Double or Nothing Action Efficiency

Double or Nothing can make Leo's attacks highly efficient. Take the Ghoul Priest, for example. Since you know when and where it arrives, you can prepare for a highly efficient power turn.

Leo, armed with a Machete, fights at 5 versus the Ghoul Priest's 4. Toss a Double or Nothing to bring it to 6 vs 8, then 2x Vicious Blow to even it up at 8 vs 8. Not good odds. With Physical Training down and a few resources, you can easily pump this up to 13 vs 8 (at a cost of 5 resources), as sure a thing you can get in Standard. Barring a , you will deal a whopping 8 damage in one swing!


If you are a little down on Resources and have Physical Training down, you can play a vanilla "Watch This!" (meaning no Double or Nothings or Quick Thinkings) to boost your fight to 6 vs 4. Maybe commit your extra Machete in hand or an Unexpected Courage to boost to 7 vs 4 or 8 vs 4. A success on this test will yield you up to 6 resources, which you can use to boost your next two tests by 3 for 8 vs 4. Those are good odds.

Once you get Keen Eye out in subsequent scenarios, those 6 Resources could be used to boost your or by +3 for 3 actions (4 with the other Leo in play), which is enough to clear quite a few clues (especially with a Flashlight) or dish out 6-8 damage with a Machete.

THE HOLY TRINITY: Watch This!, Double or Nothing, and Quick Thinking.

When used in conjunction, these 3 cards create a true power turn with a lot of resources and actions. Use them on an easy test, such as fighting a ghoul with 2. Leo with a Machete is already 5. Double or Nothing ups the difficult to 6 vs 4, but "Watch This!" and 2x Quick Thinking boost Leo up to 9 vs 4, a slam dunk on standard. A success will yield 9 additional resources (the 6 from Watch This, doubled by Double or Nothing to 12, minus the 3 you bet when you played it), 4 damage to the ghoul (probably overkill, but not the true goal of this combo), and 4 additional actions for a total of 8 actions! I highly recommend holding off from playing "Watch This!" or Quick Thinking until you can Double or Nothing it.


This deck really shows off once the first few upgrades are purchased: Keen Eye and Hot Streak(2) x2 for a total of 7xp, not an unreasonable sum from your first scenario. These are the core upgrades. The Hot Streaks can replace the Physical Trainings.

Other upgrades to get include:

Charisma: Lets Leo have both Leo de Luca and Beat Cop out in play at once. The more the merrier.

Adaptable: Adaptable is always versatile, but it might be a good idea to swap in Elusive or a Venturer.

Police Badge x2: What's better than 8 actions? What about 10? Police Badge works wonders to increase Keen Eye's value.

Some other upgrades include Leo De Luca (1), Beat Cop (2), .45 Automatic (2), Marksmanship (1), and any of the big guns you want. One of the nice things about this deck is that it functions at full power after only 1 or 2 scenarios worth of upgrades.

Also consider .41 Derringer to replace the .45 Automatics. With Keen Eye, Leo can easily pass a combat test by 3 or more, giving him yet another action boosted by Keen Eye.

EDIT: Boundary Beyond Player Card Upgrades

A few key player cards that came out in the recently released Boundary Beyond give this deck incredible explosive power at higher xp levels. Particularly, High Roller and Well Prepared. Neither of these are unique, which means you can have up to two of each out in play, and High Roller is a decent target for Double or Nothing, and even better when combined with "Watch This!".

I recommend acquiring 2x High Roller first, before 2x Well Prepared, and eventually 2x Shotgun. You could even consider grabbing 2x Physical Training and/or 2x Hard Knocks to bolster this uber shotgun build even further. The level 2 skill cards have great icons, are valid targets for Well Prepared, and allow Leo to boost more inexpensively for a single Shotgun blast.

And all of these cards build toward the inevitable Keen Eye Leo superweapon: Shotgun.


With these assets available to Leo, Shotgun becomes an incredible card, and Keen Eye can help him maximize his damage output each round.

