William Yorick on the Road to Dunwich

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

whammm · 25

This is a deck for William Yorick mainly for the Dunwich Legacy campaign, but can be used as a basis for other campaigns as well.

Mulligan for a weapon: Machete > Knife > .32 Colt. Keep other assets if you are satisfied with your weapon.

Most of the time the only assets you should play from your hand are a weapon and Beat Cop. Other assets can be committed to skill tests and played from your discard pile later.


The .32 Colt is in the deck mostly for Conglomeration of Spheres and Avian Thrall and can be replaced in other campaigns if need be. Machete will be your main weapon for most enemies. Knife is a decent backup for William since it can be instantly replayed if you kill an enemy with its discard action and gives an unconditional +2 and +1 damage.

Other assets

You should use your Flashlight to hit low shroud locations to help with clue gathering when you have nothing to kill. Rabbit's Foot has a icon, so it's easy to commit to a test and play from the discard, but it's mostly just a placeholder until you can upgrade it to Police Badge. Leather Coat has no resource cost and with Yoricks ability you can play it over and over again once you've drawn it, you should also use it to soak up the damage from Smoking Pipe if you can. Unfortunately the pipe is not discarded when it runs out of supplies, thus you can't replay it unless a game effect causes you to discard assets. Beat Cop is a great ally that will help you kill enemies, you should probably use an action to play it from your hand instead of committing him to a test.


"If it bleeds..." is a cheap and action-free way to recover some sanity and it's easy to trigger since there is no shortage of Monster enemies in this game. "Look what I found!" is a great card for clue gathering. In low shroud locations you can almost guarantee to trigger it with Yoricks low . You can also combo it with Flashlight to trigger it in 3 or 4 shroud locations, and even if you happen to succeed in the test you'll still get a clue, so it's all good. Dodge is a cheap way to avoid damage and horror, great card overall. Dynamite Blast is an expensive card, but being able to target adjacent locations can save you a lot of actions. Emergency Cache is your only way to get resources. Evidence! is easy to trigger as Yorick and gives you a clue without spending an action. Lucky! is probably the best level 0 card that Survivors have so taking 2 of them is obvious.


Guts is here to help with the frequent tests from the encounter deck. Overpower helps with killing. Resourceful can give you another use of Lucky!, "Look what I found!" or later on Will to Survive. Unexpected Courage is here for the versatility. Vicious Blow is very helpful against 3 health enemies.


First thing you need to buy is Scrapper. It's a great card that will always be there for you; no need to draw it, play it or spend resources on it and it doesn't count towards your deck size. Beat Cop is a great upgrade, doing damage without spending an action is always good and this will allow you to reuse this ability. Rabbit's Foot -> Police Badge. This card has ridiculous potential for Yorick. It has great icons for committing to a test, it boosts one of his most important stats and it's an asset with a very powerful discard effect, which you can potentially use multiple times per scenario. It also combos very well with... Will to Survive. Avoiding the chaos bag for an entire turn is extremely powerful, even more so with two extra actions, and on top of that if you kill an enemy on your turn and have the resources for it, you could play the Police Badge again and discard it for a total of 7 actions! Other potential upgrades are Ever Vigilant, Aquinnah, Vicious Blow, The Red-Gloved Man and later on Stroke of Luck and Flare.

Note: If you commit an asset card to an attack, and that attack kills an enemy, you can not play it with Yoricks ability, since committed cards only enter the discard pile after the skill check is over.