Elektra (janky or broken?)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Digital*20 · 14

Named after her best friend the true superhero Daredevil lvl 0 (couldn't find any other deck that really (ab)uses it's power at all and only one Alternate Skids build which uses Daredevil & Daredevil in a totally different way)

This is a theorycrafted deck. I haven't tested it yet (so adjustments on non-essential cards might be necessary for playability) and don't know if it's taboo worthy, but let's see what it does. If anybody has improvement ideas feel free give advice.

0) Apologies in advance. There might be spelling or grammar mistakes as I'm not a native speaker.

1) The Combo: It's a rather "convoluted" combo-deck, that with some prep gets any amount of resources, followed by any amount of actions and any amount of testless skill-checks, which should suffice to instantly solve any scenario once set-up. All of this within the recent taboo list. This deck might look like bunch of randomly thrown together pieces but definitely isn't.

2) Taboo List: This deck is taboo list friendly, imho it can function pre-combo as a subpar Wendy deck, that's still viable to play and has its necessary pieces at the low cost of 4XP (5 if you want the second copy of Yaotl for consistency).

3) Some of the cards are absolutely essential and non-optional, so let's dive into the analysis:


Daredevil The cornerstone of this deck. You must never update it or include other rogue skills that might accidently be found with it. Daredevil will discard your whole deck and only leave your weaknesses in your deck. Unfortunately your signature weakness is crippling bad in this case and you must do everything to not draw it. That's why it's a dead card until you can at least leave the Preperation Phase (1XP required/ 2 for more consistency) and get to the Stabilisation Phase (see below)


Enter Yaotl. He can discard cards from the top of deck without triggering weaknesses. Depending on the number of weaknesses left in your deck when you want to start the Combo, you'll need to commit Daredevil during the Mythos phase with 2 weaknesses left, with only Abandoned and Alone left it is sufficient to start during the Investigator Phase, otherwise you can start without Yaotl.

Your deck is now empty, we have finished the preparation phase! This is our starting point, you'll never want to reshuffle your deck. Now we need to stabilize.


Enter Winging It. It can be played from your discard and goes back into your deck to be drawn, so that you can draw a card during the Upkeep Phase until you have stabilized.

Wendy's Amulet must come into play, You should either have it in play, in your hand or discard. If it's in your discard you'll need Scavenging to return it to your hand. Winging It can pull double duty here. AlsoWill to Survive helps making scavenging succeed.

Once Wendy's Amulet is in play, you'll need to get your resource engine going. Every event in your discard can be played without conditions and there actually aren't that many, so you can dig to Easy Mark. Since playing events will fill your deck you might need to reset your deck with Scrounge for Supplies for Daredevil, playing Easy Mark and making any test.

If you have an Easy Mark in your hand or back to back on the bottom of your deck, you'll now enter the Resource Phase. If not you need to use the beginning of the steps below to draw it during upkeep (worst case) then repeat the steps above to get another Easy Mark.

We have finished the preparation Phase and enter the resource Phase


Now Easy Mark will be the top card in your discard. Playing Winging It again so that you have a card to draw. If you have another Easy Mark in hand you can now play Easy Mark, draw the only card in your deck, putting Easy Mark in your deck as its only card via Wendy's Amulet and play Easy Mark from your hand (or top of discard) to start an arbitrary long chain of Easy Marks giving you any amount of resources.

We have finished the resource phase.


Here Versatile and Occult Lexicon come into fruition. You shouldn't have played Occult Lexicon before this phase. If it's in your discard, you can get it into hand via Scrounge for Supplies or Scavenging.

You might need to do some further tricks with Scrounge for Supplies and Daredevil to control your deck and discard, but you will be able to setup the following loop.

Play 2x Swift Reflexes for 2 additional actions. For these actions play in any order 1x Blood-Rite to draw those 2 cards, 1x Scrounge for Supplies to get Daredevil and also 1x Will to Survive to prevent negative effect from tests. You now have spend your additional actions. Play 2x Swift Reflexes from hand for 2 additional actions, putting them on the bottom of your deck. For 1 action test anything using Daredevil to put these 5 events in the discard with both Swift Reflexes on top.

You have now gained 1 Action and reset the loop. -Pure Profit- Costs of the loop can be ignored since you have any amount of resources needed.


Any cards not mentioned above are non-essential. I put in what I thought might help the most. (Mainly additional card draw and Fire Axe + Rise to the Occasion to kill any enemy after you've evaded it)

If you're not playing solo Dark Prophecy, Alyssa Graham and Scroll of Secrets can make your life easier.

Rabbit's Foot and Scavenging would be a natural Upgrades. Drawing Thin, Flare, Scrapper, Quick Learner

You need to be careful to know what you need before you trigger Daredevil which will require some skill.

Upgrade path should be Yaotl->Easy Mark->Versatile as each upgrade enables unlocking the next step thereby strongly improving the deck. When to include the second copy of Yaotl is up to personal preference as it trades consistency for power. I would recommend including Peter Sylvestre for Yaotl and A Glimmer of Hope for Easy Mark when starting the deck. These are good cards for Wendy and easy 1:1 replacements.

Note on Random Basic Weakness. Indebted would be your jackpot weakness followed by Offer You Cannot Refuse and lastly The Tower • XVI for weaknesses that can actually help your deck. On the other side of the spectrum Through the Gates, Amnesia and Drawing the Sign can easily ruin your deck.


Sep 29, 2020 Thanee · 70

This here might be a bit of a problem for your deck or not?

(1.13) Shuffling A Card Into An Empty Player/Encounter Deck A single card cannot be shuffled into an empty player deck or encounter deck via card effect. If this shuffling would occur during the playing or revelation of a card that is typically discarded after it is resolved, such as an event or treachery card, it is discarded. Otherwise, the card remains in its current game area.

Sep 29, 2020 Digital*20 · 14

It is inconvenient, as "Winging it" to stabilize doesn't work. So now you need to make sure to garantuee "Wendy's Amulet" and an event which isn't "Easy Mark" to play at the start of the combo. It just takes longer to assemble the pieces, but doesn't destroy the actual combo, since you no longer shuffle once Amulet is out.

I don't like that ruling, not because it makes this edge case combo deck weaker (I think there is much more broken stuff out there) but because it's counterintuitive and changes "Winging it" et al in a big way while your deck is empty. All the while deck reshuffling protection can still be easily accomplished by playing 2 "Winging it" in about any deck that can do so.