Consider this: Sleight of Hand a Shotgun into play (fast action). Imagine Leo has a Beat Cop in play, so he is at 5 . A single Well Prepared could target Shotgun for +2 , and pay 3 resources to exhaust a single High Roller for another +3 , bringing his total to 13 total with the Shotgun's innate +3 . Not bad. Depending on the enemy, you are looking at the maximum of 5 damage easily. With Keen Eye in play, you can boost this by, say, +2 for the phase for 4 resources (bringing the total cost up to 7 resources and Leo up to 15 ). Just for fun, throw in a Watch This! (spend 3 more resources for a total of 10) and Double or Nothing, bringing Leo to 17 . Let's pick a juicy target like the Harbinger of Valusia, whose would now be 6. So 17 vs. 6. Say Leo draws a -2, bringing the end result to 15 vs 6, so the maximum 5 damage is doubled to 10. Not bad.

But WAIT, there's MORE! Double or Nothing also doubled Watch This, bringing in 12 resources, AND doubled High Roller, bringing in another 6. If Leo was flat broke, he would still be sitting on a pile of 18 resources.

Now action 2: Pump 18 resources into Keen Eye for +9 , bringing Leo up to +11 for the phase, which means he wields his Shotgun at a total of 19 (that's Leo's base of 4, +1 from Beat Cop, +11 from Keen Eye, and +3 from Shotgun). Shoot the Harbinger of Valusia again with the Shotgun for the next two actions at 19 vs 3 for a solid 5 damage each. Okay, that might be overkill, but you get the point.

That's 20 damage in a single turn. AND you get your Shotgun back.

Remember it is also possible to use Double or Nothing on a Shotgun blast, then toss in a pair of Vicious Blow(2) for an 18 damage wallop. Add Marksmanship to the mix and you can get a 20 damage sniper shot!


EDIT: With the new City of Archives mythos pack, guardians have been given a new superweapon--one that obviously has Leo Anderson in mind. The M1918 BAR. Why? A simple illustration should explain everything.

Imagine this: Leo Anderson with his best buddy Leo De Luca uses Sleight of Hand to drop the M1918 BAR into play with 8 ammo for his first play. Sleight of Hand is fast, so he still has 4 actions left. Action #1, play Contraband to double the ammo from 8 to 16. He then uses Actions 2, 3, and 4 to blast a big baddie with three consecutive 5-ammo blasts at +5 and 5 Damage each. Throw in a leveled Vicious Blowand a Double or Nothing on one of those shots for a maximum of 14 damage in a single shot (5 from the BAR, +2 for Vicious Blow, and doubled from 7 to 14 with Double or Nothing)! A potential 5 + 5 + 14 damage in a single turn for 24 whopping damage!

Leo Anderson is the only guardian who is uniquely positioned to take advantage of Contraband, so don't hesitate to use it! You will also notice that this Sleight of Hand + Contraband combo costs the same as actually playing the M1918 BAR itself, except you get to actually keep the BAR in hand. If whatever you're fighting survived the first 15-24 damage. It probably won't last the next 8.

But wait, there's more! Why stop at the M1918 BAR? If you're packing Contraband, why not also have some .45 Automatic's or .41 Derringer's along for more fun? Toss in Marksmanship and you're ready to rumble!


These cards make Leo into a pretty good clue-finder in 2 player. In 3-4 player where Scene of the Crime is less effective or in a group with better clue-finders, consider substituting in Elusive x2, which has saved Leo's bacon more than once, and has the potential to teleport Leo across the board to rescue a squishier investigator.

Physical Training or Hard Knocks?

If you are playing The Forgotten Age, You may want to opt for Hard Knocks instead of Physical Training. While Physical Training can help reduce the amount of horror Leo gets from cards like Rotting Remains, Hard Knocks might give him enough of an boost to to keep him from getting Poisoned.

I want to give some credit to zooeyglass who helped me refine the level 0 version of this deck.


Jul 18, 2018 Django · 5032

Leo has some interesting deck options, basically "Skids" O'Toole reversed.

As your deck revolses around money, what do you think about the Cat Burglar and Dynamite Blast combo?

Jul 18, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@DjangoThat's a fun idea! I personally love Cat Burglar in Leo, since it opens him up to a bunch of new options, and can be quite helpful in The Forgotten Age where you don't want to necessarily kill everything due to Vengeance.

