Play-by-Play #9: Jenny's Blood on the Altar

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Play-by-Play #8: Jenny's The Essex County Express 2 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Play-by-Play #10: Jenny's Undimensioned and Unseen 1 0 0 1.0

Magnificate · 1197

Trauma: 1 Damage, 3 Horror

Location Setup: Village Commons, Burned Ruins, Congregational Church, House in the Reeds, Schoolhouse, Osborn's General Store

Opening Hand: Switchblade, Machete. Ace in the Hole, Emergency Cache, Physical Training

#1: PLAY Machete, MOVE to Congregational Church (Servant of Many Mouths on Village Commons), INVESTIGATE, upkeep (Searching for Izzie (on Osborn's General Store), 2 resources).

#2: Hunting Nightgaunt, EVADE (+3 , pitch Switchblade, exhaust Hunting Nightgaunt), PLAY Physical Training, PLAY Emergency Cache, upkeep (Elusive, 2 resources).

#3: Strange Signs (+3 ), FIGHT (+1 , 2 damage to Hunting Nightgaunt), FIGHT (+1 , defeat Hunting Nightgaunt), INVESTIGATE (clue), upkeep (Mob Enforcer, 2 resources).

#4: Unhallowed Country, RESOURCE (attack of opportunity, 1 damage), Mob Enforcer, Congregational Church (Ancient Evils), MOVE to Burned Ruins, upkeep (Elusive, 2 resources), discard Unhallowed Country.

#5: Eager for Death (2 horror), INVESTIGATE (clue), INVESTIGATE (doom), INVESTIGATE (doom), 2 resources (Leo De Luca, 2 resources).

#6: advance Strange Disappearances, Kidnapped! (2 damage), Burned Ruins (Key to the Chamber), MOVE to Congregational Church, MOVE to House in the Reeds (fizzle), INVESTIGATE, upkeep (Unexpected Courage, 2 resources).

#7: Rotting Remains (pitch Unexpected Courage), PLAY Leo De Luca, INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE (clue), RESOURCE, upkeep (Dr. Henry Armitage), 2 resources).

#8: Kidnapped! (+3 , pitch Dr. Henry Armitage & Elusive), House in the Reeds (The Hidden Chamber), MOVE to The Hidden Chamber, advance Searching for Answers (5 clues), INVESTIGATE (+3 , pitch Elusive, clue), MOVE to House in the Reeds, MOVE to Congregational Church, upkeep (Leo De Luca, 2 resources).

#9: On Wings of Darkness (1 damage, 1 horror, dropped on Village Commons), FIGHT (+2 , defeat Servant of Many Mouths, clue), MOVE to Schoolhouse, RESOURCE, RESOURCE, upkeep (The Red-Gloved Man, 2 resources).

#10: Ancient Evils, MOVE to Osborn's General Store, Searching for Izzie (+3 , success), MOVE to Schoolhouse, upkeep (Lockpicks, 2 resources).

#11: advance The Old Ones Hunger, O'Bannion's Thug, Ace in the Hole, The Red-Gloved Man ( & ), EVADE (exhaust O'Bannion's Thug), MOVE to House in the Reeds, MOVE to The Hidden Chamber, INVESTIGATE (pitch Leo De Luca, clue), INVESTIGATE (pitch Lockpicks), INVESTIGATE, INVESTIGATE, Silas Bishop attacks (2 damage, 2 horror), upkeep (Pantalone, 2 resources).

#12: Unhallowed Country, INVESTIGATE (+3 , pitch Pantalone, clue), INVESTIGATE (+3 , clue), R3.


Campaign Log:

The Gathering: R2. Jenny’s house is still standing!, 8XP (Ghoul Priest, Flesh-Eater, Attic, Cellar, 3 bonus XP)

The Midnight Masks: R1. Jenny interrogated the Masked Hunter, Peter Warren, "Wolf-Man" Drew and Ruth Turner! Herman Collins and Victoria Devereux got away! 8XP (The Masked Hunter, "Wolf-Man" Drew, Peter Warren, Ruth Turner, Graveyard, Northside, Miskatonic University)

The Devourver Below: R1. The ritual to summon Umôrdhoth was broken! 7XP (Victoria Devereux, Herman Collins, 5 bonus XP), Token, 2 Mental Trauma

Carnevale of Horrors: R1. The sun banished Cnidathqua into the depths! 3XP (Don Lagorio, Savio Corvi, Salvatore Neri)

The House Always Wins: R1. O'Bannion gang has a bone to pick with Jenny! Dr. Francis Morgan was kidnapped! 2XP (Clover Club Pit Boss, VIP Area), 1 Psychical Trauma

Extracurricular Activity: R3. Professor Warren Rice was kidnapped! The Experiment was defeated! Jenny rescued Dr. Henry Armitage! 4XP (The Experiment, Orne Library, Dormitories)

The Miskatonic Museum: R1. Jenny destroyed the Necronomicon! 5XP (Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall, Exhibit Hall)

The Essex County Express: R1. 2XP (Engine Car, Parlor Car), -4 Token, 1 Mental Trauma

Blood on the Altar: R3. Jenny banished Silas Bishop! Zebulon Whateley and Professor Warren Rice were sacrificed to Yog-Sothoth! Dr. Henry Armitage, Dr. Francis Morgan and Earl Sawyer survived the Dunwich Legacy! 4XP (The Hidden Chamber, 2 bonus XP)