Joe Diamond seeks knowledge

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

matt88 · 3007

Hey guys! This is my first attempt at building a taboo-friendly deck and it's also my first attempt at building a Joe Diamond deck. The deck is meant to be played on Standard difficulty, but there's no particular reason why it wouldn't work on hard.

The deck has nothing really out of the ordinary other that we 're running Hallowed Mirror and Mr. "Rook". I think that both of these cards are very valuable for Joe Diamond. Hallowed Mirror is really good in a taboo-friendly Joe Diamond because without Higher Education some horror hits are inevitable (especially if you 're playing on hard) and it can give you more value from your allies (particularly Beat Cop (2)). It can also be used to heal damage from yourself or even help your allies. Mr. "Rook" is crazy good in Joe for the simple fact that Joe has one fewer weakness in his deck than other investigators. In this particular build, Mr. "Rook" is great to get your weapons faster and it synergizes incredibly well with Hallowed Mirror, as it can get you both that and the Soothing Melodies.

What's up with Strange Solution? It gets upgraded to Acidic Ichor of course! Joe is arguably the best Seeker to use it! Why? Because he has more combat options and he can support it better than other Seekers do. For Joe, this card basically acts like a 1-cost Lightning Gun that doesn't take up handslots! What else would you want? The difficult part here is how we get the identification. But the deck is equipped with options to get this issue covered: We 're packing lots of skill cards with icons. So throwing one of these or a combination of them when attempting to do the identification will do the job (even on hard).


Mandatory (in order)


There are a lot of options with what to do your XP after that point. You can really buy whatever you like, but here are some options:


The deck is very simple to run so there isn't much to tell here:

The Hunch Deck

The hunch deck consists of:

Crack the Case and Logical Reasoning should never go into your hunch deck. These 2 cards need to be in your hand so that you have more control over the timing of playing them and you need to have them when you need them. If you make any upgrades on Insights you should replace relevant cards. For example if you get Deciphered Reality replace Scene of the Crime or Evidence!. If you get Glimpse the Unthinkable replace No Stone Unturned or Preposterous Sketches. But at any case, keep Crack the Case and Logical Reasoning out of the hunch deck.

Side Note: The XP requirement of this deck is quite low (as soon as you get the mandatory upgrades you 've got all the power you need) so this deck is suitable for all sorts of campaigns. If you play in Dunwich, instead of removing .45 Automatic for Death • XIII, remove Enchanted Blade. That's so that you have less trouble dealing with Avian Thrall and Conglomeration of Spheres.

And... that's all folks! Hope you liked the deck! If you try it out let me know how it went! :)


Aug 21, 2019 jaunt · 18

Mr. Rook is great in Diamond, due to his character weakness being in a completely different deck.

Also, you missed 2x hunches in your hunch deck. It should probably include 2x Evidence!, since the rest are things you say never to put in the hunch deck.

Aug 21, 2019 matt88 · 3007

@jaunt Yeah, I edited that in. Thanks for noticing.