With the permission of @Kelega from the Miskatonic Malcontent, I want to share this external link that breaks down in detail and with graphs on which traits to choose for every campaign up until TSK.
The author shows:
- What traits appear the most in each campaign
- What traits do enemies have in each scenario of each campaign
- What is the best combination of 2 or 3 traits to cover most enemies in each scenario of each campaign
- What traits do treacheries have in each scenario of each campaign
- What is the best combination of 2 or 3 traits to cover most treacheries in each scenario of each campaign
This is full of spoilers, of course, but as Grizzled is mechanically made for guessing what the most common trait used is, if you have already been to this campaign and want to tech your deck, then this is all you're looking for.
For 6xp (Always Prepared and an additional Trait), you can either build yourself a repeatable enemy management tech or a 2-card constant +3 against treacheries.