
It's a fairly expensive (in xp) skill card, so it's pretty easy to just avoid it. The fancy thing it does is 5 xp for Always Prepared, which is a lot even if you've got 2 copies, and it's limited to once per round. Usually it's pretty similar (+/- 1 symbol) to Unexpected Courage, and the traits portion limits it to monsters or treacheries, and can't be used to investigate or do tests on location cards.

Humanoid and Monster traits will get you a card that's useful against a bit under 100% of enemies, and enemies are only around 1/3 of the encounter deck. Adding Elite and Ancient One means it will give you 5 symbols against most of the more difficult monsters. The good news is, those 4 traits will get you almost all enemies (and double coverage against difficult monsters) in all campaigns for 3 xp. I'm not sure what combo's you would need to cover all of the tests in the encounter deck, but I can't imagine 4 traits would be limiting if you're careful.

Nemesis instead of Always Prepared (or with fewer traits; elite covers the monsters you'd want to use it on) sounds useful if you're willing to have a card in your deck just for fighting difficult monsters. Not a bad plan.

If you can find the traits that cover all of the really nasty treacheries, Mythos-hardened might be a way to thin the encounter deck. But that requires knowing about them ahead of time.

Iduno · 4
Locations are also encounter card, so in theory, you could choose a trait like Arkham or Cave to help you there, not that I would recommend doing so. — Susumu · 366
You definitely need game knowledge to have this strike gold. I'm currently play forgotten age, and I have 'hex and humanoid' then serpent, then trap and it always sees use, especially if you get the always prepared upgrade. — Therealestize · 71
Pnakotus helped me 6/6 City of Archives. 6 ?s added to tests of 3 pretty much guaranteed a success barring the autofail. — osumariokartman · 1
.... but now I see that all Pnakotus locations are also Ancient... which would have helped in other scenarios. Oh well, I just really wanted to beat that scenario, I wasn't thinking lol — osumariokartman · 1
William Yorick

Some example cases of using Yorick's to replay an asset that could defeat the enemy as well as itself going to the discard pile :

  • Knife : Discard Knife: Fight. You get +2 for this attack. This attack deals +1 damage.
  • Beat Cop : Discard Beat Cop: Deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location.
  • Lantern : Discard Lantern: Deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity.

Can play the same Knife/Cop/Lantern from discard pile if the attack defeated an enemy, since discard before colon sign is the cost, while the effect is occurring it is already in the discard pile.

  • Beat Cop (2) Exhaust Beat Cop and deal 1 damage to it: Deal 1 damage to an enemy at your location.
  • Aquinnah : When an enemy attacks you, exhaust Aquinnah and deal 1 horror to her: Deal that enemy's damage to another enemy at your location, instead. (You still take horror dealt by the attack.)

Can play the same cop/Aquinnah from discard pile if the self damage/horror is lethal to the cop/Aquinnah and 1 damage also defeats an enemy. Self-damage/horror before the colon sign is the cost and is completely resolved including putting the cop/Aquinnah to the discard pile. Only after that you deal 1 damage to the enemy.

  • Guard Dog : When an enemy attack deals damage to Guard Dog: Deal 1 damage to the attacking enemy.
  • Brother Xavier : When Brother Xavier is defeated: Deal 2 damage to an enemy at your location.

Cannot play the same dog when using reaction on its last health to defeat an enemy. Since enemy's damage is not the cost of this reaction trigger. The dog and the enemy are waiting to go to the discard pile together as an impact of the "when". "When" is always after the condition but before the impact, it is not possible to partially wait for dog + enemy to impact (go to discard) before adding in Yorick . Xavier works similarly.

  • Baseball Bat : Fight. You get +2 for this attack. This attack deals +1 damage. If a or symbol is revealed during this attack, discard Baseball Bat after the attack resolves.