Cat Burglar + Dynamite Blast is great! I would recommend this for The Devourer Below in NotZ/RtNotZ if you were unable to get very many cultists in Midnight Masks. This prevents Leo from getting bogged down on the Main Path when advancing the Act Deck, and also opens up a multi-kill with Dynamite Blast (a very satisfying experience). An Adaptable (to sub in 2x Dynamite Blast) and 2x Cat Burglars cost a whole 3xp, so this is very feasible!

Cat Burglar + Marksmanship (a card I personally love) is another great combo.

If you don't want to try to squeeze in Cat Burglar, you can always opt for Elusive, which, though more situational to gain the same effect, has great versatility.

Jul 18, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

I forgot to point out that Double or Nothing can make Leo's attacks highly efficient. Take the Ghoul Priest, for example. Since you know when and where it arrives, you can prepare for a highly efficient power turn.

Leo, armed with a Machete, fights at 5 versus the Ghoul Priest's 4. Toss a Double or Nothing to bring it to 6 vs 8, then 2x Vicious Blow to even it up at 8 vs 8. Not good odds. With Physical Training down and a few resources, you can easily pump this up to 13 vs 8 (at a cost of 5 resources), as sure a thing you can get in Standard. Barring a , you will deal a whopping 8 damage in one swing!


If you are a little down on Resources and have Physical Training down, you can play a vanilla "Watch This!" (meaning no Double or Nothings or Quick Thinkings) to boost your fight to 6 vs 4. Maybe commit your extra Machete in hand or an Unexpected Courage to boost to 7 vs 4 or 8 vs 4. A success on this test will yield you up to 6 resources, which you can use to boost your next two tests by 3 for 8 vs 4. Those are good odds.

Once you get Keen Eye out in subsequent scenarios, those 6 Resources could be used to boost your or by +3 for 3 actions (4 with the other Leo in play), which is enough to clear quite a few clues (especially with a Flashlight) or dish out 6-8 damage with a Machete.

I really love this deck! :D

Jul 19, 2018 Django · 5032

Elusive and Dynamite Blast cost 7 ressources in total, which the player might not have. Cat Burglar can be played in a previous turn (but costs more), so you don't have to save ressources for a long time to pull of the combo. I mean both are old, they could be played with the core set.

New options for this combo are the addition of On the Hunt, "Let me handle this!" and Heroic Rescue. All of these allow you to gather enemies on your yourself and some of them to remove enemies from allies, to go for an even bigger boom.

On the other hand the new Dynamite Blast 2 allows you to blow up yourself without OA. Most Guardians have lots of health, so this makes disengaging redudant if you've got lots of HP left.

You're aware that you can edit published decks descriptions, but not comments? So you could add your above comment to the deck description and post a comment like "updated deck description to clarify Double or Nothing's purpose".

Jul 19, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

Thanks for the suggestion @Django ! I added the additional uses for Double or Nothing into the body of the post, under a Double or Nothing Action Efficiency sub-heading beneath THE ACTIONS heading.

Jul 20, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

I updated the section under Upgrades to include some of the new player cards from the Boundary Beyond, which burst this deck wide open for an uber shotgun build. I made a separate heading where I discuss these in detail, in case someone wishes to avoid player card spoilers.

Jul 20, 2018 Zuntir · 613

@TheBlackHorror I don't quite get a match behind the ubershotgun. Doesn't shotgun deal a maximum of just 5 base damage per shot?

Jul 20, 2018 CecilAlucardX · 10

Yeah, Shotgun is limited to 5 damage at most (not including other cards to boost damage, such as vicious blow). Sorry to burst your bubble (or really just deflate it a little.) It's still great. Considering all the other bonuses you can run, Beat Cop becomes just a little bit pointless. I think I would swap him out for venture, for more ammo/flashlights.

Jul 20, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

You're right! I'll go back and edit that when I get a chance. Once Leo starts picking up big guns, Venturer might be a good option :)

Jul 20, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

I fixed the Shotgun entry. That's what I get for writing it first thing in the morning!

I am wondering if it might be beneficial to Adaptable in 2x Lucky Cigarette Case, especially once you've begun to acquire Hot Streaks, Well Prepared, High Rollers, Shotgun, Lightning Gun, etc. With this build Leo will be succeeding by 2 a lot, which gives him a reasonable chance of activating LCC each turn. This would nearly double his card draw, making it easier to find those important XP cards.

Jul 20, 2018 Django · 5032

Adaptable to swap Venturer?

