O Holy Knight - Bloody Mary Rips Through the Mythos

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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bowzo · 122

This is a final build direction for Sister Mary as a full monster-handling knight.

The goal here is to use Tempt Fate to ensure you have enough Bless tokens to take full advantage of Rite of Sanctification to help with the heavy resource cost this deck will need.

Once you have Armor of Ardennes and Well Prepared you will have a consistent +2 to every fighting option at your disposal. This brings your Enchanted Blade to at least a 7 with no additional icons being contributed. Ace of Swords makes that an 8.

Speaking of Armor of Ardennes, this helps Mary minimize her biggest weakness when confronting enemies by reducing and soaking the hits enemies dish out, and she ends up at 9/9. Brother Xavier is here to absorb some more of that and help out your squishy seeker if you can't engage an enemy in time. If you get in a sticky spot Blood Eclipse coupled with Xavier will make for a guaranteed 2 damage with a possible 4 more if you pass your test, which makes it a crowd control option as well as a good burst damage option to land a finishing blow on a big enemy. Drawing a bad token on Storm of Spirits could also give you the opportunity to use Brother X's ability if needed.

For skills: Daring and Steadfast contribute to any fight action you'll be taking, while Overpower is here to help with your less consistent fight stat.

0XP starting build swap the following:

Lightning Gun with 2x Sword Cane

Armor with 2x Robes of Endless Night

Brother X with 2x Grete Wagner

Well Prepared with 2x Holy Rosary

Blood Eclipse with 2x Hand of Fate

Ace of Swords with 1x Overpower

Extra Ammunition with 1x Stand Together(0)

Options for alternate builds:

Depending on how your play goes, drop the Stand Together(3) for its lower level or the second Overpower. Optionally phase out 1x Storm of Spirits instead for either of the above.

Tech in Ward of Protection or Ward of Radiance along with Self-Sacrifice to make her a true Paladin.

Use Versatile to bring in something like A Chance Encounter to keep spamming Xavier's soak and damage abilities for cheap. Maybe bring in Keep Faith to limit the Curse cost of Tempt Fate


Oct 13, 2020 Django · 5032

Tides of fate to convert curse from tempt fate followed by rite of sanctification to seal 5 of 6 bless tokens?

Oct 13, 2020 bowzo · 122

@Django that's a great add as well. I considered it, but the combo of Tempt + Rite already feels like it is enough pieces to worry about consistency. Another option is taking Tides and then not worrying as much about having to Deny her weakness since you'll be able to capture the curse with Rite afterwards.

Oct 13, 2020 Django · 5032

Rules wise, do you know what happens when i play Tides of Fate while there's 10 curse and 5 bless tokens? Only 5 bless tokens get converted (and only 5 back to curses if none were consumed)?

Oct 13, 2020 SgtWinter · 16

@Django as far as I would read Tides of Fate replace means "take away, then add to". So all 10 curse tokens get removed, but sine you can only have 10 bless tokens only 5 get added. Same goes for the seond part. First you remove all bless tokens from the chaos bag, then you put in an equal amount of curse tokens (again, up to the maximum of 10)

Oct 15, 2020 becxabillion · 511

I'm really uncertain about armour of ardennes in here. Disclaimer I've never actually played it, but 5 (or 10) XP is eye-wateringly expensive. You're already running disposable allies and your level 0 replacement is robes of endless night so you have decent soak already. If you do find yourself desperate for soak, Spiritual Resolve is amazing soak and saves you 5xp. You also talked about the combo with well prepared, which is good, but I'd strongly recommend Physical Training level 2 or 4 for the combo instead.

You asked about prepared for the worst on reddit and I definitely think you do need it to fish out the lightning guns. I'd look at going for Stick to the Plan with prepared for the worst, ever vigilant, and extra ammo attached to it.

At this point I need to suggest some cuts to make room for all this, don't I? I know how ridiculous 0r, fast, draw a card is, but I really don't think tempt fate belongs here. It makes your weakness worse and only rite of sanctification can make use of the bless tokens in your deck (unless your allies have synergy with it). This brings me to rite of sanctification - I was about to suggest cutting it, but I checked this reddit thread: www.reddit.com If you're playing 3 or 4p, you're likely to have 2-3 blessings in the bag, which actually is good enough for it to be a better emergency cache, so do keep that. My next suggestion to cut is blood eclipse. Unless you take three damage it's a significantly worse spectral razor, and three damage and 3xp is by no means cheap. Lastly steadfast is ok, but I'd be eager to drop it for some more economy - a second stand together or Glory could be good.

For level 0, I would run Shrivelling over sword cane, and Crystal Pendulum over holy rosary - I think the occasional card draw is better than the 2 horror soak.