El Pulpo Poli (Los Archivos Deck Name Competition Winner)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

StartWithTheName · 64845



(Well It doesnt fix my photoshopping skills... lets move on)

The Spanish AHLCG community are a fantastic bunch that I have had the privilege of getting to know over the last year or two via my friends at Los Archivos de Arkham. Unfortunately I dont actually speak Spanish. This makes for a relationship a little slow and over reliant on google Translate, but one I cherish nonetheless. The flipside of this is that when the Spanish players read my decklist and write ups, the puns and nonsense I thread through them to amuse myself hasn't always translated. For a while this has felt like a missed opportunity given how kind they have all been to me and got me wondering what Spanish deck name puns look like...

... ok, stop judging me. Lockdown was really long and everyone else had already done banana bread...

Anyway, back in February, I asked Los Archivos if they would be interested in running a competition where people suggested prospective Spanish deck name puns that hint at a deck concept, and I would have a bash at making one.

Full details of the competition and all the entries can be found AT THIS LINK

Because I wouldnt have a grasp on what qualifies as a good pun in Spanish, the Los Archivos guys picked out a few for me to look through and find one i thought I could build well.





"El Pulpo Poli". by @kortatukuo

"Mazo de Tommy Muldoon con 8 manos:

  • 2x Mano a mano
  • 2x Mano a Mano (1)
  • 2x La Mano del destino
  • 2x HerMano Xavier"





OH, MANO A MANO (English Translation)

If, like me, your primary way of reading Spanish puns is to ask @Turbinisimo of Los Archivos to explain it in English between games, I'll save you the trip to Edinburgh because this is what he'll tell you:

"El Pulpo means The Octopus, and Poli means police, but here it is also a pun on "Paulie" as in Paul the Octopus who famously predicted Spain to win the 2010 World Cup. The word "Mano" means "Hand", hence they are asking for Tommy Muldoon with 8 Mano Cards, namely (Name in Spanish):

*: Yes.... FFG actually translated Toe to Toe into "Mano a Mano", despite there already being a card with that name....

incidentally, Paul's ability to predict victors was based on correctly selecting the food container with a matching flag for the winning side before each match. Further Proof if we needed it that the only guarantees in life involve tentacle draws...Anyway...





So, why this deck? Aside from just appreciating a layered pun, and great use of the "Toe a Mano" incident, it felt like there was at least a playable deck concept there.

Tommy is a natural home to detonate Brother Xavier into a shower of coins with an attack from Toe a Mano. Guard Dogs also work here (more on these later). Plus when building to an upgraded Becky as primary weapon, I prefer events over hand slot assets as backup damage, See this deck for example. This is because they can fill in until Becky is played, or spare ammo on her after. Hand slot assets require Bandoliers to be found first, or risk discarding Becky when you could just reload her later. Mk 1 Grenades and now Brand of Cthugha do a similar thing.

And....Yes I realise the Irony of having then included Bandolier (2) anyway, but hear me out!

I cant base a deck around and Octopus Cop without at least trying to get 8 hands in play, which gives him:

Boxing Gloves made me look at spirit tech to fit with Mano a Mano (spirit) and Toe a Mano (spirit). Original Mano a Mano really wants "Let me handle this!" (spirit) to be sure you have an enemy engaged first action. "Get over here!" (2) (spirit) can do a similar thing and has a satisfying mental image in the context of an Octopus.... "Oh, Glory (spirit) gives us some card draw"...

.... "Hmmm, what other spirit tech can I find?" ... "Oh you must be Squidding me!":





Prophetic even covers fortune cards like "Look what I found in this box with a flag on it!", and spells like Mano of Fate! and Brand of Cthugha!

If I had the space there were tons of great options, some thematic, some mechanics, many both:

The fortune cards read like someone slowly coming to terms with Pauls predictive track record back in 2010...

Tommy simply has a great intersect with Prophetics target traits and as they say - A penny saved is a bullet in Becky!...

...Ok no one says that, but they should....

Eitherway, I can see many of these being substituted in to taste. The obvious slots probably being to lose the Bandolier, Boxing Gloves, and/or maybe one of the Mano a Manos, depending on your preferred ratio of Puns to Productivity (yes Im judging you!).





(English only speakers, feel free to look up the phrase "Más perdido que un pulpo en un garaje". #PunResearchIsAValidPassTime)

The deck didnt have to be strong, but i wanted to make it at least playable. This meant I needed make a few compromises, mainly to balance the draw and economy. In Tommy I usually want 6-10 actionless draws in the deck to compensate for all the assets being played and returned to the deck. In order to keep on theme, Ive compromised for 4:

  • Unrelenting is just a great draw card and sometimes benefits from Mano of Fate
  • Glory is spirit traited, and at least on theme for a Spanish world cup victory. Its pips can also get tommy to a respectable 5 for a clue in a pinch.

