
Sort. Paradoxe.

Coût: 0. XP: 5.


Rapide. À jouer quand une carte Rencontre ou une attaque ennemie devrait vous infliger l'une des choses suivantes (choisir une option) : défausser des cartes de votre main, perdre des ressources, perdre des actions, subir des dégâts ou subir des horreurs.

Ignorez cet aspect de l'effet. Ensuite, effectuez l'inverse de cet aspect (respectivement piocher des cartes, gagner des ressources, gagner des actions supplémentaires, soigner des dégâts ou soigner des horreurs).

Ilich Henriquez
Dans les Griffes du Chaos #280.
Nier l'Existence


(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)
  • Q: For cards like Deny Existence, "I've had worse…", Delay the Inevitable, etc, do they directly or indirectly work against effects that do not deal damage and horror directly to your investigator (e.g. Snake Bite) or deal direct damage to other things as well as your investigator (e.g. Centuries of Secrets, Ceremony Room)? A: Delay the Inevitable, I've Had Worse and Deny Existence only work when you (aka your investigator) are being dealt damage/horror. If damage or horror is being dealt directly to a card other than your investigator, you cannot use Deny Existence, Delay the Inevitable, or I've Had Worse to cancel/ignore it. This ruling has been overturned and, at the time of updating (27/07/22), we await an FAQ update to bring this ruling in line with FAQ entry 2.12, Interpreting "You" When Taking or Being Dealt Damage. The information we currently have is:

    • According to our current rulings, “you” are “dealt damage” when your investigator or an asset you control is dealt damage.
    • This does mean that, if you activated the ability on Beat Cop while you had Hypochondria in your threat area, “you” would have been dealt damage, and you must then take 1 direct horror.
    • This also means that the previous ruling on Delay the Inevitable and similar cards has been overturned; those cards would count damage dealt to your assets as damage dealt “to you.”
  • Q: If you discard a Curse with Centuries of Secrets, does FAQ 2.12 (Interpreting "you" when taking or being dealt damage) mean that all of the damage, including the direct damage to your allies, counts as damage being dealt "to you"? If so, what happens if you play Deny Existence? Can you ignore the direct damage being dealt to your allies? Can you ignore all of the damage being dealt, or do you have to pick just one of the one-damage hits to ignore? If you use Deny 5 to ignore the direct damage being dealt to an ally, the healing still applies to your investigator card, right? A: We rule that if you were to play Deny Existence (5), you could ignore one of the following effects on Centuries of Secrets: dealing 1 damage to yourself, or dealing 1 damage to one of your Ally assets (not each, unfortunately). Depending on which you ignored, you could either heal 1 from your investigator, or 1 from the chosen Ally.

  • Q: As of recent rulings [see above], we now know Deny Existence (5) can heal damage from allies when they take direct damage from an effect such as Centuries of Secrets, because the "opposite" of an ally taking direct damage is the ally healing that damage. However, what about the case of non-direct damage? Deny Existence triggers "when...[you would]...take damage/horror", so it triggers before the damage assignment process has initiated. Typically, "you" refers to "your investigator card and assets you control", collectively, for the purposes of damage-related effects. Thus, at the time Deny Existence is played, the effect it has triggered on is "you (collectively) would take damage/horror". Then, Deny Existence performs the "opposite" of that effect - so could the "opposite" effect in this case be "you (collectively) heal damage/horror"? In other words, say I have a Beat Cop (2) in play with two damage tokens on him. An enemy with a damage value of 2 attacks me. I play Deny Existence (5); can I heal 2 damage from Beat Cop (2)? A: We rule that in that situation, Deny Existence (5) would be able to heal 2 damage from your ally.

  • Q: When I draw the weakness Offer You Cannot Refuse with 4 resources in my pool, when can I use Deny Existence? Before Offer resolves the upgrade of the weakness or after? If I can play deny, do I still need to upgrade the offer or not? A: If you play Deny Existence (either version) as a response to Offer You Cannot Refuse instructing you to lose 5 resources, then the “If you cannot” sentence of Offer’s ability does not apply. The sentence only applies when you have less than 5 resources at the time of resolving the Revelation and no other way to counter or respond to that effect.

