"Hit me!"

Combines very well with heavy furs.

Overall generally functions as a weaker Lucky. Lucky is a very good card, this is a playable card. This card is very fun which counts for a lot however. I'd love to see an upgraded version of this card that was a little more powerful so I'd want to play it more.

dubcity566 · 111
Lucky can't give you + — MrGoldbee · 1470
Plus eight on expert! — MrGoldbee · 1470
Map the Area

(links contain minor Night Of The Zealot card spoilers, which you've almost certainly played by now but hey just bein sure)

The PI thing pays the bills and all, but Joe really wanted to be a cartographer. Map is a great option for his Hunch deck:

  • It costs him -2 economy vs other investigators due to the "free" hunch draw and -1 cost
  • The discount takes it down to 0$...
  • ... which combined with its versatility makes it almost always useable when it surfaces.

With two in there, pop the first one in any medium/high shroud room- if he's not already in one, Joe can likely find one. He's really quite surprisingly mobile. High-clue 3-shroud rooms are great targets as tactis's review noted; the 3-difficulty Investigate isn't too rough at 6 skill, and the Map puts the room in 0-range for Flashlight & Keyring users.

But save the second one for late game, where it'll shine. A LOT of missions include a "boss" room- and not just literal bosses, but also final-act rooms and/or rooms with a ton of clues & shroud that hold XP. Map helps with both.

(Especially those intricate finales like "Investigate using , then test 7 to put a clue on the God Of Turmoil, then Parlay with against God Of Turmoil's HP to offer him a drink, then put the Lime in the Coconut and drink them both up, then...")

Assuming 12+ turns to complete most missions, and an efficient Hunch deck made of reliably playable cards, he can strategically park the final Map in his Hunch deck until that final encounter with confidence that it'll show up.

Once you've reached that final cell / temple / dimension / era / hill-people basement where they kidnapped your dog(!!!!), this card can effectively read "Your whole party gets +1 to every skill for the rest of the mission." And that ain't shabby.

HanoverFist · 738
But it suffers the same problem like logic reasoning in the hunch deck: you can't control when the card shows up on top of the deck. I suppose it is better to put it in you main deck so you can store it in you hand until the right circumstances appear. — Tharzax · 1
It's true you get more control if it's in the main deck, but my reckoning is that you actually do have limited control. With LR, you want it on hand to immediately use when a Terror like Frozen In Fear gets ya, which could be at any point in a mission. (It's also an excellent 2Will commit in a pinch, which you can't do from the Hunch deck.) With Map, you want it for the boss room- which is most likely going to be near/at the end, and is not quite so timing specific (you can afford getting it a turn or two late), and if you burn through as many of the other 10 hunches on the way there, your last copy of Map may be your last card in the hunch deck (guaranteeing it), or one of a few, increasing its odds. As for the first copy in the hunch deck, just pop it when it shows up- odds are very good that there's a clue-havin' room within arm's reach that will benefit. — HanoverFist · 738
Also, even without a boss room, I feel like it hits that Hunch-deck requirement of "Can I (almost) always play this for good value?", even if there's no boss room. With only 4book and 4fight, my Joe appreciated being able to boop one room into stronger odds whenever Map showed up. (For that same reason, even without the Hunch deck, I feel it'd still be worth taking 1 in the main deck.) — HanoverFist · 738
Winds of Power

Feel like your Flashlight(3) isn't magick enough? How about your Fine Clothes? With Winds of Power, you too can feel like a real mystic by adding charges to your assets.

Whats that? You want to know how to use them? Sure, the trick is OH IS THAT A DARK YOUNG OVER THERE? ... ... stomp stomp stomp ... ... SLAM ... car screeching noises

thathatguy · 2
(you can't put charges on Flashlight(3), because it has a uses ability with a different use type) — Thatwasademo · 58
(fine clothes works, though) — Thatwasademo · 58
Tool Belt can do that, maybe... — elkeinkrad · 497
Ectoplasmic Horror

This feels...weak?

Mystic fight actions by default do 2 damage base form, with the exception of sword cane, so this is a 1 action weakness. If we have a few testless damage events like Gaze of Ouraxsh, String of Curses (Self Combo), Sweeping Kick etc. this becomes a none issue. The ease of dealing with this is compounded with the low fight test your doing. Now what if you have only 1 or none of your slots filled? Then this is annoying, but your a mystic so that's highly unlikely. If you don't get this early there's a good chance both your slots are filled anyway and its a 2 fight 2 hp monster.

This is assuming your dealing with it, your fighter will MAUL this card. But let's say ONLY mystics can interact with this, It's still not that big of a deal. Finally, 1 horror? for a mystic? that seems wrong. Mystics eat horror like candy, and if you're Agnes you laugh at this card as it kills itself for almost free.

This only really hurts if your going with the "make every slot an arcane slot" build, which feels VERY underwhelming, and If you were doing that for fun build I'd say the build is gimping you enough as is, just re-roll the weakness.

As is, maybe errata this to do damage instead of horror?

. · 35
I feel like it should've been the other way around: the more slots you have filled, the more tokens you draw. Still, that wouldn't prevent a Guardian swooping in and killing it like any other enemy. — Nenananas · 258
I suppose the intention behind this monster is the additional token draw which might produce additional usual bad effects from your spell — Tharzax · 1
Also... I just realized that this card says "the first time you reveal". Not "each phase", "each turn", nothing — DrOGM · 25
I'm pretty sure that it means "each time you attack/evade, revela extra tokens for each empty slot" and its worded like that because only the first token each time triggers it — Jota · 7
Honestly, it's a little weird that they made that a static ability instead of a forced ability like the one on, say, Arkham Woods: Lakeside. — Thatwasademo · 58
Unsealed Phantasm

I'm not really sure where to put this but I think there's a transcription error in this card's stats here. It should be 5 fight, and 4 evade, not 4 fight and 5 evade. That isn't really a review tho, so I'll add a comment on the card itself. It's a big beefy enemy with a somewhat annoying effect but if you've got this far then someone in your team should really be able to handle big beefy enemies and it does at least stay dead once you defeat it- which is more than you can say for some campaign finale specific big beefy enemies. So it does have that going for it.

bee123 · 31
I have fixed it just now, but it will likely take a few weeks till the update. You can follow the link to GitHub near the bottom of the page and report issues there, too, if something like that comes to your notice. — Susumu · 371
It's been updated now. Thanks again for the report. — Susumu · 371