Silas throws the kitchen sink

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

retty · 2

A fighter Silas deck that revolves around throwing the Sea Change Harpoon at enemies with all skills committed and returning it to hand repeatedly. Long Shot and Strong-Armed make the Harpoon do tons of damage. Quick Thinking refunds 1 action per turn so you can replay the Harpoon. Stunning Blow is in case you can't one-shot the enemy.

Bruiser is necessary to avoid running out of resources replaying the Harpoon. Precious Memento fixes soak problems and can be dug out with Backpack, although Jessica Hyde + Plucky also works.

Once you assemble the Harpoon+Bruiser combo, your hand will quickly overflow. Before that, try to save 1x Quick thinking, Strong-Armed and Resourceful, since they are the only significant cards that can't be recurred from Resourceful.

Salvage and Pushed to the Limit are tech for cases where the Harpoon gets discarded.

Level 0 version: Start with In the Thick of It, Strong-Armed and Unrelenting. Replace Memento with Peter Sylvestre x2, get Leather Coat and run some generally good events (Lucky!, "Look what I found!", etc), more soak (Cherished Keepsake) or more weapons.

Future upgrades: Get another Strong-Armed, for more damage and consistency.

Ice Pick adds more damage and can be recurred with Resourceful.

Alternatively, Strength in Numbers and Plucky(3) help with random tests and can be recurred with Resourceful.

Other options: You can try flexing with Old Keyring, Look what I found and Quick Learner. But it costs lots of xp and affects your consistency.

Purified or Signum Crucis and bless payoffs (e.g. A Watchful Peace) are also viable.

Dark Horse and Observed are luxury options. Key of Ys is strong but cheesy.

Versatile is not worth it (you absolutely need to find the Harpoon).