Hank... Hits... Hard

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ladislaus · 321

A member of a four-player group of investigators exploring The Feast of Hemlock Vale along with Wilson Richards (), Kate Winthrop (), and Alessandra Zorzi ().

Deck Notes

Most importantly, mulligan for a Weapon asset. Next, an Ally asset. Lastly, a base Item asset: Cherished Keepsake [if Madame Labranche's in hand], Leather Coat [if Peter Sylvestre's in hand], or Sparrow Mask. There are no critical or must-have event or skill cards necessary to begin play.

Potential Upgrades (listed alphabetically, not in priority sequence)

The following potential card upgrades [Side Deck] should be considered for this deck. Not all listed cards will be upgraded. This list may change over the course of the campaign.