Joe Diamond - Solo Return to Undimensioned and Unseen

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Joe Diamond - Solo Return to Blood on the Altar 0 0 0 1.0
Inspiration for
Joe Diamond - Solo Return to Where Doom Awaits 0 0 0 1.0

unremb · 251

Spoiler Warning

Return to the Dunwich Legacy solo (Standard difficulty):
Disclaimer: semi-blind run - several decisions within the game as well as in deck-building is done with prior knowledge of the Campaign in mind.
Though this is my first run on Return and with Joe Diamond.

Decided to go with 2x Studious.

Return to Undimensioned and Unseen:

2x Studious helped ensure that I had a good starting hand, though the problem became resources.
Luckily managed to dig up Crack the Case which let me afford the necessary boosts to .
Almost lost the game at the very end - 1 sanity left and I forgot to account for the effect (1 horror), should have played safe and moved away with Pathfinder and tried again the following turn.

Game Begins: Put Ace of Swords in play

Scenario Ends ( R2 : 5VP )
no brood escaped into the wild.