Sister Mary - Seeking the Empty Vessel (21 xp)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Ramun · 431

Note: Rite of Seeking, Ward of Protection and Spectral Razor are upgraded into Rite of Seeking(2), Ward of Protection(2) and Spectral Razor(2) for free using 2 copies of Arcane Research. I put them in the side deck to reflect the real xp cost of the deck.

I have been wanting to build around Empty Vessel for a while and was surprised to see no deck on ArkhamDB using it in Sister Mary, so there it goes. Naturally the deck is combat oriented to kill enemies and fill Empty Vessel with charges, however there are some decent clueving options as well.

For combat we use a combination of Holy Spear and event cards Radiant Smite, Spectral Razor and Toe to Toe. Vicious Blow can be committed to all these cards to adjust damage output, and Cat Mask can boost skill value if we need to reach high numbers.

It may seem scary to use Toe to Toe with our low health but survivability should be ensured by Deny Existence, Soothing Melody and Wish Eater. Also, we can arrange to use the enemy attack to kill Arcane Initiate before the agenda advances.

For clueving we use Drawn to the Flame and Rite of Seeking(2). Drawing an encouter card from Drawn to the Flame is actually not so bad as we are looking for enemies to fill Empty Vessel. Rite of Seeking(2) shines even more if Wish Eater is in play, as it completely negates the downside of drawing a symbol token (except ), opening up the option to investigate as first action without fear.

Depending on the circumstances, Winds of Power can be used to recharge Wish Eater or Rite of Seeking(2)

Backpack gets our core item assets, Arcane Initiate gets our spells, and Glory provies some additional card draw. 2 copies of Emergency Cache should be sufficient for economy as the deck is quite low on ressource cost.

Finally, in case we had some leftover xp we could go for Hallowed Mirror(3), Emergency Cache(2) and Vicious Blow(2) as luxury upgrades.