The Dream-Eaters Blind Run #3A: Dark Side of the Moon

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
The Circle Undone Blind Run #1: The Witching Hour 11 3 0 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

Magnificate · 1208

No delays! That means I can publish my blind run the exact day it was played. Let's get right to it, shall we?

Dark Side of the Moon

Jenny begins the scenario at Moon-Forest with alarm level 1 and 1 Mental Trauma.

Pre-Mulligan Hand: Lone Wolf, Intel Report, Perception, Randolph Carter, Unexpected Courage

Opening Hand: Lone Wolf, Switchblade, Switchblade, Enchanted Blade, Intel Report


  • PLAY Lone Wolf
  • PLAY Intel Report (1 clue from Moon-Forest)
    • This location's image is gorgeous. But... weren't the interwar guys well aware that there were no forests on the moon? Doesn't matter, the picture still looks great. I won't have Jenny moving from the location just in case the free evade becomes relevant.
  • Moon-Forest ( Streetwise, , lower alarm level)
    • Jenny plays in the forest. Yes, strictly speaking she's hiding from the various moon creatures, but hide-and-seek counts as playing.
  • Upkeep: draw Lockpicks, 2 resources total, alarm level 0.





Board State Reminder: 8 health, 6 sanity, 8 resources, 0 clues

In Play: Virgil Gray, Lockpicks (3 supplies)

In Hand: Switchblade, Drawn to the Flame, Elusive



  • Mythos: 1/5 doom, Somniphobia (, raise alarm level, Virgil Gray, draw Lockpicks, 3 horror)
    • The game finally punishes me for hogging onto the cards in my hand, but "I'm outta here!" could be useful at the very end of the scenario.
  • Lone Wolf
  • FIGHT with Switchblade (-1, 2 damage to Moon Lizard)
  • FIGHT with Switchblade (, defeat Moon Lizard)
  • INVESTIGATE with Lockpicks ( Streetwise, commit Lockpicks, . 1 clue from The Black Core)
    • Jenny dreamed up a fishing pole and attached some picks as bait. These were dangly and very thus very enticing to a golden crow-fish that lived in the depths. Jenny then flapped her mouth soundlessly and convinced her new fish friend to bring him the actual clue. The two of them still exchange letters from time to time.
  • advance act (Unexpected Rescue)
  • Upkeep: draw Easy Mark, 11 resources total, alarm level 2.




Already? Granted, I was playing without taboo, but Dark Side of the Moon felt too easy. Perhaps the designers were going for that carefree feeling? I haven't drawn them in the game, but such silliness as Cats from Saturn were still lurking in the encounter deck. Still, that clashes with the overall theme of the scenario. In my opinion the two main issues were the alarm level being relatively straightforward to control and the lack of detail in the City of the Moon-Beasts. The backside of an agenda gives us exactly one sentence to describe what should be a pivotal moment of the scenario. "You create a distraction loud enough to separate the pair, then sneak by in order to free the captives." Elaborate! Needless to say, from Jenny's perspective it all went well and there's just one scenario left.

Campaign Log:

Beyond the Gates of Sleep: Jenny parleyed with the Zoogs. The black cat shared knowledge of the Dreamlands. The black cat has a hunch. 0 XP, 1 Mental Trauma.

The Search for Kadath: Jenny forced her way into the temple. Virgil was captured. Randolph eluded capture. The black cat is searching for the truth. 12 XP (Horde of Night, Ilek-Vad, Zulan-Thek, Mt. Ngranek, Nameless Ruins, Celephaïs, Serannian, Temple of Unattainable Desires, City-Which-Appears-On-No-Map, 2 bonus XP), Evidence of Kadath: 10.

Dark Side of the Moon: Jenny travelled to the Cold Wastes. Randolph survived the voyage. 8 XP (Moon Lizard, Light Side of the Moon, City of the Moon-Beasts, The Dark Crater, Temple of the Moon Lizard, Moon-Forest), Evidence of Kadath: 13.