The Necronomicon is Daisy's book of month choice

Card draw simulator

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Daisy - Duality Necronomicon (Deck Guide) 357 294 12 1.0
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An_Undecayed_Whately · 1084

This deck looks like it would be fun for multiplayer! It proceeds in two phases. It starts out focusing on routine clue-finding and staying alive. After 12 XP it pivots to using Eldritch Sophist to reallocate secrets (the tokens) between assets. Lastly it adds the signature card The Necronomicon Petrus de Dacia Translation, which needs those secrets as fuel.

The first thing that XP is spent on is Miskatonic Archaeology Funding. This allows Daisy to assemble all the great Seeker allies who support her stats, deck search, and resources.

There are stat bonuses on Dr. Milan Christopher, St. Hubert's Key, and Whitton Greene. With the upgraded Whitton Greene your base stats can get as high as 5 8 2 2, which is incredible!

Defensive cards are focused on minimizing sanity loss and managing pesky enemies from the encounter deck. Pulling most of the weight is Occult Lexicon/Blood-Rite, which features testless damage and even has card draw as a bonus. Also a Spectral Razor, which can really come in handy against pesky aloof enemies. If all else fails there's evasion with Mind over Matter. To manage sanity loss and the encounter deck there are Ward of Protection, Deny Existence (similar, but no sanity loss), and Fearless.

The resource economy sometimes involves Dr. Milan Christopher or the $2 discount-coupons on the Old Book of Lore (3). But the main income source is the Astounding Revelations. Every time you play a Research Librarian you find a free Astounding Revelation. You'll also likely come across them via the plethora of search cards: Old Book of Lore, Whitton Greene, Calling in Favors, and Eureka!.

If you draw Quantum Flux, consider carefully when to play it. It is useful to recycle the three copies of Astounding Revelation, but be mindful of your signature weakness The Necronomicon John Dee Translation. If at all possible play Quantum Flux before the weakness enters the discard pile, or likely you'll be defeated from sanity loss if you see it twice.

Scrying Mirror can sit in your hand until late game, when you probably have spare hand slots from Daisy's Tote Bag and/or Arcane Enlightenment. The Scrying Mirror lets you see the result from the chaos bag before allocating skill cards. This can guarantee successes in key tests or boss fights. If you have 5 XP to spare by all means swap this out for the similar-but-superior Pnakotic Manuscripts, but I feel there are much more important XP priorities.

Key cards to keep in your opening hand are Occult Lexicon, Old Book of Lore, St. Hubert's Key, Dr. Milan Christopher, and Whitton Greene. If you don't have an Old Book of Lore consider keeping a Research Librarian to search for one on your first turn.

Early XP spending

These aim to improve your basic abilities:

  • 4xp Miskatonic Archaeology Funding is a permanent, so you don't need to swap any cards out. It is key to using the many allies this deck features to search the draw pile and to soak up sanity damage.

  • 3xp Pathfinder swap in for a copy of Deny Existance

  • 3xp Old Book of Lore (3) upgrade only one copy for the secret tokens that provide discounts. [Why upgrade only one? You'll draw the upgraded version half the time anyways, and if you search your deck then it's the obvious choice, saving you 3 xp versus upgrading both]

  • 2xp Whitton Greene (2) upgrade only one copy for the stat bonus and improved search

Later XP Spending

This sets the stage for the The Necronomicon Petrus de Dacia Translation. Here's when the secret tokens take the spotlight! You add 5 cards to your deck (via Ancestral Knowledge) that all feature secret tokens.

The Eldritch Sophist can decode the Archaic Glyphs with no actions by adding his secret tokens to it. Or he can use Encyclopedia as a "battery" to recharge the secret tokens on the other assets once his secret tokens are depleted.

Note that Ancestral Knowledge does much more than just inject 5 cards into the deck. It trickles 5 valuable skill cards into your hand for no actions. It also removes those 5 skill cards from your draw pile, so you're less likely to see them in your opening hand or mulligan. Here's the suggested XP spending for the late campaign:

I started with a barely-playable a deck to feature the Eldritch Sophist. I give much credit to @chirubime for this final list. Check out their XP-heavy deck here: