"Not without a fight!"

Some reviews here don't do justice to this card. Allow me to tell you why you should pick it.

If you intend to fight or evade, it will always give you or with the added option of giving in the mythos phase if you are already engaged with your intentions.

It's a target for Resourceful unlike the likes of Overpower, Manual Dexterity, Guts, Unexpected Courage etc. Having Resourceful in your hand and no target for it in your discard pile is not fun.

It will not recycle itself like some of the aforementioned cards or be committed to a test (why would a fighter mingle with intellect in the first place?) but still, it is versatile and it might give you three icons. It happens! (It might give four icons but I do not wish that for the light-hearted)

It's a target for True Survivor unlike let's say Overpower.

It enables both Sea Change Harpoon and Silas's Net for Silas Marsh. It is actually a great card for Silas when taking into account all of the above and adding Eucatastrophe to the mix. (Eucatastrophe and Resourcefull and "Not without a fight" is a more than decent response to a crucial test)

This card has its uses. You cannot look at it in your hand and wish you had Unexpected Courage instead. It’s like looking at Able Bodied or Manual Dexterity in your hand and wishing you had Unexpected Courage. It’s a wrong way to look at it. This card is like “I am not amazing but I will not let you discredit me, "Not without a fight!"

Ginalx · 9

This card excels at higher player counts (more enemies to manage) and when you don't want to kill them (Forgotten Age). Otherwise I find it rather expensive and slow. If you think you're only going to need it once or twice Slip Away is a much better option.

Oweldon · 39
Evade then fight is a potent build now and Disguise gives you a massive boost to the strategy, see dirty fighting. — Zerogrim · 294
Damning Testimony

Trish loves this card as it enables all sorts of shenanigans.

Search Warrant: I find this helpful in TCU bit otherwise probably not worth it. Fabricated Evidence: A solid upgrade. Blackmail: Ditto Extort: This allows other rogues to do Trish tricks. Surveil: I only upgrade this if I have extra XP (which never happens in Rogue) Expose: This one is too expensive to be really useful but it is good for removing that annoying cultist on the far side of the map.

My favourite combo with this card is with the .25 Automatic(2) or Dirty Fighting. Remotely evade the enemy and fight it in the same action.

Oweldon · 39
The reaction gives you an action that can only be used to attack the evaded enemy. The fight action you do is still a separate action so it’ll check the range on initialion, as always. So you can’t attack a remote target, unless the weapon/ spell allows you to — Daerthalus · 16
I'm also curious how you don't upgrade "Surveil" to fully benefit the card with Trish. Without it you keep investigating your location and you can use Trish's ability only by spending an evidence. Surveil now allows you to pick 2 clues per one investigation from any location with the enemy in play without any uses spent. — chrome · 59
Can I use Damning Testimony if an enemy is the Shadows? It says to “Choose an enemy on any location”, so I know he is in the Shadows and, therefore; I can use it, correct? — Big_Daddy_Rod · 1
The enemies in the Shadows are not in any location, so no, you cannot. — Almevirian · 1
Girish Kadakia

Girish is well worth his high cost. He proves a free Unexpected Courage every round and provides self healing soak. He's amazing in a Carson deck but I suspect many other investigators will like him as well.

Oweldon · 39
It seems that he would work well with Vincent Lee, as well. Soak damage for the whole team, get a +2 by exhausting, succeed, heal the damage and get a free On the Mend for another +2 for another test... — DrOGM · 25
Breach the Door

This is a niche card that excels in or even trivializes some scenarios but most of the time isn't very useful. Do you need to clear a ridiculous amount of clues from one location? Is the enemy's strength tied to the location's shroud? Congratulations, you've just won the scenario.

The rest of the time, it let's a Guardian help a little with clues.

Oweldon · 39
Might be a Yorick-combo-piece, if he wants to "Shed a Light". — Susumu · 371
TCU has a cave location this'd work in. — MrGoldbee · 1470
TCU? You mean TDE? I thought of that one, too. There is a second, Leng location in the same half of the campaign. However with this, it entierly depends on how well things went in previouse scenarios. If you did decently enough, it's likely not worth the effort. Card could also be an Adaptable target for Skids or Leo before "Blood on the Altar", in particular if in combination with a "Guiding Stone". But all of that fits into the "niche" lable of the original review. — Susumu · 371
I meant the caves of TIC. Oops. — MrGoldbee · 1470
Wow this would be good for a solo Guardian/Fighter in Blood on the Altar. Gives a doable option for clearing the Chamber of clues instead of defeating Silas. — Krysmopompas · 360
Perhaps useful for Joe Diamond ? As an Insight, it can go in his hunch deck. Joe being kinda good (but not excellent) at both investigating and fighting, this card can use his fight to help him clear a difficult/high shroud location. — DrOGM · 25
This card seems too slow for me. Costs a lot for a guardian, and it doesnt immediately give you any clues. It even has a chance of failing (or only getting -1/2 shroud) — fates · 54
I agree with you guys. I tried to make this work in a Leo Andersen deck with Chuck Fergus, but in 10 scenarios it was never really useful. I mean, I played it a few times but it never really pulled its weight. It should have been either fast or cheaper or capped at -2 or -3 difficulty. — olahren · 3470
If you could reduce the shroud to zero with a high strength investigator, it is basically a better Flashlight, which doesn't take a hand slot and helps other investigators as well. It has some uses with 3-4 players, where you have mostly 3-4 clues/location. — DeadGuy · 95
Flavorfully should have removed an obstacle from the location to breach locked doors; maybe the upgrade will? — darkernectron · 8