With shotgun don’t forget Extra Ammunition, Contraband and Venturer + Emergency Cache 3

Jul 29, 2018 Deadlykipper · 1

@TheBlackHorror "Toss a Double or Nothing to bring it to 6 vs 8, then 2x Vicious Blow to even it up at 8 vs 8. Not good odds. With Physical Training down and a few resources, you can easily pump this up to 13 vs 8 (at a cost of 5 resources), as sure a thing you can get in Standard. Barring a , you will deal a whopping 8 damage in one swing!" - I'm a bit of a noob. Could you explain how you manage to get 8 damage in one hit? Have I been playing this game wrong?

Also, Those permanents (or any card that is 'Spend resource for +x bonus)... Does that stack?? Like, if I spend 8 resources on Keen Eye, is that +4 for the rest of my turn? I've always assumed it's only 2 resource for +1. :/

Jul 31, 2018 Django · 5032

@Deadlykipper base damage with a weapon is +2. Add 2 for 2x Vicious Blow and... Double or Nothing brings you to 8.

Anything with can be used as often as you like and costs can be paid. Those that exhaust can only be used once until refreshing.

Aug 10, 2018 Sagesse · 727

Fascinating Deck. Since it requires some set up, what is the group think of pairing this deck with Father Mateo to get a free Elder Sign on the Big Turn?

Aug 10, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@SagesseI'd say it's a match made in heaven! I'm one of the game's biggest Father Mateo proponents, and I probably should have suggested this in the description!

Aug 10, 2018 Django · 5032

I‘d rather pair him with a seeker to speed up his Setup, like No Stone Unturned, No Stone Unturned or Cryptic Research.

Or he packs his Lucky Cigarette Case to draw more cards.

With so much ammo Leo could play "Eat lead!" to guarantee succees on Import shots. So no Seal of the Elder Sign necessary.

Aug 10, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

That is also a great idea @Django! That's something I love about this game. Even when we don't agree on something, it doesn't mean that either idea is bad! (And I don't think Django and I agree about most things, lol. He's still full of great ideas, though. Just a different style of play.)

Aug 10, 2018 Django · 5032

As a former Magic the gathering player, i love deck building. But i've come to hate competetive games in general, only playing coop games today. So arkham LCG is a great alternative.

Building combo decks is nice, but building decks that form a combo together is even better.

Side note, this deck might be able to one shot Harbinger of Valusia.

Aug 31, 2018 slothgodfather · 7

Awesome deck idea. I'll likely be using this when I get a chance to use Leo soon. I did note in the Uber Shotgun section, you shoot 3 times and it only has 2 ammo.

"Shoot the Harbinger of Valusia again with the Shotgun for the next two actions at 19 vs 3 for a solid 5 damage each"

It's facinating, because while Lola doesn't have the higher base stat like Leo does, she can pull that super action combo off as well, but she could also use Will to Survive so she doesn't have to pull a token for any of the tests. But she can't use a shotgun, so not AS explosive. Still an interesting option.

and I love the idea of using Double or Nothing to double Quick Thinking... I'd never considered you getting another bonus action from it. thanks!

Aug 31, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@slothgodfather I'm glad you enjoy it! Trust me, you have to play this deck to really see how crazy it is. You should try experimenting with your Lola idea. She has so many interesting possibilities now, especially since she can use the Ornate Bow!

Aug 31, 2018 slothgodfather · 7

Yea I used Lola in our 4 man Carcossa play through and it was amazing. Using Will to Survivor + Sneak Attack + Double or Nothing was how we beat up many boss types. I'll be sure to add Quick Thinking into that mix!

Sep 24, 2018 OuterCr0w · 1

How do we feel about M1918 BAR? It's incredible with Sleight of Hand. Likely with an XP spend for Stick to the Plan attaching Contraband and then a mix of Marksmanship, "Eat lead!", Custom Ammunition or Dynamite Blast (not a bad little variant for this Shotgun build in any case).

Sep 24, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@OuterCr0wI love it! I haven't gotten back around to adding an update for all the great new cards from Heart of the Elders and The City of Archives. I honestly think M1918 might even have better potential than Shotgun.

