|| Parallel Jenny Conquers the Mythos ||

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
|| Parallel Jenny is So Talented || 5 4 0 1.0

LiquidMercury8 · 40

Jenny Conquers the Mythos



Use your many talents to hack and slash at whatever the mythos throws your way. This is a combat focused || Jenny Barnes build with the intent of boosting her combat to high levels and then reaping the rewards of over-success. This only uses cards from the new release format (all but TIC) and uses the Advanced versions of her signature .45s and weakness.

Boost to the Belle of the Ball

Use Bruiser, Steady-Handed, and Well Prepared to boost your Switchblade or Mauser C96 to oblivion.

Flaunt your Success

Reward over-success with Lucky Cigarette Case, Empirical Hypothesis, Steady-Handed, "Watch this!", and Quick Thinking.

Whirl Around the Dance Floor

Be exactly where you need to be with Pathfinder, Safeguard, and really stretch your legs with Scout Ahead.

Flaunt your Wealth

Sustain your expensive lifestyle with Lone Wolf, help your teammates with Bank Job, and fill your coffers with Easy Mark, Grift, and "Watch this!".

Put the Mythos in it's place

Survive and thrive through your adventures with infinite healing from Lonnie Ritter and the free and Leather Jacket paid for with Bruiser. Keep your sanity further in check with Steady-Handed. Elites and Bosses have nothing on you.


The ideal hand is a weapon, a fist boost, an economy card, and something to generate tempo. Conveniently, that is also the mulligan importance order for Jenny. Keeping a card with XP is often worthwhile if you are struggling to determine what to mulligan.

There is something just magical when opening a hand with Jenny's Twin .45s, a bank vault full of ammo, a body guard, some Smokes, and a Hypothesis about what comes next (Hint: It's a whole lot of butt kicking!).

I really like keeping Bank Job and Easy Mark in my opening hand as Bank Job can help the team if someone missed their economy and Easy Mark replaces itself. Pathfinder, Lone Wolf, and Safeguard also generate so much value over the course of a scenario, it's hard to argue against keeping them too. Just make sure to get your weapon!


Aug 29, 2024 knoxb · 26

I love this deck. I have a hard time seeing the need for Lonnie + Leather jacket when you have Steady handed, although I'm sure they help in early scenarios before you have xp. But I'd throw a 2nd steady handed in over lonnie, and maybe grab physical training or one of the other core set talents. Also wondering - if switchblade and mauser are the main weapons, why not grab the hour of the huntress signatures instead of the twin .45s? Extra xp is really nice with bank job

Aug 29, 2024 knoxb · 26

Here's my modified version: arkhamdb.com

Aug 30, 2024 LiquidMercury8 · 40

Awesome stuff and thanks for the comment! I am a sucker for Lonnie and the coat combo. They made their way into the deck pretty early so I wouldn't need to think more about survivability.

A core set talent or two would likely do this deck some favors. You can end up with a bad mulligan where you've got lots of cash, and a weapon, but no way of boosting your fight. Given most scenarios are around 12-15 rounds, there is certainly room for more free play actions from Jenny's ability. Though I would be weary of going too far beyond the nine included here for fear of cutting value.

There are a couple of reasons I didn't include the medallion on this list. The first and foremost being that the book promos are hard to find in print (which is the same reason I chose not to include TIC cards). I wanted to write up a guide that would serve the players who had gotten into the game after the new release model started. I also wanted a guide that worked well for standalone mode. the replacement weakness (better!) does not outweigh replacing the really nice advanced signatures with what is functionally a unexpected courage in standalone play. Your guide seems more targeted towards campaign play where I think the medallion shines!