Skids Enters the Matrix

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LaRoix · 1643

I tried to play classic Skids on a whim and rapidly realized that the only thing Skids actually has that Tony does not are assets and cards level 2. So what did I do? Well, I built a deck with those two things in mind, just to spite the cocky bounty hunter. Coincidently, the deck that developed was a very kung-fu-matrix-style blend of ping damage and guns... lots of guns (actually not really as you don't need them much).

This is by no means a great deck, but Skids is kind of trash to be honest. It costs him two resources to gain the bonus action that many of his competitors gain for free. Sure, it may not always trigger every round, but two resources simply to gain flexibility is quite silly when you pretty much only need your bonus action to fight or evade. But I digress.

The flavor can be a lot of fun, and having Trinity along ended up giving me a much brighter perspective on her than I initially gave credit. With Alice, and Lockpicks, you investigate with an of 8 which ensures you get the clue regardless of token ( is rarely countered so it hardly counts). You can dodge, obfuscate or, better yet, narrowly avoid the hit gaining +2 to help protect your lockpicks from discarding. Scene of the Crime and Breaking and Entering function in a similar fashion, giving Alice lots of opportunities to ping bits of damage off of your enemies. The joke at the table was that Alice was the best fighter on the table. Compared with Beat Cop, Alice was a no-brainer for this deck, and if I may speak aside, I highly encourage you to try more Alice decks in the future. Definitely an underappreciated card to be sure.

You combine this with a few tricks in the form of Hatchet Man, Vicious Blow, and Sneak Attack, and there's virtually no situation in which you aren't able to calculate the precise amount of damage you need to deal in order to take down the Agent Smiths of the mythos. Even a combination of Trinity and a Daring can get you a 2 health enemy kill and a clue.

As you upgrade, I'd encourage you to keep the rhythm going by picking from your personal favorites in the side deck, but "I've had worse…" should probably be your top priority since you don't have a lot of healing and the two resources you gain can... in theory, be used to trigger Skid's ability. Regardless, sticking to the lvl 2 cards allows you some more refined ping damage and dodges, which in turn, let's you really FEEL like you're in the Matrix. You also get to stick it to smug-faced Tony while you're at it. And who doesn't want that even now and then?

Anyways, mulligan for what few assets you have, especially Alice and Lockpicks so you can get your cluing online. Other than that, you're in as good a shape as you can really hope for. You're main weakness are tests, but that's just par for the course for . Like I said, this is meant to be a fun deck, if not a great one, so keep an open mind and you too, can be... the one.


Jan 20, 2022 vak36 · 1

The idea of the deck is great!:) I would like if you would make modified version for solo options and so, plus it can be pretty heavy to find all assets you need. But on the other hand, Skids will win the game pretty fast. I would not say Skids is a trash, it is more of card pool-stats thing

Jan 20, 2022 LaRoix · 1643

Thanks! This is more or less the solo variant. I generally run very light on assets - it’s just my play style. There’s enough icons to keep you evading consistently so that you should be able to run away from bad situations.

I’d prioritize getting your lockpicks upgraded so you don’t loose them as easily. And you might want to invest in some card draw, though how is up to you (Pickpocketing is good and more thematic than Lucky Cigarette Case but your call). I mulligan hard and then spend a couple actions drawing cards here and there until I get enough of what I’m looking for.

Trash is kinda harsh but I was lazy and couldn’t think of another word to use haha!

Jan 20, 2022 LaRoix · 1643

Oh and either version of Manual Dexterity is a great choice for this deck. Maybe cut Nimble?

Jan 21, 2022 davilimap · 282

Trash is pretty harsh, I agree. Especially because you're also forgetting another thing Skids has that Tony doesn't: the stats to play cards like Lockpicks, Slip Away and Breaking and Entering. When combining those cards with Chuck, as well as the applicable events from the Guardian card pool, Skids has a lot going for him. Unfortunately, I do think that's probably too wide of a variance from this deck, but worth a try for anyone considering original Skids out there.

I like the shoutout in the side deck for level 2 cards that Skids likes. Most notably, Dodge (2) since I couldn't really think of any actual Guardians that like it. Cool deck and I like the flavor take on it!

Jan 21, 2022 chirubime · 26680

@davilimap the dodge(2) is superrrr cool for sure. Its so weird that its like one of the best usages of hatchet man :P

Jan 24, 2022 11zxcvb11 · 3

@chirubime i think i'm missing something. i though the extra damage from 'hatchet man' only triggered if it was committed to an evasion test?

Jan 24, 2022 chirubime · 26680

@11zxcvb11 oops you're right. obscure cards be like that :P

Jan 24, 2022 LaRoix · 1643

Yea Hatchet Man and Dodge (2) don’t work together. The thing with this deck is you’ll always have ways of doing bits of damage such that you can decide how you want to use your cards and resources. You can also be a decent boss killer because you can just pile on the ping damage.