Blink Charlie Goes Brrrrrrr

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

vercingix · 174

Hello all!

I don't know if this is a well-established archetype or not, but this is an attempt at building a Charlie deck focused on reusing enters plays effects. I think this has potential, but may spin its wheels too much without accomplishing anything. I'd welcome any feedback or criticism.

The idea is to use A Chance Encounter, Calling in Favors, and Hit and Run to play Art Student, Laboratory Assistant, Medical Student, and Jeremiah Kirby multiple times for their effects. Most cards are even, to maximize Kirby's effect, and there are no skills for the same reason.

Other card choices;

Additional/Alternate choices I built this deck for running solos limited to 29 XP, but were I to invest more points, the number one pickup would be The Red-Gloved Man.

Alternate inclusions;

  • Guard Dog or Guard Dog- More enemy management. Left out because of odd cost.
  • Fire Axe, Mariner's Compass- Not sure how often this deck will be out of resources, but these could be strong additions to fighting and investigating, respectively.
  • A Chance Encounter- I used the level 1 version because it's cheaper and synergizes with Scrounge for Supplies, but the lvl 2 version may be stronger, especially if combined with;
  • Summoned Hound- Another powerful way to boost Charlie's stats. The weakness can be avoided by bringing it into play with A Chance Encounter.
  • Geas- I think this deck can get away with not committing cards.

I'm sure this can be improved on, but I look forward to any feedback I get.
