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Card draw simulator

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Brownloaf · 693

I wanted to revisit Jenny a while back so decided to try and put together a deck using a card that caught my eye Crystallizer of Dreams! Like most of my published decks this is more aimed at having fun than being perfectly balanced or especially powerful. That being said I have successfully taken it through The Circle Undone, and it nearly conquered Return to Carcosa. For more info on Crystallizer of Dreams, there's a really good discussion about it on the Drawn to the Flame podcast episode 144 feat Steven from Team Covenant. Anyway on to the deck.....

Off class choices
So firstly I wanted my off-class slots to be generally useful events, which have a double icons. I've leaned more towards clue gathering with these, as this seemed to be the weakness with early plays. I've found "Look what I found!", to be usually more helpful than Working a Hunch which is why there are 2 of them. If either of these cards make it onto the Crystallizer of Dreams, they are ready to get you up to 5 for your next investigation. Perseverance is there to protect you from the encounter deck, once to cancel damage/horror, then to boost the next willpower test. I think depending on the campaign it could be worth while having an extra Perseverance for a Working a Hunch (as it happens my return to carcosa ended when I was stuck against a willpower(3) which I just couldn't pass in time!)

Dr. Elli Horowitz?!?!
Well yes. This is where a stray into the realms of fun over power, but aside from increasing the chances of seeing the Crystallizer of Dreams, there is another really fun reason to include Dr. Elli Horowitz! If you do get the Crystallizer of Dreams on her and then the Guardian of the Crystallizer turns up at just the wrong moment, you get rid of them very easily. Simply get an AOO or let them attack you during the enemy phase. Put the damage on Dr. Elli Horowitz.
Dr. Elli Horowitz leaves play meaning that...
the Crystallizer of Dreams leaves play meaning that....
the Guardian of the Crystallizer leaves play.
Is it a great combo? Probably not, but once down the Crystallizer of Dreams is quite difficult to get rid of, and it sure is fun when it works!!

Rest of the deck
.45 Thompson - really like this for Jenny. She can afford it, and it looks cool!
Dario El-Amin - I've always loved this card, and with Jenny you do quite often hit the 10 resource threshold needed to activate him.
Hard Knocks - There for when the events have run out, Jenny's normally got the money to make it work.
Lone Wolf - What's better than 2 resources a turn? 3 resources a turn!! The deck requires quite a bit of money so it just helps to speed things up a bit.
Coup de Grâce - Great for 3 health enemies, plus double icon.
Decoy,Small Favor, and Intel Report - The services are all great in this deck. A) she can afford them, B) double icons are fantastic for the Crystalizer. (Just don't forget about the AOO!) Speaking of which....
Narrow Escape - I think this is probably my favourite card in the game, and I would include it in any Rogue deck. Add to that it's combo with the Crystallizer of Dreams and it's bonkers!
Swift Reflexes - She can afford it and double Icon. Great!
"Watch this!" - Again she can afford it if this goes wrong, but with the crystallizer in play hitting the 1 over threshold is quite easy.
Unexpected Courage - +2! it's like, "2" better!

Plenty of options here. My favourites include:
Lola Santiago - Absolutely perfect for Jenny, a natural upgrade from Dario El-Amin
.45 Thompson - Again makes sense. Can also lead to a nice little combo with Momentum (see below)
Contraband - great for the Thompson and very good icons for the crystalizer.
Sneak Attack - probably more helpful in multiplayer, but great for the cyrstalizer
Think on Your Feet - handy for Guardian, good if you're rich and can afford to pay the extra for Small Favor and Decoy.......oh yeah, and its got good icons for the Crystallizer of Dreams!
Depending on how well you know the campaign, one or two Adaptable can be great.
And personally I still consider 2xp cheap for Elusive, if you're playing taboo.
Beyond that, I would suggest any of the typical economy cards, Another Day, Another Dollar, Hot Streak, maybe upgraded Hard Knocks
Finally I'd like to recommend Momentum (See favourite moments below).

Favorite moments (minor spoilers)
My top 4 moments using this deck have been....
-As mentioned above the Guardian of the Crystallizer, eliminating themselves, by killing Dr. Elli Horowitz.
-Using Perseverance to prevent being knocked out by horror from Evil Past, putting it on the crystalizer, then committing to immediately to and passing the willpower test.
-I can't remember the exact detail, but something like, fire the upgraded .45 Thompson at weak enemy while swamped, committing Momentum, and chucking a bit of cash on Hard Knocks. Succeeding by 3, triggering the Thompson's ability to hit another enemy. Then thanks to the boost from Momentum, repeating the process with the next action. Total of 8 damage in 2 actions, and didn't require a huge amount of luck to do.
Top moment - possible minor "For the greater good" spoiler. Need to evade a particular enemy engaged with me by 3. Action 1, play Hard Knocks, then Narrow Escape which goes onto the Crystallizer of Dreams. Evade, base 3, +2 from narrow escape's effect, +2 from committing narrow escape, +2 using hard knocks, and pass by exactly 3! sweet!

In conclusion, this deck is probably not for everyone, I just genuinely had a lot of fun playing it, and it did sneak a victory against Azathoth. If this doesn't look like your cup of tea, then I would just strongly recommend trying the Crystallizer of Dreams. It pretty much doubles the effectiveness of all your events, and it's a ton of fun!!


Dec 21, 2019 The Lynx · 972

I really like the Crystallizer of Dreams here but I am still not as sure about the Thompson on Jenny or the lack of relic upgrades (most good ones cost XP) as a backup item for Elli to hold. The problem with the Thompson is what I found playing Jenny when I just had Dunwich. It meant that I had to keep committing resources via Hard Knocks to pass tests and even Jenny ended up poor because of that. The other problem with the Thompson is that it eliminates one of Jenny's best cards in Lockpicks. If I was going the 2 handed weapon route then I would probably go with the Ornate Bow upgrade on Jenny since she can boost within the Rogue cardset quite easily and end up evading at a 5+ and attacking at a 7+ with a lot of skill cards that can be used for .

My latest Jenny deck was centered around Lockpicks, Suggestion(1), Lola Santiago and Alice Luxley(/card/52006). Evade, get a clue and get a free damage with Alice. Not sure if I would go into a campaign solo like it sounds like you played but Jenny could take care of herself very well. I might need to add a little more damage. Maybe some Dynamite Blast.

Dec 21, 2019 Brownloaf · 693

@TWWaterfallsHi there! Thanks for taking the time to leave feedback. I really like the idea of the Ornate Bow, especially as it's the agility icons that seem to be left on the Crystallizer of Dreams at the end of a scenario, bit of a waste. That being said I still really like the .45 Thompson, and it served me well during TCU and Carcosa. I think Lockpicks (as great as that card is) is not essential here. There's enough events in the deck (and their associated icons) to take care of clueing, and then once I've upgraded to Lola Santiago, it's really not a problem, especially in solo. Plus I find the upgraded version of .45 Thompson HUGELY fun to play, even if it's not the best choice always.

I'll be sure to check your deck out, as I've been looking out for a good Alice Luxley deck! Cheers.

Dec 23, 2019 The Lynx · 972

The Thompson is definitely a great weapon but I like to concentrate my trait boosts (both static and skill cards) within two traits (intellect and agility for Jenny). I have found that it improves deck consistancy.

The Crystallizer of Dreams actually synergizes with the Ornate Bow/Rogue decks since there will almost always be some agility icons on it. And I tire sometimes of playing the ammo game and building decks with extra ammo and weapons that need to be played. At least the upgraded Thompson pays you back after using it.