Not a review, more FAQ. Anwser from Matt Newman: Corpse Dweller will discard The Man in the Pallid Mask, since he is a humanoid enemy. Note that this does not count as ‘defeating’ the Man in the Pallid Mask for the purposes of chasing the stranger though.
Ennemi. Faiblesse
Humanoïde. Élite.
Génération – Lieu le plus éloigné de tous les investigateurs.
: Enquêter. Votre lieu gagne +2 de valeur occulte pour cette enquête. En cas de réussite, vainquez L'Homme au Masque Blême au lieu de découvrir des indices.
– Robert W. Chambers, « Le Masque », Le Roi en Jaune

No faqs yet for this card.
If I want to use the card -> Investigate, so what action is correct:
1 - Would I need to have The Man in the Pallid Mask in my threat zone? 2 - Or just I can use this action because I am in the same location and it is no neccesary to have it in my threat zone?
Question (minor SPOILERS): The rules say that after an enemy is defeated, it is "placed in the encounter discard pile (or in its owner’s discard pile if it is a weakness." However, in the first scenario, The Man in the Pallid Mask has no owner, so where does it go the second time it's defeated?