I think it compares somewhat well to Lockpicks.
- No xp cost
- Doesn't exhaust on use
- Gives your investment back and then some
- Ability to commit icons to investigation tests (which are more common than in Rogues)
- No bonus to skill test
- 6 uses only instead of potentially unlimited uses
One thing needs to be said is, if you are banking on Lockpicks to have unlimited uses, then you can mentally add 2 to each skill check difficulty. Then Lockpicks is only better when you have 3 or more (with static boosts added).
Let's also take a look at Flashlight:
Better than Thieves' Kit if your character's ( - ) score is less than 2.
Better than Thieves' Kit against less than 2 shroud locations.
Has half the uses
Cheaper by a single resource
I wouldn't choose Thieves' Kit if:
My investigator only needs to assist clue getting occasionally.
My investigator has less than 4 base
I will have both and static boosts and I plan to have some over-success thing going on
I think Thieves' Kit will see at least as much play as Lockpicks without dethroning it, which is great.
Just don't bother with its upgrade, 3 xp is so expensive for what it provides (+1 skill value and +1 resource return on success).