Absolute beast of a card. I played her on my Charlie Kane true solo deck. She could do everything. Need to investigate? Sure, here's Augur. Want to evade or fight at base 5 instead of 1 to start with? Hope and Zeal are there for you.
What's that? You want to switch them? Sure thing, all of the kitties are Fast! Oh but what if I need to investigate later and I've gotten rid of Augur? Well just discard a cat during your test and you can bring any of them from the discard pile, right into play, FOR FREE.
Honestly, these guys are insane. Also they are cats. Oh and did I mention that Miss Doyle has a icon too? Which means you can use Charlie's ability to go +2 on your test as well? This has been my favorite ally to play in all of Arkham Horror. Cannot recommend her enough.