"Look what I found!"

This is really good in Solo, where the versatility of choosing 2 clues at 1 location or 1 clue at 2 is very helpful. Even in Multiplayer, this is a useful option to have available. Plus the generous 3 failure margin makes almost all locations within the grasp of every Survivor (except, maybe, a very early game Calvin Wright. It's a very nice upgrade of an already-solid card.

Try it combo with Skid (Paralleled) then trigger Double, double. Boom getting 4 Clues around place! — AquaDrehz · 198
Or Preston! — MrGoldbee · 1471
I disagree. In solo you get all the clues from a location, then move on. I think the tiny improvements on this card from the level 0 version make it a real stretch for 2 xp. — housh · 171
Even in multiplayer this can be useful: have a low shroud location next to high shroud location with clues? Investigate the low shroud, fail, and then grab from the high shroud. Useful for secondary cluevers to help out. — ricedwlit · 3
Randall Cho

As far as signature cards go, Randall here is on the simpler side - as befits a starter deck - but that simplicity is packed with strength. Looking beyond the advantage that he's cheap and he has significant horror soak, the versatility in his reaction ability makes the margin where he's a sub-par play very slim. If he's your first play or among the first, you can find a weapon to prepare yourself. Later, he can heal a massive amount of damage from your face, giving you more longevity. The space where you're supplied with weapons and at full health is pretty small. Best of all, and this is pretty heartless, but once he's done his thing there's no reason not to have him soak as much horror as possible. Thanks bro!

All in all, Randy's a cheap ally with a strong etb effect and a lot of horror soak; perfect for a low-sanity guardian. His ability ensures that he's a good play no matter when you draw him... unless you already have Grete or Beat Cop in play.

SGPrometheus · 821
A bit like the miskatonic army, he's a (powerful) expendable ally. I'd try to ditch once i get the effect or have him "Calling in favors" to heal and return him to your hand. Guardian can't revive allies so you'll probably only see him once per game. Versatile + Chance encounter could get him back but only for a turn, i don't think that's worth it. — Django · 5108
Calling in favors to swap out for Grete or Beat Cop and then re-playing for more heal is always good. — SGPrometheus · 821

This just seems like a ludicrously good upgrade.

Lucky! (0) -> Lucky! (2) gave you 1 card for your 2 experience.

Lucky! (3) saves you 1 resource, 1 extra point to your skill value - giving 50% extra breathing room on your tests... AND it can be used on another investigator.

Using this card on another investigator is the icing on the cake. I can't tell you how many times I've had lower experience versions of this card in hand and wished I could help another investigator on a critical test.

And all that for 1 experience!

Crash · 7088

How would others interpret this card working with Nathaniel Cho's special ability: "When you deal damage to an enemy by an event or a fight ability on an event: Deal 1 additional damage. (Limit once per phase.)"

Only ONE of the engaged monsters will take an extra damage from Cho? Or ALL of the engaged monsters will?

Only one of course — BraidsMamma · 8
Burning the Midnight Oil

Other, wiser reviewers may find sophisticated uses for this card, but I'll be considering only the obvious use -- to make some dough doing what you were gonna do anyway. Obviously, as a seeker, this is an easy card to play. Investigate your location, grab a couple resources. The question: is this benefit substantial enough for this card to deserve a place in your deck?


First of all, let's keep context in mind. This is part of a starter deck designed to welcome new players to the game. A card with a nice simple effect like this is definitely beginner-friendly. It'll almost never be a dead draw, there are no complicated interactions to work out, no need to check the FAQ.

Also, there is a small advantage to getting the resources before you do the check. That means you can instantly spend them to boost something like Higher Education or Hyperawareness. I'm not sure how often this would matter -- pretty much only when you're broke, it seems -- but it's better than getting those same resources after the check, and definitely better than those resources being contingent on a successful check.

All the same, I have a hard time seeing a deck in which the Midnight Oil would be more effective that Crack the Case, which can easily net you 3 or 4 resources for the same action economy, and in some situations, more. The Midnight Oil might be handier in the first turn, helping you get down some pricier assets, but after that, it seems less bang for your buck, or fewer bucks for your bang, or something.

Verdict: I'm glad this card exists, because it's simple and user-friendly. It makes perfect sense as part of an entry-level deck you can snag for $15. But for players interested in optimizing their decks, and who have invested in a fuller collection, there are better options.

I would agree that this pales in comparison to Crack the Case for the most part. It has a few niche advantages beyond resource sink cards though. CtC does require you clear a location first before getting the resources, this does not (and in fact triggers regardless of the outcome). This can help you set up quicker before you go out hunting for clues. Also, this card works with Ursula's ability, and Ursula herself is a bit limited in more resource options. — StyxTBeuford · 13028
I would consider Crack the Case to be better but it is only better situationally. I have had Crack the Case and didn't want to play it because I was on a 2 shroud. Or I had to wait until I had cleared several clues. One issue with this card is that it has the bold Investigate action and can't be combined with Flashlight, Fingerprint Kit or untested clue cards. I think the comparison for this card should be Emergency Cache which I find it slightly more useful than since I might only need 2R and I save an action (although an investigate action is used) by playing this card. — The Lynx · 980
I think this cards succeeds CtC, if you are playing a farsight deck, basically giving you a fast investigation + 2 ressources — niklas1meyer · 1
Yeah, my go-fast Ursula deck every so often hits a speedbump if I don't get Dream Diary in my opening hand and have to rely on a Research Librarian to drag it out of the deck, so this would be a nice little bump early on in any scenario, and maybe welocme even toward the end. — LivefromBenefitSt · 1067
@StyxTBeuford What do you mean this works with Ursula’s ability? This is an regular Event card and therefore requires a Play action. You can’t combine it with Ursula’s ability which triggers an Investigate action. — Rompe · 8
@Rompe Ursula's ability allows you to take any bolded Investigate action, even those on events or assets. So Ursula can trigger flashlight or this card on her ability, because those are investigate actions, they are just also other types of actions at the same time. — h9uu · 31
Ursula's ability isn't "after you move, Investigate", it's effectively "Get an extra action which can only be used immediately and can only be used to Invetigate". Playing this card after moving means you use that free extra action to play it, not one of your normal three actions. — Sethala · 5