In solo it wasn't bad to include a couple of these in a deck for Rita Young and the like, even though she can't really recur it outside of Resourceful etc.
But with the advent of Crafty, I can see an argument being made for having this in hand as a starting supplemental 'weapon' by some survivors even in multiplayer.
I'm using it with Rita Young in a 3-player right now, and having 1 Crafty - or even better, 2 - to both pay for the play of this card and amp up your Fight to as high as +6 means you can take out monsters with that little bit extra.
Even the Clover Club Pit Boss can be a challenge if you're Rita as main monster manager. Elite so can't Waylay, so use a Cheap Shot for 2 damage and you've got 2 left to go. Fighting 3 on 3 doesn't set the world on fire.
But use the Gravedigger's Shovel with Crafty and you can rock out two actions of 3+2+1 = 6 v 3, beating the Cultist on Standard.
Not the best weapon, but still a fun one when Rita can deal 1 Damage with a standard evade and a very reliable 1 Damage with the Shovel.