Flurry of Blows

Very underwhelming card, to be honest. Artwork is awesome, skill icons are good, and when you see a 5xp event you immediately go "wow this gotta be good". Well, it ain't! So for 2 actions, you get 4. That is basically it, this card gives 2 actions, and all without any boost or anything else. Also, you need to control a Melee asset, it can't be a gun or something else you had in mind. It is very difficult to understand the logic behind why this costs 5xp, when in the same box we got Hand-Eye Coordination which gives you 1 action for 1xp, meaning that for 2xp you get, well, this?! After all is said and done, i think i have found an explanation for this card, so hear me out:

There is a janitor over there at FFG. He works night shifts ofc, and has keys to open-up and clean each room in the building. Some years ago, and i think around the time when Innsmouth was being released, he started messing with us and started doing some "funny" things. So, when our designers distribute what will they do, they arrive at their office and what can they see? Some of the cards are already designed!!! "Sweet", they think! In their head they think the other designer has designed the card already, so even if they see the card they just read through it really fast and think "okay, he must have play-tested it so i won't complain", but little do they know that it wasn't the other designer, IT WAS THE GOD DAMN JANITOR WHO PUT IT TO COST 5xp!!!! He didn't know shit, he doesn't play this game, but he heard the others talk about XP and stuff like that, and when he was f*cking around with cards he saw those dots under the number and he thought "they won't notice that i've placed some dots there!". And those dots are, ofc as we play the game so we know, the experience cost of a card.

When all is said and done, we get cards that are so weirdly costed that it makes no sense, like Flute of the Outer Gods, Signum Crucis (which they realised after 2 years and changed it to 0xp), Blood Will Have Blood, Quickdraw Holster, Rod of Animalism, Clean Sneak, Katja Eastbank etc. In this campaign he got into the room couple of times, as we can see in the cards like this one Flurry of Blows, Stir the Pot, Providential, and ofc let's not forget that one time he said "fck it" and deleted all the new text that was supposed to be on the Fire Axe and just typed in "Fast" as a funny joke describing how fast he comes in and changes things without anyone noticing.

I think after all is said and done, FFG has really gotta do something about that guy, as before that guy started messing with us we would get maybe some cards that are completely out of the way, but in the last couple of expansions there is some weird shit happening around XP costs and effects, but not in all cards, just some so they don't figure that guy out, but i have figured it out!!!

Janitor, if you're reading this, know this = we will get you and feed you to a Shoggoth, you son of a....

Blood&gore · 434
You make a good point! And this review is hilarious so +1 for that too. — waltercardcollector · 11
Rod of Animalism is fair at 1xp. — MrGoldbee · 1470
There are some weapons that might go crazy with this card like the holy spear with 8 blesses in the bag, the big sledgehammer with an additional action or simply his small basic variant. — Tharzax · 1
The review is right though, Holy Spear might go crazy with so many attacks, but this card isn't what makes that good, Holy Spear is. If you use Hand Eye Coordination on your Holy Spear you're doing what this does minus 1 attack for 4 less exp. — Spamamdorf · 5
I read the spear again and the seal of bless tokens is part of the cost. So you can use the second ability with furry of blow 4 times with only 2 bless tokens. — Tharzax · 1
no, you can't. Only the action cost is ignored. And the "repeat this effect" refers to "choose a melee asset you control..." — Adny · 1
Hmm that would make playing this card with the sledgehammer impossible. Due to the action wording compared to the one on hand eye coordination only the first action was free. — Tharzax · 1
yes, the hand eye coordination FAQ has made the sledgehammer shenanigans.dec imposible... This basicaly lets you do 8 damage in two actions, which is on par with other high level fight events — Adny · 1
I think, the janitor is around for longer than Innsmouth. He really messed up LiT&S with "Decyphered Reality" and "Monster Slayer". — Susumu · 371
And don't forget that FoB ends your turn right afterwards, no matter what. That's another drawback.. — joster · 40
Would this be fair at 3xp, or 2Xp even, complementing the Police badge at 2xp, 1 action, 1 neck slot, and 3 resource cost? If say 3xp/ 2Xp would be sweet, same cost and effects. This would save you a slot, but it's more restrictive in Fight only actions and a melee slot needed. Actually on saying all this, nah, 2xp. You need a slot for this too, a Melee weapon. 2Xp, anyone? — Quantallar · 8
I think one of the reasons why this is so prohibitive lies with future-proofing. Imagine in the future they print a melee weapon that gains a bonus damage after each consecutive use or something like that. Then suddenly this card becomes bonkers. I also think they wanted to keep this out of Rogues' reach at all costs, being very careful not to turn Guardians into rogues. All that is not to say I excuse the card in any way and will probably nod in agreement to any future buffs it receives. Lvl 5 at 5 exp for a bonus of 1 attack compared to lvl 1 and 1 exp Hand-Eye Coordination (from the very same set) seems strange, which leads me to believe there are other reasons for it being this way. — MarTom · 2
I'm very much drawn to this card as a lover of Chen Li, having practiced Gong Fu myself, but yeah, I wonder if the devs tuned this card in comparison to Police Badge (••)? Normally I'd want a different neck slot, so taking Relic Hunter (•••) would be in order, and for 2 of this card, I could essentially get 2x Remix hunter + 2x Police Badge in my decks. With Butterfly Swords these two week our to be about eventually matched for burst action compression, both combinations of 10XP, grant roughly 2 x 5 action turns, though one costs you 2 actions up front investment, and 6 resources (quite steep in guardians), for the added flexibility to use the actions however I want and when, in one huge 7 action turn, to give them away, spread them out etc. Yes this is significantly better than being locked into Melee only. But in saying that, FoB didn't cost me any actions, only 4 resources, and I met the same 2 turns with 5 actions (4 melee attacks + 1 free to move out anything else). I think this card could be pushed with resource cost reduction maybe costing 1 or 0 tabooed.... — Quantallar · 8
Seal of the Elders

Seal of the Elders is one of the cards which yield great potential, but need a very specific deck to pull them of on a regular basis. With 5 XP, it is very expensive, especially for an one use event card. Setting up for it is even more expensive because you´ll need cards like Favor of the Moon and Favor of the Sun too and have them in play.

