This card is doing some good work with Lily Chen. No longer are we stuck with Dragon Pole or Cyclopean Hammer. Lily and Zoey are prime candidates for HUNT and FURY. To start, I recommend getting SCRIPTWEAVER as soon as possible. HUNT and HEIRLOOM next. If you want a lvl5 axe, finish it off with SAGA and GLORY. The cool thing is you have upgrade path options as well; ELDERS for Roland Banks, FURY for Zoey Samaras etc.
Question, how do his copies of on the mend interact with Ancestral memory?
Do they count as skills in my deck for the 10 skill requirement, or are they like bonded cards?
I assume they cannot be put under ancestral memory?
Can Protective Incantation Forced effect be paid by Antiquary?
If yes, it would be great in a Jim Culver deck, where two copies of Protective Incantation remove the highest number negative modifier + Nkosi Mabati reduce to 0 every symbol token. Combined all of these with Grotesque Statue + Scavenging and your only fear is the autofail token.
This card has a pretty insane combo with Fickle Fortune.
The idea is that you have at least 1 copy of Fickle Fortune in your discard, and 2 copies of Resourceful in hand. Then, wait until the "Witching Hour" (the turn when there's one doom left on the agenda threshold).
Action 1: Pass a skill test, committing both Resourcefuls to it. Have each Resourceful pull Fickle Fortune out of your discard, healing your entire team for 3 damage and 3 horror.
Action 2: Play True Survivor, returning the Resourcefuls again
Action 3: Same as action 1.
You've just healed 12 damage and 12 horror, for a total of 24 Unexpected Courages. And not just for you - for every investigator with a copy of Soul sanctification. So in a 4-player game, this combo would generate 96 Unexpected Courages for your team. Which should be more than enough for your team to pass every skill test for the rest of the scenario.
If you had more than 3 actions, or other ways to recur them even more during this turn, you can probably get the number even higher.
After you pull off the combo, you can just do it again on a later turn, but select the second option, to cash in your Fickle Fortunes for entire extra rounds. Considering your entire team will be fully healed at that point, the direct damage and horror isn't much of a downside.
The word "after" refers to the moment immediately after the specified timing point or triggering condition has fully resolved.
So it appears, "The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion" gave Rita a new and clean answer to her weakness, by exploiting it. This does not look trivial, she needs ways to turn down their evade value to zero. An easier way to do that would be using one supply each from both level 3 Flashlights, less wasteful with uses to combine just one supply from it with Impromptu Barrier.
Because Exploit Weakness discards the enemy as part of the Evasion, and the Forced ability would trigger after the Hoods are discarded, they are already out of play and can't attack anymore. Is this more efficient than taking either bow in her to deal with them? Probably not, but it should open her up to builds, that use other assets in her hands.