Imagine Leo Anderson with Leo DeLuca out (so 4 actions). Play Sleight of Hand to whip the M1918 BAR out, play Contraband to double the ammo to 16, then unleash with 3 shots at +5 Fight and 5 damage. Throw in a Vicious Blow (2) for potentially 14 damage with the first shot, then 5 and 5 on the subsequent two. :D :D :D

Sep 27, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

Hello everyone. I added in a few updates under the Money section highlighting how good Pay Day is in Keen Eye Leo. I also formally added a section beneath Uber Shotgun Leo called "SET THE BAR HIGH - BOSS-KILLER M1918 BAR FIGHT LEO" to highlight just how good the new M1918 Bar rifle is for Keen Eye Leo, especially with Contraband.

Oct 03, 2018 theamerikan · 1

@TheBlackHorror what are your thoughts on Decorated Skull or Guard Dog. Do you find that you need a tanky ally like Guard Dog and do you think the resource generation (and card draw) from decorated skull makes it worth it, or is its outpaced by the other resource combos the deck provides.

Oct 04, 2018 theamerikan · 1

@TheBlackHorrorAlso do you just not play Mitch Brown? Since he would take up Leo's slot. Or do you just play whichever you draw first and wait until you can afford Charisma?

Oct 04, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@theamerikan When I first started building Leo Anderson decks, I kept trying to make Guard Dog, Survival Knife, and Decorated Skull work. They did, sometimes, but they were mostly too slow. In large part I believe it is because things like Guard Dog are REACTIVE, and your action efficiency is always much better when you are PRO-ACTIVE. And yes, they are generally outpaced by the combos in this deck.

Concerning Mitch Brown: Yes. If you get Mitch Brown down first, he is, well, expendable :)

Oct 04, 2018 theamerikan · 1

@TheBlackHorrorThanks for the tips :) Ive got another question. Do you find Cat Burglar to be of any use? While obviously this Leo build can blast a MF really quick. There might be situations where you simple don't want to fight or movement is key. Do find him or similar evasion options to be useful?

Oct 04, 2018 theamerikan · 1

@TheBlackHorrorAlso since there is plenty of cash flowing and I personally dont have access to Scene of the Crime. Im considering adding some more allies. Have you found the Hired Muscle, Treasure Hunter, Dario El-Amin, Joey "The Rat" Vigil or Brother Xavier to be of use?

Oct 05, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@theamerikanYou're in luck! Scene of the Crime is not essential to this deck.

I personally like Hired Muscle and Treasure Hunter, since they can be used in tandem with Mitch's ability, and they amount to efficient stat boosts with damage and horror soak. With Leo's ability you can play them for free without requiring an action. Then the 1 Resource upkeep is really no different than a stat booster where you pay 1 Resource for +1 or +1 for the round...and that's efficient!

My personal recommendation would be Treasure Hunter, which has more horror soak, and will help Leo investigate. But if Keen Eye Leo is going to be the main monster killer in a 3-4 player group with a dedicated seeker, then Hired Muscle might be the way to go.

Oct 05, 2018 Django · 5032

Regarding Decorated Skull, i don't think it's a useful card. Most decks need the correct cards and ressources at the start of the game and it does not help with that. Even if you have it in your starting hand you need to kill some enemies to get charges, which means you also need a weapon. In my experience from playing all campaigns except forgotten age, you rarely can afford to spend actions to make use of the skulls charges in mid to late game, when would have some.

Oct 05, 2018 TheBlackHorror · 17334

I concur with @Django. On paper, Decorated Skull looks like a great card for Leo and for this deck, but in practice it rarely gets played, and on the whole is too slow.

Card draw is not as much of an issues as you'd think, and that's largely because Guardians can fulfill their main function (killing monsters) without any assets down; and to fulfill this function well, all they need is a single weapon. You'll be wanting to save many of the combos in this deck for mid- to late-game anyway, which gives you plenty of time to collect a hand full of cards. That has been my personal experience, anyway.

Oct 08, 2018 Praetorian1011 · 1

Great deck thanks! Eat Lead and sleight of hand would work well together for this deck

Dec 29, 2018 elenneth89 · 84

Cheers. Quick question: how about adding The Red-Gloved Man later in the campaign? Is he a valuable addition to the deck?

Jan 02, 2019 Django · 5032

I don’t think he really helps as it’s only +2 to combat and with Leo’s ally focus he’s got many soaks already. You’d also need charisma if you got other allies out.

