Another review tells details about FiLP and it is really helpful when you read it! In this review, I'll talk about some parts easily overlooked.
First, rogue class has really few tutor cards, and FiLP is second rogue tutor card and first 0 level rogue tutor card; first one is Lucky Cigarette Case (3). In fact, survivor class is almost similar, i.e., they has only two tutor cards: Flare (1) and Rabbit's Foot (3). IMO, Preston Fairmont is really love FiLP.
Second, Bolstering gives icon. It means added card can be commited into any type of the test, regardless of the icon it has. For example, we can commit "Watch this!", Manual Dexterity, or Overpower into Lockpicks test. Moreover, non-icon card can be commited into the test, such as Dark Memory, The Devil • XV or Pay Your Due. (note: only player card type of weakness can be committed using this method.)
Third, Prompt + Shift make us play any non-fast event at any window. It is useful between 3.2 and 3.3 or during the test of the encounter card. Outside of that, it is also useful when making the example with the non-fast event playing as fast speed.
Lastly, FiLP states "look" and "add" cards. Thus, it does not interact with lots of seeker cards, such as Mandy Thompson, Astounding Revelation or Cryptic Writings.
Traits note for skill cards (Bolstering)
- Most skill cards have either innate or practiced. None has both traits. Thus, it's recommended to choose either innate or practiced.
- ALL developed cards are innate. ALL expert cards are practiced. Choosing developed or expert for default trait is useless, and that for Versatile trait may reduce 1 resource cost. Only one exception is Seal of the Elder Sign. It is Expert but not Practiced.
- Here is list of the skill cards neither innate nor practiced. arkhamdb search link
- Another candidates for Versatile is Gambit, including "Watch This!", Copycat, and Calculated Risk.
Traits note for event cards
- The traits for events are variable, but here are the main type of event traits not considering classes: tactic, insight, spirit, spell, supply, fortune, trick, favor.
- In many cases, it depends on your deck or the investigator's subclass.
- Considering rogue class, trick is great candidate for Prompt target. Also, favor is also good target, but most of them in the deck are fast.