- Q: Does Copycat work for another player's skill test? A: Yes, you can commit Copycat to another investigator’s test, and use its ability to commit an additional card to that test. The default number of cards you can commit to another player’s skill test is 1, but this is not a hard limit, and card abilities can allow for more. “You can commit” is the same as “can be committed,” meaning the card either has skill icons matching the type of test or has an ability like Take Heart. (August 2023)
XP: 3.
Après avoir attribué Copieur à un test de compétence, cherchez une compétence que vous pouvez attribuer à ce test dans la pile de défausse d'un autre investigateur et attribuez-la. Après la fin de ce test, placez-la sous le deck de son propriétaire.

(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This is a terrible card. Despite it's name and assumed intended effect, it cannot copy any actual cat cards.
Such a weird design decision. There is definitely design space for some kind of cat-copy mechanic in arkham, surely they put something of the sort in Barkham horror.
This card has interesting applications in supporting a teammate, as you are not limited to committing it to your own tests. An investigator’s deck typically has more skills suited to their own specialty than someone else’s. This means you can help out your guardian pal with their own Vicious Blow, recommit a seeker’s Deduction to their next investigation or even fill out a fellow rogue’s poker hand if one of their Aces ended up in the discard.
- Becomes flexible in the later game when you have a choice of skill to pick from your teammates discards
- Becomes more powerful as your teammates gain XP and upgrade their skills
- Provides some pseudo recursion to your teammates
- Triggers Winifred Habbamock's draw ability
- XP expensive in a class with lots of card competition for XP
- Not great in the early turns as there won't be much in your teammates discard pile
- Only usable in multiplayer (otherwise Unexpected Courage is a strict upgrade)
Obviously it's only good in mulltiplayer and you'll want at least one of your teammates to be running some good skills. Generally though I haven't found that to be a problem, there are plenty of good skills out there and even pulling out an Unexpected Courage nets you a boost.
Ideal targets are in Seeker with:
and Guardian with:
And not only do you get the benefit but goes back in their deck to redraw so between you and your teammate it's perfectly possible to play a single Deduction (2) 3 times per deck rotation.
The main downside is the XP cost which is prohibitive in Rogue with so many powerful cards to spend their XP on.
If you're Winifred Habbamock and one or more of your teammates has relevant skills I highly recommend including this card, it's both powerful and great fun to play!
If you're a different Rogue investigator it will still be good if your teammates have high impact skills but you'll have to carefully consider the XP cost vs other potential upgrades.
Buy this if you have Stella Clark in your team and enjoy committing Neither Rain nor Snow. Same goes with Nautical Prowess if Silas Marsh has managed to drop it.
Other than this, my favorite targets are Daring, Vicious Blow, Deduction, Brute Force, Expeditious Retreat, Sharp Vision, All In, Defiance, Fearless.
EDIT: Signature cards cannot be controlled by anyone other than their owner. Copycat cannot be used on Nautical Prowess, Neither Rain nor Snow.
Now that scroll of secrets let you grab the bottom of peoples decks, this is very handy to get someone’s card from the discard pile back into their hand.
Update: This is pretty expensive, but it could be amazing clue tech for a seeker (or Roland). Adding deduction, Take Initiative or perception back into their deck means they can find it with practice makes perfect. That means you’re giving potentially --three-- uses of it. If everything goes right on Deduction(2), that’s a six clue shift for one skill card. If you team with Mandy, pick two cards!
But if you’re teaming with a mystic and/or a survivor, you might want to pass on this one.
This seems like a really good card for winifred. +2 minimum, you get to draw a card and can get this one back. Yeah for a few rounds this probably wont be good at the start but once cards like steadfast or unexpected courage are played this really develops quick.