Esprit Analytique
Entre les Lignes



Coût: 3.


Deck de Minh Thi Phan uniquement.

Vous avez le droit d'attribuer 1 carte à chaque test de compétence effectué par un investigateur dans un autre lieu.

Après avoir attribué exactement 1 carte à un test de compétence, inclinez Esprit Analytique : piochez 1 carte.

Maggie Ivy
La Route de Carcosa #10.
Esprit Analytique


No faqs yet for this card.


Question about this card:

I am engaged with a 2HP enemy and I have as assets Analytical Mind, Grisly Totem, and Dream Diary.

If I investigate using the bonded Essence of the Dream, and it works, it gives me 2 cards and 1 clue.

Can I use these 2 draws to proc Ancient Stone before I get the attack of opportunity and potentially killing an enemy first?

Valentin1331 · 74986
You should have gotten the attack of opportunity before you take any action other than fight, evade, parley and resign. — Tzolkin1065 · 155
No. Attacks of opportunity happen before the action resolves that trigger the attacks of opportunity. So you would resolve the attacks before you initiate the skill test, let alone decide what to commit, draw the token, trigger the reactions that draw the cards, or trigger the Ancient Stones to deal damage. — Yenreb · 15
As other have pointed out, the moment you choose to initiate the investigate action while engaged with an enemy, you take the attack of opportunity. That happens before you even commit cards or pull tokens for the skill test. — StyxTBeuford · 13029