Exploring Deck: Lady Di, Empowered princess of Arkham

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Valentin1331 · 64549

This deck was created after listening to the Drawn to the flame podcast about Empower Self.

I am exploring here how Lady Di can use Empower Self to boost her X-3-3-3 statline to become truly invincible.

This deck is clunky and long to set up, so not necessarily aimed at being played, but just for the fun of exploring the synergies between cards, and Diana is always a bit long to start anyways...

Why not just boosting your ? Well, this deck also offers the possibility, if you want to move, so have less than 3-4 tests per turn to overshoot your tests.


Get a 6-6-6-6 statline, equaling Berzerk Calvin.

Ways to do it:

• Empower Self/Empower Self/Empower Self gives you the possibility to use your spells on your flat 3 statline for any test and a +2 bonus to one of each. If you play 1 evade, 1 investigate and 1 attack per turn, you are already 5-5-5, but very unlikely.

• Spirit Athame in one hand covers a second +2 per turn on any of your stats.

• Well Prepared can use any Empower Self and therefore give an extra +2 per turn. Get the second copy out there and... you know the drill.

That sums up with Empower Selfx3, Spirit Athamex1 and Well Preparedx1 to a statline of X-5-5-5.

All of this for 8 XP to spend, so doable after the 1st/2nd scenario of a campaign.

• Crystalline Elder Sign will come to get that +1 token (or if you are playing Hard/Expert) to give you that nice X-6-6-6 we are looking for. Your is not necessarily game-changing in that build.

• Finally the classics Dodge/"I've had worse…"/Deny Existence/Ward of Protection/Dark Insight will come and help your willpower to get closer to the point that Willpower treacheries are no issue for you anymore. It may take a while, but worth it.

Other cards:

• Sword Cane gives you 1 damage attack or an evade once per turn to finish off or get away from an enemy. Spirit Athame also gives you one extra 1 damage boosted attack.

• Arcane Initiate gives you the draw you need to consistently set up your game.

• Ever Vigilant gives you action compression to set up your Assets faster.

• Lucid Dreaming allows you to get faster to the 3 different Empower Self.

• Quantum Flux is for when all the charges of the 1st set of Azure Flame and Clairvoyance are gone and discarded via Sacrifice and the new set is in place. As most of your events are going under Diana, your Discard pile is going to be really limited and Arcane Initiate/Lucid Dreaming will give you back your main spells really fast. This comes with cons though: if you use Quantum Flux before you are fully set up, you will increase the time it takes to get all your assets out there.

• Azure Flame/Clairvoyance set of spells instead of the basics because the is sealed so much less likely to proc.

• "I've had worse…" that is basically a Dodge that gives you cash. Also useful to balance the low Sanity due to Arcane Research.

• Deny Existence as a Signature Weakness counter.

• Sacrifice turns those empty Spells into what you need to move asking your cashier's favorite question: Cash or card?.

• Twilight Blade is not intended to be used here except for committing to a skill test.

• Arcane Research will allow you to upgrade those Azure Flame/Clairvoyance and Deny Existence turn your Signature Weakness into a very useful heal.

• Voice of Ra can also be useful before Sacrifice as your is locked, so a tiny bit more chances to proc.

• Relic Hunter if you're playing Easy/Standard for +1 to all your stats.