Four Mystics One Collection - Vampire Agnes

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Agnes - Caster Barista, Baby (Hard Mode) 117 89 19 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 494

Four Mystics, One Collection - Vampire Agnes


Credit: Aleksander Karcz, JB Casacop

All Mystics have the same deck? And they use for everything? Let's see about that!

About Four Mystics - One Collection

This is a series of four standalone 29XP Mystic decks all made from a single (complete) collection. The decks are constructed in such a way that they can be played together as one happy team. Though you can play them in other team compositions as well; the main fun and challenge was in creating four decks without overlapping cards.

The team consists of all 5/2 Mystics:

Diana Stanley , see decklist here

Luke Robinson , see decklist here

Dexter Drake , see decklist here

Agnes Baker

Vampire Agnes

Spam Spell Events at basically no cost, through recursion of Bandages and Heirloom of Hyperborea, as well as repeated use of Drain Essence. This is a ||Front, regular back Agnes deck meant to be a flex-cluever in a multiplayer team. It is a Scavenging•• •• deck, relying on oversucceeding on Sixth Sense •••• for recursion while getting clues for the team.

Piloting the deck

The main cards you'll need to get going are Sixth Sense ••••, Scavenging•• •• , Bandages and some spell events to play. This way, you can use Bandages to basically nullify your ability cost and spam your spells, and Scavenge it back through a Sixth Sense •••• investigate after you run out of uses.

Word of Command •• lets you find Sixth Sense •••• from anywhere in the deck, and after that, you can use it to look for any spell you'll want to have in hand. Backpack •• helps you tutor for the Bandages and some other useful Items you might want to play. Scroll of Prophecies lets you draw a ton of cards to find the right ones. The discard effect is not much of a cost if you discard an Item that you can scavenge back anyway. Lastly, it is good to mention that the upgraded Heirloom of Hyperborea is great in this deck unlike in regular Agnes Baker. Not only does it soak your player card effects (mainly your ability), but it also makes it so every Spell you play replaces itself after casting, even if you spam multiple of them in a turn because it doesn't exhaust!

For resources, besides abusing your ability, there is Schoffner's Catalogue to help you pay for replaying Bandages, Heirloom of Hyperborea and other Item assets. Take Heart can turn a failed test (e.g. an Investigate) into 2 cards and 2 resources. Lastly, Voice of Ra is a Spell, meaning you can repeatedly use it for resources if you want to take the damage to reshuffle it.

Going over the other Spell events in the deck, your combat options are Spectral Razor for a boost and big damage, and Drain Essence as an additional way to get rid of damage so you can keep spamming your spells. Ethereal Form allows you te get out of a sticky situation and let the main fighter of the team handle things for a round. Astral Travel allows you to teleport anywhere on the map for the few times per scenario that you may need it.

Other items include Grotesque Statue, a scavengable Item that allows you to fish for symbol tokens during investigations on Sixth Sense ••••, or just helps you out in a really clutch test. Sparrow Mask is a cheap boost to your or that recharges every time you use your ability.

To round off, Peter Sylvestre •• provides relevant stat boosts and helps ensure you do not accidentally die of horror, and Unexpected Courage is just an all-purpose skill boost to commit to an important test from you or a friend.

Level 0 deck

The level 0 deck can be found here

Upgrade Path

This is an example of an upgrade path you could take if you're going for a Down the Rabbit Hole deck. The last upgrade here could for example be to 2x Spectral Razor •• for a total of 29XP. The upgrade provides a chance to just keep your spell in hand after playing if you reveal a symbol, which Grotesque Statue •••• can help you with. You could of course also go for Arcane Research if you dare with the lower Sanity, or In the Thick of It.

 Cost  Total
   Sixth Sense    Sixth Sense •••• 3 XP 3 XP
   Sixth Sense    Sixth Sense •••• 3 XP 6 XP
   Leather Coat  →  Scavenging •• 3 XP 9 XP
9 XP
   Backpack    Backpack •• 1 XP 10 XP
   Scavenging ••    Scavenging •• •• 1 XP 11 XP
   Leather Coat  →  Scavenging •• 3 XP 14 XP
14 XP
   Scavenging ••    Scavenging •• •• 1 XP 15 XP
   Peter Sylvestre    Peter Sylvestre •• 1 XP 16 XP
   Sparrow Mask  →  Grotesque Statue •• 3 XP 19 XP
19 XP
   Peter Sylvestre    Peter Sylvestre •• 1 XP 20 XP
   Grotesque Statue ••    Grotesque Statue •••• 1 XP 21 XP
   Guts  →  Word of Command •• 3 XP 24 XP
24 XP
   Delve Too Deep  →  Word of Command •• 3 XP 27 XP

Wrap up

This was the last of the four decks in the Four Mystics, One Collection series. I hope you enjoyed the ride and trust that mystics can be quite different from one another (and that somehow you can fit Down the Rabbit Hole into basically any deck that has access). Who knows, maybe I'll do something similar for next. Feel free to like, favorite, or comment on the deck.


Oct 13, 2024 Drostt · 65

It is the most traditional one and it could use some Arcane Research really. But it's very good deck.

Oct 13, 2024 Drostt · 65

Whoops you mention it in the last lines. Didn't notice that.

Oct 14, 2024 ChrisIsMyMiddleName · 494

@Drostt Yeah ironically the last deck out of four in the series ended up being the most traditional deck. Guess I used the unconventional cards for the other three ;p. Our play group recently played through Carcosa with a regular Agnes in the team, which is what made me go for parallAgnes instead. I still wanted to do regular back since it fit the theme I was going with, i.e., using the 5/2 mystics and leaning into their secondary class access. The initial idea for regular Agnes would be something like PeteClever, but that has also been done before and people can look up the recent PBG video about that for a deck.

With the upgrades to the Dream Eaters spell event suite now being available, Arcane Research is definitely a card to consider to save on XP cost of the deck. It does mean you would start with only 4 sanity though if you take both, so you'd need to search for your buddy Peter Sylvestre pretty quickly, before you, say, autofail on a Rotting Remains or something, instantly leaving you on death's doorstep. At least, even with full sanity I noticed in testing that this deck needed something to protect against horror in case of bad luck with the encounter deck, hence Pete. Plus, he's her unofficial boyfriend, so why not put him in an Agnes deck.