So We Can Scavenge Spells Now

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SorryLaurie · 567

This is less of a deck guide and more a showcase of an interaction between the event The Raven Quill, which has the item trait, and Scavenging which let's us play any item card from our discard pile. Normally this interaction is reserved for item assets because the overwhelming majority of item cards are already assets; however, with the Supernatural upgrade on The Raven Quill, as long as a spell asset was named as part of its effect, you can scavenge the quill from your discard pile to replay the spell from anywhere in your deck, hand, or discard pile. Naturally, that will also mean you need to plan on discarding the asset from play at some point.

This combo is only available to investigators with access to both level 2 survivor and level 2 seeker cards, which currently includes Lola, Minh, Darrell, and Charlie. Between the four, Minh seems like the clear choice for spell access, ease of drawing the combo, and lack of action restrictions that Lola has to deal with. Being able to level the quill further is also helpful. You can also choose to go with Scavenging (0) if you want more investigator options, but that will mean losing an action to replay the Raven Quill.

For the named quill asset, I chose Archaic Glyphs, which is a spell that naturally has limited charges, conveniently has the tome trait at level 0, and is something you can always make use of as a clue getter.

Divination is an easy choice for a second arcane card. Along with Dream Diary, it can be named as the second and third attachments with Endless Inkwell and fills a similar role to Archaic Glyphs. The major downside to this is that scavenging out Raven Quill, then having to pay its cost on top of the spell asset is not cheap, so we're running Schoffner's Catalogue, Crack the Case, Cryptic Writings, and Dr. Milan Christopher to help generate passive resources.

Dream Diary is an easy choice since it works with both Minh's signature and Archaic Glyphs, which is not news to anyone.

I am far from the first person to point out that The Raven Quill has the item trait, so I'd be curious to hear if other people have found nice spells that interact with scavenging here.


Jun 23, 2023 Valentin1331 · 64345

Yeaaaah I have been working for weeks on a similar option, and was hesitating to release it in my series.

I like your targets better than what I have done, it looks really strong!

Jun 23, 2023 Weges · 86

Unearth the Ancients (2) would also do wonders for resources & play actions!

Jun 23, 2023 HungryColquhoun · 6716

Looks good! I've also had similar thoughts for a deck.

Were you tempted at all to go for Short Supply? With Backpack and Salvage plus Resourceful you'd have quite a lot of options to get at Archaic Glyphs (Resourceful gets Scavenging if both Archaic Glyphs and both Raven Quills are discarded, Backpack gets the Raven Quill which can play Archaic Glyphs from your discard pile, Salvage gets discarded Backpack if you don't have Archaic Glyphs and both copies of Raven Quill are in your deck, etc. etc.). Pairing base Scavenging with Scrounge for Supplies can be a consideration too. I've found this kind of combo works really well for getting key assets into play turn 1, but is naturally a bit of a commitment in terms of deck space.

I did design a Minh deck around this core (focusing on item assets like Fingerprint Kits rather than Archaic Glyphs) but couldn't quite manage to make it click.

Jun 23, 2023 Seamus · 320

Unfortunately the catalogue doesn't help pay for the Raven Quill as it can only pay for item assets, and the quill is not an asset.

I tried the same concept in a Vincent Lee deck. Didn't really work out for me (partly because of doomed being my random weakness, but also the deck wasn't focused enough)

Jun 23, 2023 zfan2614 · 1

That is a great idea! I also design a Lola deck with Archaic Glyphs and Scavenging, but I use the effect of Glyphs to play assets.

Here is my deck:

Flashlight 2 Ice Pick 2 Old Keyring 1 Scroll of Prophecies1 Archaic Glyphs1 (Marking of Isis) Dream-Enhancing Serum1 Eon Chart2 Astral Mirror1 Granny Orne1 Leo De Luca1 Scavenging2 Schoffner's Catalogue2 At a Crossroads2 Deny Existence2 A Test of Will2 Shed a Light2 Read the Signs2 The Raven Quill2 named Archaic Glyphs (I choose Living Quill, Spectral Binding, Endless Inkwell named Scroll of Prophecies, and Energy Sap) Enraptured2 Gumption2 Perception*2

Charisma1 Charon's Obol1 Geared Up1 In the Thick of It1 Short Supply*1

(If you can) Another Day, Another Dollar2 Studious2

Jun 23, 2023 SorryLaurie · 567

@HungryColquhoun I avoided short-supply in the immediate term because of the desk space issue you mentioned. I might try it out later once I figure out where to cut.

@Seamus Good callout. Might opt to go with Antiquary later, Astounding Revelation is also an option since replaying Quill does trigger a search. Unearth the Ancients was also suggested above as a third option. Shame about Schoffner's Catalogue though.

Jun 24, 2023 subzerojo · 288

Backpack (0 & 2) can Tutor for Raven Quill!