Boxing Gloves might also get a card here and there, but because they take a lot of set up, I wouldnt consider them reliable without a lucky opening hand. If I had had the space, i would have also liked to have Darings and Take Hearts in there at least, and probably a Guts and/or Perception to increase clue potential.

The other big compromises were:

Finally I have no Tarrot due to space, but if i didnt have the Prophetic theming and economy going, i would have gone for The Fool • 0 for the ally cost reduction. I much prefer this to The Star • XVII because I want the allies to cycle fast for Tempo reasons rather than max pay off. Plus youd get more Brother Xavier detonations.





The Guard Dogs could really be any recurable ally, though they do have a little synergy with Toe a Mano. There are probably better options here like Grete Wagner, The Black Cat (3/3 soak for 2 resources is a lot), or just Good old Tetsuo.

The dogs here are a bit of a shout out to a runner up entry by @Laerthes which amused me. They had proposed a Cruella de Vil Jenny deck using lots of Sled Dogs, other Creature tech, and a Wide variety of Options for Coats. This leans in Jennys just generally being a deva, and her backstory which involves selling clothes...

My mind then went to cards like "You owe me one!" and Black Market, to let her steal puppies from other decks! The problem was I wasnt sure the deck would be playable, and if im honest, I think Dexter Drake might do the concept better but he lacks the theme. That said he can play Black Market on another player, steal their dogs then Sacrifice them or use his to literally turn them into Heavy Furs!

But anyway - if anyone ever makes the Cruella deck, there will be some Doggies available in this list to steal :)




OTHER LINKS (Stealth Self-Promotion)

More from Los Archivos de Arkham can be found at these links:

A little discussion on the deck and competition can be found in this episode along with what i am sure is a load of other fascinating banter, or at least pleasant cadences if like me you dont speak Spanish. (Section about the deck (English and Spanish) around 61:44)

And there are some wonderful articles in English including some by a mystery guess author that I highly recommend here:




Huge Thanks to everyone who entered the competition, Ive had a ton of fun theorycrafting around the translated entries. Thanks also to Los Archivos for letting me do this and @turbanisimo in particular for translating and explaining so many Spanish puns! Finally, thanks to you all for reading.


Apr 18, 2022 Firu · 54

Huge Thanks to you, what a great deck. You are our Light in the Fog.

Apr 18, 2022 Kortatu · 218

Hi Andy, I'm @kortatukuo (Kortatu or Korta for gamer friends). Thank you very much for this sweet deck and the as always amazing explanation on how to pilot it. I created a different version of the idea but it was more focused on blessed token to take advantage of Hand of Fate: arkhamdb.com

I think your is better for two reasons:

  • I'm not a fan of Nephthys and relying on blessed tokens.
  • Your prophetic approach fits better in the Paul the octopus theme.

I tested my deck in Machinations through time last week and it only worked partially. Brother Xavier was a success (who doesn't like to watch Brother Xaviers exploding on a starry night?), but not the blessed token mechanic. I only got one into the bag thanks to Righteous Hunt.

I used The Star • XVII and it was a blast (pun intended) with Xavier and Nephthys, but I also understand your concern about fast cycle of allies.

Anyway, I think your deck is great as usual and I will take the opportunity to test it Live in Archivos Arkham's stream soon.

Thank you Andy. ¡TCLC!

Apr 18, 2022 StartWithTheName · 64845

Cheers @Firu, Its nice to be able to do something directly for the Los Archivos community at last.

Congratulations @Kortatu! I did see the deck, but initially I wasnt sure if it was you or not due to the different name on the tweet. Great to see your take on it though!

I did think about trying to go down the blessed route, but it was competing for too many slots I had good jokes and interactions for. In other IDs, i have found that Nephthys + Holy Rosary (2) can be enough on their own to keep blesses circulating, but I guess those could have issues in Tommy by being "stay in play" assets in slots that could be disposable/recurring. I did take a blessed Tommy thought my blind run of Innsmouth on release (and before we knew all the cards). it was based around a using Well Prepared, Scavenging (2), and Ancient Covenant to play Leather Coats and Cherished Keepsakes action free whenever I drew a bless token. With the right supports tommy can get good use out of his 3 to become a good flex with Custom Ammunition/Enchant Weapon on Becky for moderate/high damage.

Sadly these are not Psychic Octopus themed cards, so i didnt feel like I could include them here when the alternative was Prophetic!