


Vous avez le droit d'attribuer Coup au But à un test de combat ou d'évasion contre un ennemi dans votre lieu ou dans un lieu connexe.

En cas de réussite, infligez 1 dégât à cet ennemi.

Carlos Palma Cruchaga
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion #116.
Coup au But


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Vicious Blow is probably the most used card in this game, tied with Deduction, and their omnipresence in deckbuilding hasn't decreased since the core game came out.

Long Shot arrives much later in the game and looks very similar, with just a few exceptions:

  • Cons:
    • No icons
  • Pros:
    • Can be committed to evasion tests
    • Can be committed to a test at a connecting location
    • No icon means it can be committed to non- attacks like Mystic Spells, or Rogue Tricks. (Thanks @dscarpac for pointing it out in the comment)
  • Other:

At this state of the game, anyone using a full collection should not experience difficulties passing tests anymore in Easy/Standard or even Hard mode if they optimise their decks slightly, so the downside of the missing icon seems less important than the flexibility offered by Long Shot.

So, will it be a new staple for any fighty ? Let's find out when users start publishing decks!

Valentin1331 · 74968
The lack of an icon might be a Pro, since It also can be committed to Shriveling or Backstab, which might be great for team play (Carson?). — dscarpac · 1177
A con you overlooked is that the artwork absolutely stinks. — Blitheharrow · 38
Art is subjective. I think the artwork is one of the best things about it. — BubbaAristotle · 1
Another pro - it is a separate instance of damage so it can help against those 1 damage at a time enemies. — Markthr · 1
Help pls :) How does "commit Long Shot to a fight test against an enemy at a connecting location" work? If I have Ice Pick, can I do a fight test against an enemy at a connecting location when I commit Long Shot? — walla · 810
If one of your other players fights or evades an enemy at a connecting location. — LazilyExtroverted · 7
Thanks LazilyExtroverted, I play true solo, I guess I can't fight an event at a connecting location with my Ice pick. I was hoping to be able to throw that brick from the card. — walla · 810
Correction: I guess I can't fight an enemy at a connecting location with my Ice pick. — walla · 810

Obviously an excellent card for many reasons, but there are some interesting implications to the extra point of damage happening after the test is completed. In particular, I think the synergy with Hatchet should be noted. Hitting a 3 health enemy for 2 with the attack and then finishing them off after the test with this card's extra point of damage is a sneaky way to have your cake and eat it too.

Wundle · 5
But the damage from Long Shot applies in ST.7 together with the standard damage, not after the test. Sorry, no particular Hatchet synergy to be found here. — TheNameWasTaken · 3
I'm not sure that's true TheNameWasTaken. I think this could go either way unless there's been a ruling. While you are right about the timing of the damage there may be a positive interaction with hatchet. Hatchet discards if the attack defeats the enemy. And what exactly this means isn't well defined. Long Shot is different from e.g. vicious blow in that it doesn't increase the attacks damage by 1, its just a card that deals 1 damage that can trigger off of a successful attack. It probably wouldn't be the case that if you started a fight with hatchet, then played a fast card that defeated the enemy that you would discard hatchet, because even though it happened during the attack, the attack itself didn't defeat anything. That being said, it could easily be ruled the way you are saying because a damage as a result of a successful fight test could be sufficient to count as the attack, even if its not strictly speaking the attacks damage — NarkasisBroon · 10
I’m pretty sure the combo works. When you have multiple effects to resolve at ST.7, you choose the order. Like if you have to gain a clue from investigating and draw a card from Perception, it can be either order. I don’t see why this would be different. And as for the question of whether the Long Shot damage attaches to the weapon’s attack, there are two reasons to doubt that. One is that MJ Newman ruled six years ago that even Vicious Blow didn’t do that, in response to a question about killing the Broods of Yog-Sothoth in Undimensioned and Unseen. (I admit that is a peculiar ruling, but I do not believe it was overturned.) The second reason is that Long Shot also does a point of damage during an Evade attempt, and even from another player’s Evade attempt. What is the source of damage in that case? In other words, if I evade an 1-health enemy and you throw in a Long Shot, it’s you, not me, who gets to play Glory. — Holy Outlaw · 269