Cannot replay the bat as Yorick on ST.7 but the bat is discarded on ST.8. (Timings)

Special mention : Graveyard Ghouls - He can trigger on defeating it. Graveyard Ghouls stops engaging him at the same ST.7 as his , card can now leave his discard pile.

5argon · 10146
Fickle Fortune

The longer you look at this card, the better it gets.

Say you're running this as a having option for your bruiser oriented survivor. Ru ln6 0 ok l

A single action 6 heal per investigator is huge and unrivaled by any card. Sure, you have to drop a doom. But I would challenge you and figure out any other way to heal 3 damage/3 horror from your investigator in under 3 actions. The doom also does not auto advance, so you can get lucky and suffer no downsides for this at all if you get a witching hour draw.

Then comes the other use for the card... taking mild damage and horror to push the clock back one. As long as you have another healing ability (like Spirit of Humanity) this is an outrageously overpowered option. Compare it to other cards (like Golden Pocket Watch) which require you to draw, play and pay for it, this only requires a draw, for five less experience.

Overall this is a very powerful card with a great amount of flexibility and very few downsides.

drjones87 · 193
The Gold Pocket Watch is a wildly unreasonable comparison -- Pocket Watch also skips *encounter draws*, which is often even the *primary* benefit of using the card. The correct comparison is Fortune or Fate. For investigators with Survivor-3 access, Fickle Fortune does look a lot stronger -- in exchange for the 1 damage+1 horror each, it has lower resource-cost, more flexibility (the healing option, which is great whenever doom doesn't matter, which is much more frequent than many people expect), and will generally work out to lower xp-cost. Besides access, the main downside of Fickle Fortune vs Fortune or Fate is that Fickle Fortune *must* be used. There's no option to do neither, which can matter in some circumstances, like a fresh Agenda. — anaphysik · 95
Ru ln6 0 ok l???? The fuck? — snacc · 982
Gravedigger's Shovel

In solo it wasn't bad to include a couple of these in a deck for Rita Young and the like, even though she can't really recur it outside of Resourceful etc. But with the advent of Crafty, I can see an argument being made for having this in hand as a starting supplemental 'weapon' by some survivors even in multiplayer. I'm using it with Rita Young in a 3-player right now, and having 1 Crafty - or even better, 2 - to both pay for the play of this card and amp up your Fight to as high as +6 means you can take out monsters with that little bit extra. Even the Clover Club Pit Boss can be a challenge if you're Rita as main monster manager. Elite so can't Waylay, so use a Cheap Shot for 2 damage and you've got 2 left to go. Fighting 3 on 3 doesn't set the world on fire. But use the Gravedigger's Shovel with Crafty and you can rock out two actions of 3+2+1 = 6 v 3, beating the Cultist on Standard.
Not the best weapon, but still a fun one when Rita can deal 1 Damage with a standard evade and a very reliable 1 Damage with the Shovel.

Krysmopompas · 358
Vincent Lee

What makes heal decks more viable now is not cards such as Soul Sanctification but Vincent Lee the investigator's deckbuilding options. Because he can use any cards 0-5 that can heal, he has a wide and versatile library of deckbuilding options that was hitherto unavaiable for any investigator. Runic Axe becomes monstrous with him, and he can be a very effective fighter even as a primary cluever.

Maybe dumb rule question: Can Vincent Lee have a fully kitted out Runic Axe, so long as it has Inscription of Glory? (For the record, I think Runic Axe + Glory is an amazing card & a great buy for Lee) — turtlegods · 11
Yes if a customizable gets an upgrade that makes it apply to someone's deck building differently you treat it how it now is, not its base card. — Zerogrim · 292
Sorry if I'm missing something here, but isn't Runic Axe 2 handed? Wouldn't this block you from playing his signature card? — theamerikan · 1
Yes, however Runic Axe is worth ignoring a signature card for. Roland Banks agrees with this statement. Also, if you have poor luck in finding the axe, the bonesaw will do in an emergency. Or, if you want to be a true mad doctor, take bandolier and play both. — RubberyChicken · 1