
How would Hatchet interact with Watcher from Another Dimension? If you succeed in your attack, the Watcher gets discarded, but is that considered defeated? If not do you just keep the hatchet as you no longer have something to attach it to? If you fail, it would make sense that the hatchet would be attached to the Watcher, as it is now in play.

Metius · 12
No, you only discard the Watcher, it is not defeated. But you still lose the hatchet, as 'you lose control' of it. You won't be able to attach it so you will simply discard it. — vidinufi · 69
Bank Job

Wow! In the class of extra actions and big money plays, we have a new Level 0 king!

This card nets 6 resources for 2 actions and 1 card. For multiplayer, this is better than Stand Together if your team needs resources more than you. With support this card becomes even better; Underworld Market to consistently draw this card early, Fence to reduce the action cost, possibly the resource cost too. Cards that gain additional actions are great here. Play this with Double, Double at your own risk. Without additional actions, this will eat your turn, but for 12 resources that may be worth it.

The obvious comparison in Rogue will be to Faustian Bargain, which nets 5 resources for 1 action, 1 card and 2 curse tokens. This is better if you are leaning in to a curse related theme, otherwise the curse tokens will cause grief for you or your team, especially if you use any "succeed by" cards, such as Lucky Cigarette Case or Quick Thinking. Hot Streak & Hot Streak can replace this at the cost of XP and a higher initial resource cost.

In a 3 or 4 player game, this card is great!

4649matt · 7
Thorough Inquiry

I really like this card. I view it as a "buy one preposterous sketches, get one free". While 5 is not double 3, you should take into account the fact that in each case you are spending 1 card to do this. Better yet, you can share those cards with your team. The cost savings is great since you'll probably want to be playing all those cards you just drew.

Thorough Inquiry: 2r, 2a -> net +4 cards

Preposterous Sketches: 2r, 1a -> net +2 cards

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There are other draw events that save you resources but they either cost XP or add curses:

Deep Knowledge: 0r, 1a -> net +2 cards + 2 curses

Cryptic Research: 0r, 0a, 4xp -> net +2 cards

Preposterous Sketches: 0r, 1a, 2xp -> net +2 cards

kamiidude · 63
What is easily overlooked are the icons: a +2 to two different skills on a level 0 card is rare. — AlderSign · 309
Two different _relevant_ skills! For most seekers with no intention of fighting this basically amounts to copy 3 and 4 of Unexpected courage with a nice alternate effect if you can spare the resources and the actions. The last part is probably the most inconvenient, since unlike main-fighters you're not often in a position where your actions are not that useful, but sometimes getting the fighter more cards in hands is valuable. Nice card, all around. — tinybreeder · 22

See that triggered free action? THIS is what I'd love to see on a pair of 1XP Handcuffs in the future. Lemme reuse my cuffs... Come on FFG, please let us get reusable handcuffs one day. I don't want to try somehow get recursion or scavenge into my guardian decks. I just wanna be able to cuff more than 2 enemies per draw through of my deck.

Quantallar · 8
You out to arrest the mythos? — MrGoldbee · 1470
Absolutely... ;) — Quantallar · 8
Ravenous Myconid

Just wanted to point out that because Uncanny Growth is an Insight, it works very well with Crafty, which is already one of the best tri-class talents from EotE. With an upgraded Myconid it is almost pure upside (discounting situations where you cannot or are punished for playing events) as you can make Uncanny Growth free with 1 resource then test at +1 with the other.

Fits very nicely into the Ice Pick-Scavenging loop and other Insight-heavy decks (e.g. Joe Diamond). Big hand Seekers may also want to get into horticulture, especially Harvey Walters who can easily use Farsight on Uncanny Growth and would appreciate Nurturing Strain's soak for damage from his weakness and horror from deck reshuffling.

koaexe · 29
The ressource income machine rises dramatically when your partner runs Sceleton Key. Amazing! — Baseliner · 119