  • Q: How does the “ for each” or “ for every” ruling (2.23) work with a card that allows me to ignore an effect, such as Deny Existence? A: Deny Existence only allows you to ignore a single effect, such as one instance of horror, or one instance of discarding cards. Whether an effect is a “single cumulative effect” or “separate effects” depends on whether the effect forces the investigator to make a choice. For example, Terrible Secret must be resolved as “separate effects”, because the investigator is choosing whether to discard or take 1 horror for each card beneath Diana Stanley. Deny Existence can only ignore discarding one card or taking one horror; it cannot ignore all horror or all cards that would be discarded, as these are separate effects. - FAQ, v.2.1, August 2023

Last updated


Outright the most insane defense card in the game. Very good. If your deck didn't have space for Deny Existence at 0xp then absolutely grab Deny Existence if at any point you're overflowing XP.

The thing that makes this card so good is that it is such an end-all solution to so much pain. Scenarios tend to throw a limited amount of pain your way (a scenario is only going to last so long, you'll only draw so many treacheries and face so many enemies), cards that single-handedly solve a defensive problem are very strong, for the reason that they are very effective for their slot. First Aid for example (probably) completely negates your risk of death from damage or horror (or both), although it will cost you 4 actions and 2 resources. Hallowed Mirror does the same with some slot restrictions and the need to draw the cards, but completely solves either damage or horror as a problem for that investigator or a friend.

Deny Existence not only saves you pain, it removes it! An effect that deals you 2 horror, heals 2 horror instead. This is a swing of 4 horror! Often enough to get you out of the risk-zone for the rest of the scenario. Also this is just a fairly average scenario, the crazy crap that starts to happen when you're negating the loss of resources, instances of 3 horror or damage ETC it can get brutally good. Also note that those other cards are generally doing this in 3-4 actions, Deny Existence is free to play and "fast".

This is the very best emergency button card in the game, barring perhaps only Ward of Protection in the instance where it discards a big enemy.

Tsuruki23 · 2517
Ward of Protection cannot discard enemy cards, only non-weakness Treachery cards. — Ezhaeu · 48
I think he meant to link to Ward 5, not Ward 2 — StyxTBeuford · 12972
Yup :P — Tsuruki23 · 2517

Not a review per say, just a pre-emptive question...

What if you draw a treachery where it is "Lose all resources"

What is the opposite of "all" in this instance, for the purposes of this card technically reversing the effect

Easy if it is something like, lose 3 resources, because it becomes gain 3 resources

Might need a FAQ on this one ASAP

Kire · 5
Adding to this: What about "discarding all but X cards from your hand"? — trazoM · 9
My assumption would be, if it asks you to lose all resources, then "all" = the number of resources you have. So, if you have 5, and it asks you to discard all, it's asking you to discard 5. So, in this case you would gain 5 instead. — Eschaton1 · 1
The opposite would be to gain ALL THE RESOURCES, so you should take every available token. — Azriel · 1
Crap, that previous comment was a joke, and I wanted to skip a like and ended up posting it. In all seriousness though, I think it's best to not overthink it: if it says to lose all resources, just count how much you would have lost. If it says to discard every card except one, just count how many cards you would have actually discarded. I can't see any other way to make this card work with these wordings, so it kinda has to be this. — Azriel · 1
Carolyn is able to play this card, right (but not the 0 xp version)? — Django · 5050
@Django I'm not sure. The looser interpretation is that yes, this card heals horror (even if it's unlikely to do so), so she can take it. A tighter interpretation would say that this card doesn't specifically have the "heals horror" wording mentioned in Carolyn's deckbuilding requirements. Personally, I interpret Carolyn as, "if it heals horror, she can use it," so I'd say yes. — SGPrometheus · 797
But it DOES specifically say " — CSerpent · 126
(fat fingered) it DOES specifically say "heal horror". But I agree anyway -- it can heal horror, she can take it. — CSerpent · 126
@Django Carolyn can take the level 0xp because she can take 0-1 Mystic card. — Cyiel · 1
What happens if you are supposed to lose say, five resources, but you only have one and you play this. Do you gain five resources? Or just the one resource you would have lost? — The1Aaron · 1
I emailed Matt Newman and he confirmed Carolyn can take Deny Existence lvl 5. — Cyggie · 7
@The1Aaron: The effect allows you to perform the opposite of what the encounter card asks you to do. So if the encounter card asks you to discard 5 resources, you do the opposite: gain 5 resources, regardless of how many resources you have in your resource pool. — rednar · 22
How would you rule this card interacting with Realm of Madness and someone having... say... 5 horror? Would they draw cards from their deck until they have a combined printed resource cost of 5? Only keeping cards that have a cost? — Sleffie · 1
I would say you draw until you draw a total of five cost and keep ALL cards, even the zero cost — PanicMoon · 2
Sorry, yeah... the distinction I tried to make was keeping cards that have a cost (even if it is 0), but not keeping skill cards. Or would you say keep those as well? — Sleffie · 1
For future reference: the correct way to resolve it is to pick the cards that you would discard from hand as a result of the effect: 5 resources worth of cards (including as many 0s as you want, but no skills). Then instead of discarding these cards, draw a number of cards equal to the number of cards you would have discarded. If you don't have enough cards in hand to reach the threshold, you still need to discard from play; Deny (5) will not help against that. — suika · 9370
And you would take 2 horror afterwards if you only chose cards in your hand (: — AlderSign · 236

