Yorick the stoic warrior. (Multiplayer, Trio).

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Tsuruki23 · 2508

A real simple chaff killer, built to outlast big villains rather then crushing them with big guns. Made for a teamup with Ashcan and Finn.

The first set of upgrades is Knife and Enchanted Blade Timeworn Brand and "Look what I found!"Elder Sign Amulet.

After that just up the luxuries, Vicious Blow, Emergency Cache, Lucky!, Beat Cop. Guard DogBeat Cop.

The trickiest choice is, Cornered or Eucatastrophe first? The former is great for flexing assets on skill tests, the latter is, godlike but expensive.

Just stay still, gather money and cards, then when the other 2 get in trouble head out and take the trouble onto yourself.

Absolutely do try to beat Guardians of the Abyss ASAP and go for the Khopesh of the Abyss, its AMAZING for Yorick. Incidentally John & Jessie Burke are great on him too.

If I were to make 2 changes to this base deck, perhaps i'dd do "Look what I found!"Leather Coat and Physical TrainingDrawing Thin. It struggled a bit with cash and cards but since it literally NEVER tried to pick up a clue till I started using Eucatastrophe I spent every action that wasnt fighting or heading into trouble on drawing cards and getting money.

Oh, lastly, try to find space for Reliable once you got Timeworn Brand, it's a great combo.

The team decks:

Finn the problem solver. (Multiplayer, Trio)

Ashcan's artifacts. (Multiplayer, Trio).