Jenny Barnes is a cryptobro (or sis) [Deck guide]

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Wini Meenie Money Moe (with deckguide) 91 69 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Jenny Barnes v2 -- barcelona 2022 0 0 0 1.0

minikisto · 765


Philanthropist business woman Jenny Barnes buys artworks, uber-rare exceptional relics and most important a lot of extra-time.


Edge of the Earth expansion creates a new archetype to the Rogue class:

  • Lots (LOTS) of earnings.
  • A shorter deck with Underworld Support (25 cards, just one copy per card).
  • More exceptional cards which synergies with the previous ones.

This archetype makes a perfect fit with the most balanced investigator (at this moment) (all 3´s in the stat-line with good health and sanity) and her ability to earn a couple resources per turn.

At the time the Edge of the Earth expansion was released I didn´t have access to The Dunwich Legacy expansion so I created one deck with almost the same idea but adapted to Wini´s pros: "Wini Meenie Money Moe". That deck had 2 trade-offs: Limited class access and extra resource generation.

With the Jenny Barnes re-release you can paint the Rogue class with some tints of Survivor and Seeker to well-round the final picture.

The idea is simple: Take advantage of Underworld Support which thins your deck to 25 cards and mix it with The Red Clock (2) and The Black Fan in order to increase your probabilities to draw them and void the restriction of the limit 1 per deck. Add some earnings to your bank account with Unscrupulous Loan, Hot Streak (4) and Lone Wolf.

Oh, and with the Jenny Barnes natural ability (2 resources per turn).

Actions and stat-boosting comes for free.


My card pool contains the following sets:

  • Revised Core set + Return
  • The Dunwich Legacy Investigator + Return
  • Starter Decks
  • Edge of the Earth

What makes my brain itch the most is the thing her signature card (Jenny's Twin .45s) is used just to test commiting since they need both hands and breaks the The Black Fan + Gun combo. Maybe (i don´t know) in the following expansions this deck can be boosted with some extra-hand slot for The Black Fan or something. If you can play Jenny's Twin .45s with The Black Fan (even sacrifying Magnifying Glass slot) this deck feels more natural.

Table of contents

  • Overview
  • Main strategy
  • Here comes the money
  • Actions, Actions, Actions
  • Boosting the stats
  • Enemy management and encounter deck
  • Mulligan
  • Your comfortable zone
  • Fine tunning


Difficulty: ★★★☆☆

Enemy management: ★★★★☆

Clueing: ★★★★☆

Encounter deck handling: ★★★☆☆

Survivability: ★★★★★

Economy: ★★★★★

Card Drawing: ★★★★☆

Healing: ☆☆☆☆☆

Main strategy

Let the game flow.

Here comes the money

We are going to be able to generate a lot of cash. With Unscrupulous Loan, Hot Streak (4) and your 5 base resources the net worth scales to 22. Not bad. Add The Red Clock (2) to generate 3 resources each 3 turns for free while gives us some extra juicy benefits. Add Lone Wolf and Jenny´s ability to earn 3 resources each round.

Add Dr. Milan Christopher (tabooed or not).

Gosh, Jenny is now a crypto-bro (or sis).

Actions, Actions, Actions

Once the money is in place, our engine starts to work at full-speed.

This means every turn you have 5 unrestricted actions and lots of cards to add more.

Boosting the stats

The Red Clock (2) will boost (+3) the very first test we will make once per "cycle", The Black Fan will add another +1 to the statline. The Seeker twist adds an extra 2 points to our investigation with Dr. Milan Christopher and Magnifying Glass (now you are investigating with a base stat of 6). You are going to fight at least 2 times per round (potentially 3+) with a base stat of 6 with the Mauser C96 (2) and Quickdraw Holster (while gaining extra resources).

Opportunist (2), Unexpected Courage, Overpower and Perception can boost your tests and Savant upgrades testing to another level (you will be testing with 8).

If things go wrong, you already have Lucky! to get a +2 boost on a failing test and Grit Your Teeth to increase your statline in another point (5 points on each stat in a round!).

Enemy management and encounter deck

Once you have your gun and the Quickdraw Holster enemies won´t be a problem (Backstab will help you too). You can evade them without problems and you can face the encounter deck with some garanties since you have a high statline (4) on both and .

As said before, Ability cards will help you a lot.

Lucky!, Grit Your Teeth and Take Heart will help you too when disgrace appears.


The Red Clock (2) is the center-piece of the deck. Unscrupulous Loan and something to boost your investigation stat will help you a lot in the early game. The Black Fan is a must to keep. If The Black Fan is in our early game, we should wait some turns until we have enough money to get the boosts. Remember you have to install the Mauser C96 (2) before the Quickdraw Holster in order to avoid problems with the Magnifying Glass and The Black Fan.

Your comfortable zone

When the setup is complete you are going to feel comfortable doing everything in the game:

Fine tunning

I was able to finish all the scenarios with 30-40 resources. This means i am generating A LOT more than my needs (everything higher than 10 to protect Unscrupulous Loan or 20 to protect your boost with The Black Fan).

Depending on the version of Dr. Milan Christopher you are playing (tabooed or not) you can avoid Lone Wolf and favor more action-compression with Pilfer or boost your with Hard Knocks.

Ward of Protection may be an auto-include since sanity is not a problem and you get extra encounter deck protection.

Depending if you want an extra punch or clueing you can use Deduction or Working a Hunch or Vicious Blow.


May 13, 2022 SleepyLibrarian · 41

Regarding your brain itch, you could use Bandolier / Bandolier to get Jenny's guns out with the Fan, if you are willing to spend one her off-class card slots and the body slot that way. Maybe Bandolier (0) in the zero-level build of this deck, before you buy into the Quick Draw Holster and better alternative guns?