I love this card. It's a catch-all defensive titan against so many different treacheries, particularly ones that cause you to lose resources or cards. A resource drain turned into a resource gain. It prints so much free economy you think hyper-inflation would kick in. If you're running low on health or sanity, this card suddenly tops you right back up, in better shape than before. Toss it on Dayana Esperence and suddenly you'll never have to worry about the mythos deck taking anything away from you for a while. This card has turned many dire situations into ones that incur one of the best feelings in Arkham LCG. The one where you smile at the Mythos deck and use its dastardly plans to play into your favor. This card is a turnabout machine, and can cost a middling 2 xp to upgrade between Down the Rabbit Hole and Arcane Research. I strongly consider this card in any investigator that has access to it, and it's a personal favorite whenever I get the pleasure of using it.

I largely agree, but the current rule about “for each / for only” often limits this card it to only canceling (and reverse) one damage, horror, discard, or resource loss. I think some players are choosing to simply ignore that rule, which I understand. But with it in place, 5 XP for a card that still won’t prevent me from dying to a horror or damage treachery in many cases is a lot to ask. — Holy Outlaw · 261
I suppose the main problem of this card is besides the rule "for each" is, that the level 0 version is quite as good as the 5 xp version. Also neither version of deny existence helps with effects from locations. — Tharzax · 1
But location cards are encounter cards, no? (from arkhamdb rules page: "Encounter Cards" vs "Scenario Cards" (added in FAQ, section 'Card Ability Interpretation', point 2.15) These two terms are used interchangeably to mean any non-player card used in a scenario, such as the contents of the encounter deck, locations, acts, agendas, the scenario reference card, etc.) — Gsayer · 1
Missed that. We just don't checked it. Thanks for the info. — Tharzax · 1
Afaik, the "for each" rule only takes place if there is a decisión. — Jota · 6
To explain it better, deny only works for 1 horror in crisis of faith, but it can cancel all 3 horror of rotten remains — Jota · 6
Deny Existence only works for 1 point if the effect has “multiple steps, a choice, or other contingencies.” Examples of treacheries they have ruled to not be ignorable by Deny Existence include Diabolic Voices, Terror Under the Pyramids, Swarm of Locusts, Terrible Secret, The Madness Within, Ruined Film, Chill From Below. — Holy Outlaw · 261
Not quite, you are right, that it does not work in full on a card like "Terrile Secret", but "Diabolic Voices" is resolved simultaniously. They also confirmed that in the FAQ: Q: I draw Diabolic Voices and I fail the test by 3 with 5 cards in my hand, including 1 Deny Existence. If I play Deny Existence at this point, how many cards can I ignore to discard? A: If you fail Diabolic Voices by 3, you can use Deny Existence to ignore all three of the discards, because the effect is “resolved simultaneously.” — Susumu · 360
They reversed that. — Holy Outlaw · 261
The Diabolic Voices ruling referenced isn't from the official FAQ but from the email account. It appears on the Diabolic Voices card page as 2+ years old (https://arkhamdb.com/card/05092). The ruling that they cannot be canceled at once was in the official FAQ document more recently (https://hallofarkham.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/ahc_faq_v20-compressed.pdf). Neither ruling is in the current FAQ. I have sent an email requesting an update and will post here if I get an answer. — Holy Outlaw · 261