Jan 04, 2019 elenneth89 · 84

Ok @DjangoI can see that. And what about the substitution of Double or Nothing with something more clue-gathering oriented card such as Evidence! or even Scene of the Crime? I find Double or Nothing too much situational for my tastes.

Jan 04, 2019 elenneth89 · 84

I'm blind, Scene of the Crime is already present in the deck, I apologize.

Jan 04, 2019 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@elenneth89your are correct that Double or Nothing is highly situational most of the time. However, in this deck you have more opportunity to use it because it works so well with Watch This! Or High Roller. You can use it for damage, but that part is highly situational. Most of the time it’s used wit Watch This +/ Quick Thinking, which makes it more likely to play. The strategy is to pitch Watch This + DoN to an easy test of 1 or 2, something you could still pass if doubled to 2 or 4, like a 2 fight Ghoul.

Jan 04, 2019 Django · 5032

You could also add The Skeleton Key and Lola Santiago if you wanted a lot more clueing with this deck. The key makes ability a lot cheaper.

Jan 05, 2019 elenneth89 · 84

The Skeleton Key is incredibly valuable, it would make a fine substitution to the Flashlight right away.

I tried the deck a couple of times, and my goal was to put in play Leo De Luca asap, so I ended up fishing for him right at the beginning, by mulligan at least two cards. It worked most of the times, but I was barely able to get enough resources to play with during the game, even with the "Watch this!" and Double or Nothing combo, until I ended up taking 2X of Hot Streak.

It is very funny thou and I'll try to tweak it in order to adjust it to my needs, like switching the Machete with the Survival Knife which I like more.

I think I'll post a list in a couple of weeks.

Jan 14, 2019 Patrick · 124

@Django Forgive me if I'm wrong, but Leo Anderson's deckbuilding restrictions prevent him from including Lola Santiago.

Jan 14, 2019 Django · 5032

You're right, my bad. Leo can take guardian 1-5, but rogue only 1-2 and Lola Santiago is rogue 3.

Jan 15, 2019 BiasOldZombie · 7

What does pay day replace?

Jan 15, 2019 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@BiasOldZombieDepending on when you get it and what other investigators you have Leo paired with, Pay Day can either replace Scene of the Crime (which is not as useful in, say, 3-4 players) or Emergency Cache. If clue-acquisition is completely covered, you could even sub out the Flashlights.

Nov 22, 2019 iGnominy · 1

What are your thoughts on Calling in Favors in this deck? Maybe adaptable into them with upgraded beat cops, what are your candidates for replacement?

Nov 26, 2019 TheBlackHorror · 17334

@iGnominyYou typically need at least 6 allies to make Calling in Favors mostly reliable. You also usually include allies that give you something by being returned to your hand (such as healing Beat Cops so you can replay them). That said, it might be something to try, especially if you plan on acquiring more allies later. If you want to include Calling In Favors, you can easily replace Scene of the Crime.

Jan 19, 2020 osiride · 1

there is anything particular good in the new cards? I'm starting the last campaign and I think I will use Leo.

Jan 21, 2020 LeFricC'estChic · 86

Overpower or Guts synergise with Double or Nothing too.

Jan 21, 2020 Django · 5032

Safeguard feels like an autoinclude in 2+ players for anyone

Aug 01, 2021 13rock · 1

what do you think about replacing 2x Emergency Cache with 2x Faustian Bargain ?

Sep 23, 2021 Stiffleshanks · 1

@TheBlackHorrorthis deck is fantastic! Just took it for a spin in TFA and finally feel like I have a deck that can make it through.

I do want to mention, though, that you recommend Hot Streak as a card to purchase, but it is a level 4 Rogue card. Leo can only support up to Rogue Level 2, sadly.

Sep 23, 2021 Django · 5032

I think they're talking about the other Hot Streak for 2 XP.

Sep 23, 2021 Stiffleshanks · 1

@Django oh my gosh, I feel like an absolute doofus! I have no idea how I missed that. #derp

May 30, 2023 Moonshin · 1

@TheBlackHorror any suggestions for Double or Nothing replacement since is forbidden in the taboo list?

Mar 01, 2024 vessel · 1

Looks like this decklist requires Return to the NotZ for access to Hot Streak (2). Would you mind editing the packs used?