- NB: ArkhamDB now incorporates errata from the Arkham Horror FAQ in its card text, so the ArkhamDB text and the card image above differ, as the ArkhamDB text has been edited to contain this erratum (updated August 2022): Erratum: The purchase restriction on this card should be replaced with the keyword: "Researched." - FAQ, v.2.0, August 2022
Journal des Rêves
Rêves d'un Enfant
Soutien. Main
Objet. Livre. Charme.
Coût: 2. XP: 3.
Étudié. Tant que vous avez au moins 8 cartes en main, votre Essence Onirique gagne .
Quand votre tour débute : cherchez Essence Onirique parmi vos cartes liées et ajoutez-la à votre main.

Bonded Cards
- Essence of the Dream (The Search for Kadath #113)
Cartes en relation
- Dream Diary: Untranslated (The Search for Kadath #112)
- Dream Diary: Dreams of an Explorer (3) (Point de Non-Retour #236)
- Journal des Rêves: Rêves d'un Fou (3) (Point de Non-Retour #237)
(from the official FAQ or responses to the official rules question form)Reviews
This looks fantastic for Minh Thi Phan with Analytical Mind.
Not only is Minh more likely to interpret the dreams successfully over the course of a scenario (with the need to over-commit for The King in Yellow), Minh can effectively give a +2-5 (possibly +6/7 with Grisly Totem (3)) boost to any skill test for any investigator each round, with greater flexibility over turn order as well as the option to save it for the next round.
With Dream-Enhancing Serum, Minh should easily be able to reach and hold 8+ cards in her hand each round.
Unfortunately, it will take up one of her hand slots which is generally reserved for Ancient Stone (4) and The King in Yellow, albeit the latter being involuntary.
I can also see this doing well in a Daisy Walker deck.
Any other suggestions on who else it would be good with?
This card is insane with Amanda, I always take 2 copys, no matter what.
It gives you a free card every turn. A card that she can commit under her, or unto test at her leisure. She can't commit it under her unless she starts the investigation phase with it, but it's still really good.
When I build with this card, I run it with charisma,so I can have both Dr. Milan and laboratory assistant, And arcane enlightenment, so I have a max hand size of 11, and 2 free hand slots for mag. glass. It works really well when it's the mythos phase, and you come across a test you aren't prepared for, commit a ???? Essence, pass that test, and watch with glee as it returns to your hand when your next turn starts.
Stupid bonkers, I love it.