Miss Doyle

Absolute beast of a card. I played her on my Charlie Kane true solo deck. She could do everything. Need to investigate? Sure, here's Augur. Want to evade or fight at base 5 instead of 1 to start with? Hope and Zeal are there for you.

What's that? You want to switch them? Sure thing, all of the kitties are Fast! Oh but what if I need to investigate later and I've gotten rid of Augur? Well just discard a cat during your test and you can bring any of them from the discard pile, right into play, FOR FREE.

Honestly, these guys are insane. Also they are cats. Oh and did I mention that Miss Doyle has a icon too? Which means you can use Charlie's ability to go +2 on your test as well? This has been my favorite ally to play in all of Arkham Horror. Cannot recommend her enough.

Great Hall of Celeano

This card's trait should be Otherworld, not Shattered. This is misleading in ArkhamCards app. And may cause fatal error during setting up. Because the scenario card Return to Shattered Aeons mentioned 4 Otherworld cards, while this is the very fourth. Please fix it.

The Tattered Cloak

A cheap asset that grants a static boost to three (!) skills is an insane value. While it doesn’t help with , all the other stats help keep you alive against various treacheries and also for evasion. And it occupies the body slot, which is rarely contested by better options.

But the sanity hit is a concern, especially in a campaign which is famous for being brutal with dishing out horror.

There are some cards that make taking this an easy proposition. First are assets that can heal a horror each turn like Peter Sylvestre, Precious Memento, or Girish Kadakia. Having one of these lets you pretty much ignore the first point of horror that you suffer each turn. If it’s not your first trip down the Path to Carcosa you likely have considered these cards already.

Alternately, anyone running a soak-heavy build with allies or Cherished Keepsake, such as certain builds for William Yorick, Leo Anderson, or Tommy Muldoon. Your constant stream of disposables lets you shrug off horror onto assets.

Otherwise you take this card at your peril…

Or take the damage and discard it. — MrGoldbee · 1472
Dr. Milan Christopher

I know people are aware of how powerful Dr Milan is. I've now tried a few decks where i deliberately didn't take him. I can honestly say, this man is so incredibly powerful, that not taking him, is a deliberate, and non-power-gamey choice. If you want to win, and you are using book, and you have access to this man, there is no reason not to take him. Other allies can do other things, but this man helps you win the game, and gives you more money for doing so to help you play more things. He just combines 2 things you need in one card. I played a Trish deck most recently, that was still focused on using book. And I felt his absence. The lack of the boost to a baseline 5, and the lack of drip feed of economy was so painful it made me question my life choices. This is in a context where I consider Magnifying Glass just Forbidden for being too good. On the math, Mag glass is better than Milan since you never spent the 3 or 4 resources for him, saved an action, and you still get the boost. Milan at least means you have to consider the slot.

This man is too damn powerful, and, yes, you can win without him. But the difference between having him and not is so apparent each time. This card is S tier. If you think the game is too easy, just play without the good Dr. No need to go to Hard or Insane difficulty. Just adjust the player cards and remove the S tier options, and feel the difficulty rise.

Have you tried investigators like Daisy, Ursula, or Mandy? Whitton Greene gives them the same intellect bonus and a powerful way to search for tome assets and relics, which can outweigh the cash flow in many decks… — An_Undecayed_Whately · 1267
A deck search from Whitton isn't worth $1 a turn all game. My seekers usually end up with 10, $20+ dollars with him as the sole economy. He makes you Jenny Barnes. — MrGoldbee · 1472
But if you end up with 10, $20+ dollars your games, it's debatable, if another ally would not have been a better option. Unless you have cards like "Well Connected" in your deck, that care about #resources in your pool. The truth is, the good Dr. is the save bet for best ally. But there are decks, that want other options. I played Kohaku with Gabriel, and that sure misses a bit of the point, as Kohaku can't take Milan (sans "Versatile"). Still, it's a save assumption for me, that even if he could, Gabriel would be the better pick for him. And possibly also for some pure seeker builds, who care about adding curse tokens. The afforementioned Whitton is another great example. It's easy to build a Luke deck, who would not want Milan instead. — Susumu · 372
It depends on your deck. If you are skill heavy Gabriel might be better. If you have plenty events and assets Milan shines. You can also take cards to convert the money to skill bonuses like higher education or streetwise. But why choose when you can have more allies with charisma and the archeology foundation? — Tharzax · 1

As far as I am concerned, the worst part about this card by far is that Carolyn Fern has no way to take Miss Doyle. It would definitely not be a good deck, but collecting all the kitties would be fun.

Jim_Bob · 11