In my opinion its only worth its price if you manage too get both minions out, getting a great 4/4 soak or up to an insane 16 dmg! Even better: The minions don´t exhaust after being used which lets them deal their Damage very fast especially in multiplayer.

But there are many much more reliable cards for 5 XP to dish out alot of damage. Therefore its remains a pocketpick for Kōhaku Narukami and his Book of Living Myths, but feels great if you manage to pull it off and melt a boss with it!

G3nesys · 2
Keeper of the Key doesn't deal damage (to itself or enemies), it discovers 1 clue and deals horror to itself; the ArkhamDB text is wrong (appears to be directly copied from Servant of Brass, including the self-reference). That's still very good. — Thatwasademo · 58
I think it would still be pretty good if you only get one out, assuming you have other synergies to keep it around anyways. A solemn vow from your guardian for example to keep getting slotless fast clues every round is still very good. — Spamamdorf · 5
Thanks for the hint to the mistake! I will update my review as soon as the right text is on Arkham DB (still waiting for my own cards). — G3nesys · 2
I don´t think thats how Solemn Vow works, you would have to play it yourself to somebody else. There are not many Gators who can have Seal of the Elders and Solemn Vow (only Lilly comes to mind from the top of my head). I still like your idea, but I means investing even more cards around this one. — G3nesys · 2
Forget it, I missunderstood the "owner"-part of solemn vow. You are right. — G3nesys · 2
Book of Shadows

I have never used this card, and I don't think I ever will. Even back when this came out in the original core set, my attitude was always that I would rather just play another copy of my important spell, especially because if you don't have spells to recharge, this will just sit on the table and do nothing. Deep down inside, though, ever since I first saw this in the core set, I've had a tiny hope that maybe, someday, a spell will come out that will make me want to pay 4 resources and 3 xp to recharge and keep in play alongside two other spells; but to this day, almost 8 years later, this hope has yet to become reality.


This seems to be mis-labelled, my physical card has this as an Asset, rather than an Event. Given it's a permanent that lets you draw cards to attach to Bewitching before your opening hand, Asset makes more sense, right?

NotYAWS · 3
Yes. The original card is an asset. It's mislabeled on this page. — toastsushi · 74
This has already been fixed, but will take a bit untill it will be updated on the server. — Susumu · 371
Clarification: 'Engaging Enemies vs Being Engaged by Enemies: When an investigator engages an enemy, that enemy has also engaged that investigator, and vice-versa. There is no difference between engaging an enemy and being engaged by an enemy. Effects that trigger “after an enemy engages you” will trigger at the same time as effects that trigger “after you engage an enemy.”' - FAQ v.1.3, May 2018: — zman7791 · 5
Sorry, meant to post as review, not a comment. — zman7791 · 5
Prismatic Spectacles

This is a card that seems specifically targeted at non-seekers. Most people with normal access to Level 0-2 seeker cards have better ways to get multiple clues (deduction, fingerprint kit, extensive research, ice pick, seeking answers). The bonus skill value also probably isn't super critical for most seekers too, especially when balanced against a curse token somewhere down the line. There is the benefit that this doesn't take up the competitive hand slot for Seeker, with the accessory slot being less competitive in Yellow. That still doesn't balance out an effect that costs 2 resources and an action to play and requires you to hit a curse token to resolve (meaning you leave it to chance or use Favor of the Moon).

That leaves us with non-Seekers who can take this card.

Kohaku is the obvious primary use case for this. With his Book of Living Myth, it's trivial to proc this effect once per turn for lower shroud locations (he still needs to pass the test, but his investigate skill is high).

Parallel Wendy is probably the next base case. She can directly resolve curse tokens using Tidal Memento or her elder sign effect.

Darrell probably doesn't need the additional effort involved in this card (slowly dripping curses into the bag, sealing with Favor of the Moon, then proc-ing). His synergies go other ways.

Trish can take this card and there's a reasonable amount of potential for a curse-focused Trish build. She can take some combination of Blasphemous Covenant, Lucky Penny [maximize the number of times she can get a curse token], Diabolical Luck, Eye of the Djinn, and Control Variable. In that case, the Prismatic Spectacles give her pretty straightforward curse token generation for a basic investigate action, something she'll probably want to do during a scenario anyways. Similar arguments can be made for Monterey Jack as well.

Luke and Subject 52-U1 can take these as well - both of those investigators are mostly shenanigans anyways, so this card is probably as good as any with them...

In short, this card won't be a Seeker staple, but will see limited use in certain Curse builds.

AdamMal4444 · 12
Parallel Jim would love these things. — HanoverFist · 739
This works with Ursula's ability, for a curse-focused Ursula deck this could be very useful. — SKThunder · 1
I have to ask: The card text does not mention a successful skill test. Can you exhaust the spectacles as soon as you draw a curse token? Does it not depend in the investigation being sucessful? — dr31ns5mf · 1
I asked FFG and they said the skill test must be successful to get the curse clue bonus. — MindControlMouse · 44
So do you have to exhaust the spactacles as soon as the curse token appears (before seeing if the test was successful)? — Son_of_Gothos · 112
Ice pick level 1 doesn't give extra clues, it's the 3xp variant that gets you that. — Olimarrex · 2