- Q: If Zoey Samaras activates her "Before you reveal chaos tokens during an attack, remove 3 tokens from the chaos bag: This attack deals +1 damage. (Limit once per round.)" and then reacts with Nephthys "When 1 or more [bless] tokens would be removed from the chaos bag during a skill test: Seal them on Nephthys, instead.", have the removed tokens still been removed to satisfy the cost of Zoey? A: No. The ability on Nephthys replaces the removal of tokens from the chaos bag with sealing them; if you use it, you will not satisfy the cost on Parallel Zoey’s free triggered ability. (February 2024)
Zoey Samaras
La Chef
Croyant. Chasseur.
- 4
- 2
- 4
- 2
Après avoir infligé 1 dégât ou plus à un ennemi : ajoutez 1 jeton [béni] à la réserve du Chaos. (Limite d'une fois par phase.)
Avant de révéler des pions Chaos durant une attaque, retirez 3 pions [béni] de la réserve du Chaos : Cette attaque inflige +1 dégât. (Limite d'une fois par round.)
effet : +1 pour chaque pion [béni] dans la réserve du Chaos.
Zoey Samaras - Back
Taille du Deck: 30.
Construction du Deck: Cartes Gardien () de niveaux 0 à 3, cartes Béni et Charme de niveaux 0 à 4, cartes neutres de niveaux 0 à 5, jusqu'à 5 autres cartes Mystique () de niveau 0.
Exigences du Deck (ne comptent pas dans la limite de taille du deck): La Croix de Zoey, Châtier le Mal, 1 faiblesse de base au hasard.

Investigator Cards
- Zoey's Cross: Symbol of Righteousness (The Dunwich Legacy #6)
- Smite the Wicked (The Dunwich Legacy #7)
- La Croix de Zoey: Symbole de Vertu (Path of the Righteous #60)
- Smite the Wicked (Path of the Righteous #61)
Construction de Deck
Search for cards usable by this investigatorCartes en relation
- Zoey Samaras: The Chef (The Dunwich Legacy #1)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
It seems Zoey didn’t get a scenario released with her new parallel card. A pity and a bit of missed opportunity if you ask me. i feel like there is some great story telling potential in how this chef went into mythos hunting with divine justice and what her life was like before all that.
Honestly, with bless deck she fills around 3-7 blesses per her turn, after removing 3 for her +1 dmg. Considering that most of the blessings don't ask for any resource bar the initial setup, this front feels just fine, if not better than standard.