Minh assists the Firefighters

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1179

Joining the effort spearheaded by Doovies over HERE.

Since I normally post game logs in text form, I'll do the same here. I'll be playing Curtain Call with a few small tweaks. First, I'm giving Minh 2 free XPs to spend on Fire Extinguisher. Second, I'm removing all copies of the second act other than A City Aflame. Third, I'm playing with an unreleased card, A Glimmer of Hope, due to it being in-theme for rescue efforts. Fourth, I'm increasing the difficulty to Hard and giving myself one of the worst weaknesses in the game.

Good luck with the wildfires, Australia!

Curtain Call

Pre-Mulligan Hand: True Understanding, Fire Axe, Mind over Matter, Astounding Revelation, Analytical Mind

Opening Hand: Fire Axe, Analytical Mind, Inquiring Mind, Eureka!, A Glimmer of Hope

ATTENTION: Decks with A Glimmer of Hope cannot be published since the card is unreleased. I've used Fortuitous Discoveries as proxies.


Fire Axe is in the game! In solo games tend to keep Analytical Mind in my hand for commits, unless it's in the opening hand. It's no doubt going to be worth it in the long run.


First blood goes to the Fire Axe! Granted, those were only Rats, but with Minh's low combat skill it was always better to be on the safe side.


Fire Extinguisher gets drawn one round too late to be useful against the Poltergeist. Fortunately, Minh was able to evade and left the ghost where it won't bother her anymore.


Alas, I'm playing to win, so Mr. Rook takes priority over the Extinguisher. See that overlong interaction? It would've been perfect if not for the Spires of Carcosa robbing Minh of at least one turn.


Minh positions herself to face the Emissary and her signature weakness at the same time. Glimmers of Hope are amazing for The King in Yellow. I'm concerned with Painful Reflection though, that card is all about pushing the player to make mistakes.


Two swings with the Fire Axe and the Emissary goes to the victory display! Minh is currently at 5 health and 5 horror, which should be enough I rush through the rest of the scenario.


YES! The Man in the Pallid Mask appears near the Lobby, so I can safely ignore the Backstage Doorways. In the meantime, Painful Reflection is still looming over Minh's event cards.


Amazing! I've gambled with investigating at plus two and managed to put both the Pallid Guy and Minh in the Lobby. I think I could potentially try for getting more XPs, but with the theatre aflame that would be irresponsible.


Quite a cinematic finish with three Glimmers of Hope and an elder sign as the last token to be drawn. Minh exits the flaming building, Fire Axe in hand, ready to go and assist whichever firefighter needs her the most!

EDIT: There's a missplay in round #3. It seems that for some reason I've gained a resource rather than searching for a card for Eureka's effect.


Jan 05, 2020 Doovies · 564

Thanks Magnificate! Love the deck theme. I'll be putting a fiver in for this amazing creation! Using the City in Flames Act only, genius.

Please if you're reading this, play this deck in one of your games or simply another Investigator with a Fire Axe or Fire Extinguisher in play. Share a post on Facebook, Discord, Reddit, etc and tag me (Jarrod Davies, Doovies, etc) and i'll donate $5 on your behalf and match the total amount of all contributors.

Thank you Investigators.