|| "Ashcan" Pete - It's a Trap!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Crunckus · 71


Parallel Pete offers a support/flex playstyle that has a unique way to deal with enemies and is one of the few investigators who can make good use of On Your Own. After a playthrough to test the deck (and realizing I played Makeshift Trap very wrong), I decided to do an updated version of this deck.


Use Will to Survive for chaos-less tests and recur it infinitely with 2xResourceful and True Survivor. Reduce the cost of this pricey combo with On Your Own. Use Makeshift Trap and Pete's Guitar to quickly and easily get non-elite enemies out of your way.


Without any upgrades, we use our Machete, Dynamite Blast, and Grievous Wound to deal with enemies, although pushing them away does give us resources and horror soak, so don't be afraid to let them chill out and enjoy the music to save your actions.

With our 2, we have to use the typical survivor tricks to get clues. Flashlight, Matchbox, and Map the Area reduce the shroud of locations, and "Look what I found!" and Lucky! let us get there if we are close. Kicking the Hornet's Nest gets us a testless clue, plus some resources, plus an enemy to enjoy our music. Trial by Fire can also bump our measly 2 to a seeker-level 5.


This deck is based mostly around On Your Own, so that is a priority upgrade. We have a handful of events that this can discount for us. Some are level 0, but some are not, so True Survivor and Will to Survive are another priority upgrade.

Since we can bring back our Makeshift Trap with our ability (as long as it doesn't explode), we use that as a main way to corral enemies along with our guitar. We start with the Net upgrade from In the Thick of It, and the Poison upgrade lets it start actually doing damage, so that is a very high priority upgrade. Remote Configuration is really good as it saves us from having to move, and with 1XP left to spend, might as well grab the Extended Timer.