Daisy Walker Does It All [version 3.0]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

An_Undecayed_Whately · 1101

Daisy Does it All

Here's an updated version of a deck I've tinkered with for awhile. This version aims to be less reliant on expensive assets. Instead go grab early clues with skill cards and Daisy's 5 and play down assets as you go.

It's fun to play on account of all the fast and/or free stuff. There's free resources, free draw actions, free deck searches. free movement, and even free XP.

To get back to a campaign starter deck just swap out all the experienced cards and put in the 14 cards on Side Deck list.

Generally keep most of your opening hand and only use your mulligan to toss out Astounding Revelations or duplicate assets. Revelations in your hand are only good for a committing to skill tests, and the ones in your deck are likely to trigger. So restraint with the mulligan will keep the Revelations safely in the draw pile.

Early on try to play Old Book of Lore and Whitton Greene, most everything else can wait. As a side note: it's a helpful thing that the Tome makes it easier to draw Whitton, and Whitton makes it easier to draw the Tome! Just go grab clues right away, the rest should fall into place.

Staying Alive

  • For fights the Occult Lexicon/Blood-Rite pulls most of the weight, which features testless damage and has free card draw as an added bonus. Testless damage is very powerful: you never miss, you can't suffer bad outcomes from chaos tokens, you don't ever damage another investigator, you don't need to engage the enemy, etc. Just be sure to keep a couple resources handy when you have a Blood-Rite in hand!
  • Storm of Spirits can deal with swarms or locations with multiple enemies
  • Disc of Itzamna is handy to have keyed up, and its advanced version is powerful against high-health enemies. Also running an asset-light deck makes you vulnerable to treacheries like Crypt Chill and Pushed into the Beyond, and the disc is one of the few assets you can usually spare to lose.
  • Mind over Matter is a last line of defense to punch or evade your way to safety
  • Ward of Protection nerfs bad treacheries
  • Daisy has a dainty 5 health, so remember that Deny Existence can prevent damage

Plenty of Money

Running Through Your Deck and Using the Quantum Flux

  • This deck tends to draw a LOT of cards. Every turn you're using the Old Book of Lore for free. You're running across the Revelationss via deck search, and those go straight to the discard pile. The Blood-Rite has you drawing free cards and flushing out dead cards. So it's common to draw your entire deck in a scenario.

  • Quantum Flux lets you recycle your discard pile at the time of your choosing and without suffering horror

  • If you draw your signature weakness, make sure to use Quantum Flux while your weakness is on the table. That way you'll be sure to only see it once rather than recycling it into your deck.

  • Another possible opportunity is when you haven't yet drawn your signature weakness and the draw pile is looking thin. Reshuffling your discard pile into your deck lets you recur the Revelations and skill cards, and it also reduces odds of ever seeing the Necronomicon at all!

Advancement and XP Spending

As far as advancement goes, the idea here is to squeeze the maximum utility from Down the Rabbit Hole over course of a campaign. The deck ends up with 14 upgrades that benefit from Down the Rabbit Hole and only adds 2 cards that incur extra XP cost. Between scenarios upgrade exactly 2 cards and save the extra XP for Higher Education and Pathfinder. Some of the details are worth knowing:

  • 1 XP Whitton Greene (2) improves and deck search, vital early upgrade!

  • 2 XP Old Book of Lore (3) has tokens that provide discounts, as well as the ability to immediately play the card for zero actions. Remember that the Astounding Revelations can replenish secret tokens on this asset in case you don't yet have Guiding Stones on the table yet

  • 1 XP Unearth the Ancients (2) is an underrated economy card

  • 2 XP The upgraded Occult Lexicon (3) offers the option of 3 points of testless damage, and more importantly the Blood-Rite spells stay in your deck even after the tome leaves play. So the pain of your signature weakness is much reduced, as you don't require the hand slot in order to keep the Blood-Rite spells in your deck!

  • 2 XP Archaic Glyphs: Guiding Stones (3) is a game changer. The upgraded card uses an arcane slot instead of a hand slot, and also grabs extra clues.

  • 1 XP Ward of Protection (2) cancels treacheries to any investigator at any location (!)

  • 1 XP Deduction (2) is simply more clues / more commit, likewise with Fearless (2), though the healing of horror is probably more useful given Daisy's weakness and the self-incurred horror from Ward of Protection

  • 7 XP Higher Education is a permanent (no substitution needed). The Glyph / Higher Education combo has potential to haul many clues with a single action. Given the likelihood that you spent a pile of cash and a precious secret token on this test, try to save the uses of Heavy Furs to deal with any tokens on these key tests!

  • 4 XP Pathfinder is made more expensive, swap in for Delve Too Deep

  • in the event you somehow have even more XP to spend, it would be fun to grab the useful version of the Necronomicon and get some free uses out of it.

Please let me know your experience with this one!


Sep 19, 2022 An_Undecayed_Whately · 1101

Memo to self: swap out Perception for Ethereal Slip ? Would give up a bit of constant utility for big-impact tricks involving movement, engaging/de-engaging enemies, reaching Resign locations, etc